Like a Mother

After the short but eventful talk, we all agree to pay the King a visit together and ask about Shino's idea. She and the others go outside to wait for me while I grab a few more bites of the breakfast that's been interrupted by their visit and then change into my adventurer getup with the help of my lovely girls.

Without further ado, we leave the premises of the mansion and head to the castle as a group. I walk on the front with Shino and Marcia on my sides, both actively chatting with me about random things. Natalie joins us too and hangs out by Shino's side, as expected. She doesn't really join the conversation but you can tell that she's listening.

I was a little anxious about this weird development of all the girls in the party walking around me, but glancing back at Kamil and Paul doesn't really confirm any of my fears. The former doesn't look annoyed or anything while the latter isn't paying that much attention to anyone in particular, lost in his thoughts about who knows what.

Shino feels a little guilty for disrupting my meal and we stop to grab some snacks in a small bakery. The scent of various freshly baked goods is just incredible and each of us gets something to slowly consume for the rest of the trip.

No surprise I get seduced by a very enticing garlic baguette and share half with Shino. I swear these things make nothing of my godly Charm Resistance. I don't think anything exists that could potentially fight against their unimaginable power.

For the rest of our trip to the castle, the four of us—three if we don't count the silent Natalie—chats about the stuff that happened to me after we had split initially since Marcia is extremely curious about the details of how things came to their current state. We did talk some about it during our past meetings, but she drills me for much more details this time.

I manage to cover pretty much all the important parts before we reach our destination. Of course, simplifying some bits or skipping the more sensitive information that should stay only in my close circles. I do consider them quite close, but they don't really reach the level of my very close girls or a few friends.

Additionally, as we walk through the city, some people naturally recognize the Heroes they must have heard about a few times or seen here and there. The more surprising thing, mostly for the others, of course, is that more passersby seem to know me. For an obvious reason.

While it's possible to spot when someone figures out their identities, with mine there's no need to assume it. Some customers, both male and female, throw verbal greetings at me as we pass them, often nodding their heads in a polite way. I'm getting recognized even in my adventurer gear now. It's quite a step forward. Marcia looks very intrigued by these quite common happenings.

We are let through the gates without any issues and one of the guards runs off to inform the servants about our visit and request for an audience if the King is available. In the meanwhile, we wait in the practice area. Shino wanted to spar with me and I don't have a reason to refuse.

I'm obviously nowhere near her level, but we spend around twenty minutes clashing against each other—me with my mesmerizing blade, shaped into a nodachi, and Shino with her signature katana. Knowing a few of her abilities, I'm able to react in time after noticing the cues of their activation thanks to my heightened senses. This allows me to put up at least some resistance.

Fortunately, Shino isn't aiming for a complete beatdown or testing her limits on me but openly shares pointers and tips as we spar, stopping from time to time to speak uninterrupted. During these brief pauses, I catch the others staring at us slightly in disbelief. Especially Kamil.

I think we might be moving a little bit fast and it's the first time he can properly observe those moves. During our duel, he might have perceived it a little differently. All that adrenaline and battle rush.

Anyway, we continue until a maid comes to get us, informing us that the King agreed to the meeting and awaits our arrival. I notice that my mastery of katana-like blades has risen by a humongous three levels just from trying to incorporate Shino's teachings into my movements. I wonder if she's that good of a teacher or I just have quite decent compatibility with it.

We fix our appearances a little, I ease our fatigue with Rejuvenate, causing a blissful smile to appear on Shino's face as the pleasant mana does its work inside her body, and then follow the servant to the meeting chamber. Shino stealthily sneaks a peck on my cheek as we walk behind everyone, with a faint blush covering her face as she glances away. I don't think she is aware that both Marcia and Natalie have noticed the action but let's leave it at that.

After the maid opens the door for us while courteously bowing, we enter the room with Ross already inside, dressed in his more casual but still royal clothes and sitting in a comfy armchair.

"Welcome again! Looks like we are seeing each other quite frequently recently. And everyone is present this time. That's actually rare," he speaks first as we sit down around the coffee table.

"Almost everyone. Vanessa-san is now part of the party too," Shino corrects him.

