Start Fresh

Amelia and Mia went into 'Silver Inn' 

Soon they were guided towards their seat in a private room.

"Do you think she will come?" Amelia asked. Her gaze constantly looking at the door eagerly waiting.

"She will. Uncle had specifically called her." Mia was confident. Mia knew no matter what relation the family had now, the respect her Uncle had in their eyes, will never change.

"Here she is." Mia got up from her seat as she moved towards the incoming person. "Clara .."

Mia and Clara hugged each other as Clara's gaze moved inside the room as she saw Amelia standing there.

"I didn't know Amelia would be here as well." Clara smiled. "It is a good surprise."

Amelia and Mia smiled but none of them replied. Soon everyone settled down and order's were made.