"Ah. My apologies. I hope she can rejoin you soon then." He shows a wry smile.

"I'm fairly sure there won't be a problem with that. It's not like I'm exactly coming back as a core member of the Heroes group." I nod at him and Ross seems to catch my drift, remembering that I have clearly taken some actions regarding the issue with Vanessa.

He rubs his chin while nodding back. "Good. That's good. I mean, the no problem part, of course. It would be even better if you were to reunite completely, but I'm not going to force you into anything."

"It's fine. Perhaps if not for all the responsibilities I have accumulated over the last few months, I would have considered properly coming back to the team. Things are also a little better between us than in the past." I give Kamil a brief glance and he makes a slightly uncertain nod. "But, we are here partially regarding that. What are your plans for them currently?"

"Hmmmm… Not much to be honest. There aren't any critical reports about any serious outbreaks and we have even managed to close two small gates thanks to your intel so it's just a few ideas of locations they could visit to gain some more experience or just travel around to relax a little. Why? Do you have something in mind?"

I peek at Shino and she smiles at me softly before turning to the King.

"If it would be okay, I wanted to suggest something."

He nods. "Of course. Go on."

"We have learned that Sensei is going to travel soon to escort someone and I thought it would be a good opportunity to go together. It would be our first quest with everyone from the old party present. And I'm sure we would be able to gain from it too." Shino presents her request with a little hint of anxiety on her adorable face.

I gently grab her hand and brush her skin with my thumb. There's no need to get so nervous. She most likely gets my intention through our bond and a bit of rosiness surfaces on her cheeks as she still stares at the King, somewhat less tense now.

Ross moves his gaze onto me and I nod, confirming that everything is fine on my side. He also seems to notice my little gesture and smiles knowingly. I slightly squint my eyes at him. He better not be thinking anything silly or we'll see who will be the smug one after he pays us a visit again.

The King shudders visibly and clears his throat before facing Shino again.

"I don't see any reasons to not agree to this. I would be happy to give you a chance to spend some time together. I also believe this can be beneficial for both sides. If Alastair is fine with your company during that operation, then I have nothing to say here. It's his own expedition and I'm only lending a hand with some small bits."

Shino instantly glances at me with a wide smile and I wink at her.

"Alright. We'll most likely depart tomorrow since most of the things on my side are ready. I was going to come to you to ask if we could get some accurate maps of the kingdom which would be a great help to our guides," I inform him.

"Not a problem. I store a few good ones in one of my personal chambers. We can get them after the meeting if you don't mind. They aren't anything special so I can lend them to you if you would like."

I nod. "I appreciate it. There's something we need to talk about anyway so let's do exactly that."

Ross notices my knowing smile this time and his eyes widen for a second. "Ah, yes. We should make sure to discuss such important matters in a suitable environment."

He definitely knows what I want to talk about just from this. What a pervert. And a man of culture.

Paul saves us from any uncomfortable questions by joining in. "We have received a slightly bigger magical storage from Alastair now and I wanted to ask if it would be possible to request some more supplies and gear. We can now store more of them and I think we could use more practical equipment and consumables."

The King glances at me curiously and I just shrug. It's not like I have to report to him about all the little things I get. And I might have forgotten to mention those.

"How big exactly?" he asks Paul.

"Around a three-story building."

Ross' eyes almost bulge out from surprise. I don't think even his personal artifacts have so much space inside. These were quite rare since they aren't that easy to make in the current age. Mostly due to the scarcity of the proper material and the fact that it can be found in quite dangerous places. One could say that they are high-level areas, considering the strong beasts and monsters. So far, both I and Shino's team had it quite chill with the exception of the few strong Abyssals.

The King fixes his expression in a flash and nods. "We'll naturally see what can be done. If you have anything in mind, please speak freely. We are obliged to provide you with as much support as we can."

"Thank you. If it wouldn't be too much, could I perhaps ask someone to show us, or just me, around the storages and warehouses? It would be easier to make a list while knowing what can be actually picked."

"I will see to it. Someone will pay you a visit soon after we end here and guide you through the items we can provide you with. Don't be afraid to ask them about anything. They will let you know if something isn't available to be taken."

Paul courteously bows his head. "Thank you again for this opportunity."

Ross casually waves his hand at him. "No need to be so official."

"Alright. To not prolong this unnecessarily, let's wrap this meeting up if no one has anything else to mention or ask." I look over everyone present in the chamber and then refocus on Ross after only silence answers me. "We all still have some preparations to take care of on our respective sides so let's set the departure date as tomorrow around eleven in the morning."

Everyone nods and we start getting up. Paul, Kamil and Marcia leave first. A little less shy with just her best friend and Ross present around, Shino steps closer to me and I lean down to leave a tame kiss on her adorable lips. She then hastily escapes with Natalie in tow.

After the two of us are left alone, Ross turns to me with his brows slightly raised.

"So… That thing we need to discuss…"

I chuckle and shake my head while bringing a certain big and thin album with a fancy golden text on the black leather cover, showing the name of a certain place. I throw it at him and Ross opens the thin book after a moment of uncertainty, tinged with a note of expectation.

He flips through the pages one by one and stops at a certain section, which causes his brows to rise even more. A smile gradually makes its way onto his lips while he is clearly attempting to fight against it, failing miserably.

"I hope that your friends will be satisfied with the selection. It's not that wide, but it's something at least."

Ross moves his eyes off the pictures of a few Beastkin ladies and closes the menu card abruptly, clearing his throat again.

"I can assure you that no one will find anything to nitpick on with such an incredible lineup. You are open tonight, right?"

"Yeah. Feel free to come at any time. I'll let the girls know."

He glances to the side. "Whatever could you mean? But, I'll definitely pass this information onto the interested people."

"Come on. I'm pretty sure everyone and their mother knows who those people are. It will be easier if we just drop this. Really." I throw in a little hint but it doesn't look like he has noticed the subtle clue.

Ross sighs and scrunches his face. "Eh, fine. It was fun though, no?"

"Maybe at first. The longer the joke runs, the more cringy it gets. I believe we've had enough. It's not like I will rat you out to some random people. Or your mother."

An awkward smile makes an appearance on his face. "Yeah. Definitely. Thanks."

Oh well. He still suspects nothing. I guess this is the equivalent of a teenager making himself believe that his parents still don't know he watches porn or takes a wank during the horny phase. He most likely still thinks Lianne isn't aware of him knowing about her condition. Let's leave both of these things at that then.

"Anyway, before you get your highly anticipated dose of catgirls, we still have a few other things to take care of. First, let's start with the actual issue—Lord Jericho's drug and the consequences of his son's actions."

Ross gestures at me and we sit down again. He places the menu card aside and supports his chin with his joined hands.

"I assume you spoke to the man. Do you need me to do something about it? I can already tell you that it will be troublesome, but I can start figuring some things out slowly."

I shake my head. "No need to take any action against him. Lord Jericho is a good man. Perhaps a little neglecting when it comes to raising his son, but his intentions weren't that bad. He did turn a blind eye on a bit too much though. Nevertheless, I don't want you to put any pressure on him just for me."

"Alright. Anything else then? I don't think you would just bring him up randomly."

"Yes. We managed to find common ground and agreed to work together on finding a cure for the drug his son fed to the few girls he had randomly picked from the various brothels. At the same time, he will be trying to help his son too, who, as you should be aware, ended up in quite a serious state for a man to be after his attempt in our establishment."

Ross squeezes his thighs together while smiling wryly.

"In the end, we have joined forces and some of my girls that know a thing or two about alchemy or medicine agreed to participate. They will be working on that while I'm gone most likely, cooperating with Jericho. I only wanted to let you know and perhaps ask if there's anything you could help with in terms of support, either to him or me, but I think it would be better if any supplies or other things were sent to him."

"Jericho can be considered a Court Alchemist to some extent so I should be able to help out here and there with a few things. I will send some people to consult with him then. Is that fine?"

I nod. "I have already told him that could happen so yes. And I'm sure Cornelia will be in touch with him and your men too, as our representative."

"Great. I hope this succeeds then. I'm sure you won't mind if we make use of this research to incorporate any beneficial byproducts, and the final solution if it gets properly developed, into our alchemical systems."

"Of course not. I don't even have a say in this, hahaha. You are the King. I'm just borrowing the knowledge, resources and such. It's only natural to make use of any helpful discoveries. Especially if they would be useful in the field of medicine."

"Thank you anyway." Ross smiles and we shake hands over the table. "Then, is there anything else?"

"Just the maps."

He stands up and I follow suit. "Let's move to my office chamber then. I keep lots of them there."

We then walk through a few corridors and arrive in front of wooden double doors with the main continent carved into their surface—the one currently occupied mostly by Humans, with just the sides belonging to other races.

After stepping through them, we find ourselves in a spacious chamber filled with documents and various other paper products of many different sizes. Plenty of furniture meant to hold onto tall rolls of big sheets that show their age through the colours decorates the walls. You can literally taste the atmosphere by breathing, which is filled with that very characteristic aroma of old books and paper.

I glance around, looking at a few maps hung over the whole room while Ross goes through a few wardrobes full of sealed tubes and stacks of parchments. A few minutes pass and he brings out a number of leather envelopes, placing them on a big round table in the middle.

"These should cover most of the kingdoms in quite a detail. And they are foldable so there's no issue with carrying them. But, I guess it doesn't matter to you now." Ross raises a brow at me while opening the thin material pockets and pulling out the maps stored inside.

"If you want one, I can give it to you. I still have a few."

"Well, it isn't necessary since mine are around the size of this chamber, but it would be nice…"

Black mist flows out of my chest and Ailish materializes in front of me, spooking Ross a little. He isn't yet used to that ability.

"You called?" she asks after finishing fully forming.

"How many rings do we have?"

"Including the one that the sweet dwarf studies sometimes and the one you have gifted to the samurai girl, five in total. Who are you proposing to this time?" Ailish grins at me seductively and I shake my head with a smile.

She then follows my gaze and glances over her shoulder, spotting the King.

"Oh. Hello there. I see now. This one would fit well, don't you think?"

With some more dark and mystical smoke, a ring made out of dark gold shows up between her fingers and she passes it to me. I look it over and nod at her, flicking the fancy piece of jewellery at Ross.

He catches it and immediately attempts to probe the insides. How do I know that? From the way he almost slams his face on the table after losing balance from the initial shock of diving into such a spacious artifact. Fortunately, he regains enough control to fall onto his elbows instead and raises himself up, still visibly dizzy.

"Ugh… That thing is quite incredible…" he says while holding his head.

Ailish chuckles at him. "It's nothing to be proud of, but it serves its purpose."

Ross gives her a weird look for a moment.

"Thank you, Ailish."

I give the base of her tail a little squeeze and a tug, hidden from Ross' sight due to her butt facing my way now as she has moved to my side and turned towards the King while we have been speaking. She bits on her lower lip while giving me the look.

"Anything for you…" she whispers in a very seductive voice and makes an exit in a similar way to her previous entrance.

~Fuck… Now I'm itching for a cock…~ Not a second later, I hear her again, in my head this time.

I try to focus my mind on a specific thing while circling mana through my body just like we've been practising with Ailish for some time. If I'm doing it correctly, it shouldn't take long before...

~Ah! Did you just make a small dick-shaped tree grow under my ass?~

~Maybe. Maybe not.~

~Mhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm… So fucking goooooood… I love it, thank you.~

~Have fun.~

With a fading giggle surrounded by a few amorous moans, I retract my consciousness from the Soul Realm and return my attention to Ross. He finished exploring the ring in the meanwhile and set up all the maps on the table.

We examine them together, with Ross explaining to me how to read them properly and what areas they show. I must say, he picked great ones. They aren't cluttered with things completely pointless to us and focus mostly on all routes and registered locations.

"Thanks, Ross. These will surely be of great help. I'm sure my companions will love them too. We should have no problem finding the elven settlement."

"Don't mention it. Are versions in Common alright? I should have them in a few other languages too."

I wave my hand at him. "It's all fine. Both the Wood Elf and Dragonewt know Common so there's no reason to look for any additional copies. Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever asked about what happened to that idiot who held a self-righteous public execution back then. Care to share some news?"

Ross furrows his brows and rubs his chin while thinking.

"Hmmm… Ah. That guy. Funny story. I had him investigated and it turned out he had some ties with illegal slave dealers so he got beheaded. And most of his accomplices too. They actually confessed that the whole thing was a ruse and those Dragonewts were pursuing them to retrieve stolen goods. We managed to crack a quite old circle of criminals thanks to that man's stupid display. I'm sorry for the deceased."

So, just like Teffith said back then. Not like I had any reasons to doubt her words considering the circumstances. But, it looks like the whole thing ran deeper than we thought. Good that it's been taken care of.

"Thank you. He did seem like an ass so I'm not that surprised he was in shady stuff. At least he got what he deserved."

Ross nods. "Yeah. The fact that we found some dirt on him made it easier for me to request capital punishment. If it will help your friend in any way, you can let her know that he's been put through a lot during the interrogation."

"Thanks again."

We pack the maps together and I shove them into my ring. Each of us goes our way shortly after to return to our own responsibilities. I've taken quite a bit of his time now and I also have a few things to do before the working night.

I return to the mansion through the city. The first thing I do after arriving home is speak to Teffith. Even if she has said in the past that she isn't going to seek revenge, I'm sure it must still have been eating her from the inside.

And that assumption is proved to be at least somewhat correct as I can notice the slight change in her body language after I relay to her what I have learned about that noble from the past. Some of the proverbial weight has clearly gotten off her shoulders after hearing the news.

I give Teffith a brief hug and we agree to host a meeting with her and Ghilerie to discuss the maps. Our temporary resident joins us in my chamber after we head there together and I mostly observe how the two of them go through the maps, charting most likely what will end up as our course through those lands.

Ghilerie manages to pinpoint the supposed location of her settlement after around twenty minutes of working. According to her, it's located near a big waterfall not that far from the northern border of the Human kingdom before the main nation of Elves, on the side of the former.

After we finish talking about the details of this small adventure, I pay a visit to Cornelia and the girls who will be working on the cure to pass on to them what we have agreed on with the King. Everyone looks to be very determined to succeed, as far as I can tell from the expressions of those who actually show those.

At some point, Elise comes in and informs us that her friend found some time to meet with me if that would be possible, to discuss working here as an accountant. We are not that far from opening for the night, but Cornelia urges me to meet with her while she mans the reception.

I have no reason to argue and go to change into my better clothes after showering my number one receptionist with a myriad of loving kisses until she has to shoo me away with flushed cheeks. I ain't leaving without showing her my appreciation.

A few minutes later, I'm in the city again and following Elise to where her friend should be waiting for us. She keeps talking about the other girl a lot, trying to present all of her best sides and experience in the field before the actual candidate has even a chance to speak for herself. They must be really good friends for her to try so hard to help.

We stop by a coffee bar. It's already getting quite late and I have to admit that the lighting created by the iron lanterns hanging over the facade of the shop creates an incredibly charming atmosphere. I can see why there are barely any spots left at such an unusual hour. I need to take my girls here one evening.

Nevertheless, Elise leads us through the graceful wooden porch in front of the fancy bar and we reach a table with a single woman sitting by it, calmly sipping on a coffee while having two notebooks open in front of her. She's looking between them and constantly scribbling something in the thinner one.

"Ria! We are here! Thanks for waiting!"

Elise waves her hand at the woman as we move closer, bringing her attention to us as she raises her gaze. A soft smile answers the younger girl's call. And yes, you can clearly tell who is the younger one. I could describe Elise's friend in a single word. MILF.

I don't think I have ever seen a woman fitting the term so perfectly. Ria emanates a clear aura of a perfect MILF with every ounce of her being, starting from her beautiful mature face and ending at her quite voluptuous figure. And that delicate smile. Oh, man.

She has wavy dark brown hair, ending around somewhere behind her shoulders. A bigger lock of slightly longer threads is tied by a rubber band decorated with a navy blue flower pin and rests on the left side of her chest. Dark green eyes peek from behind classy glasses that adorn her mature face.

As for Ria's clothes, she wears a stylish white shirt, barely holding her impressive breasts inside. And I really mean it. With some effort, you can spot the outlines of her lacy bra of a dark colour, getting heavily pushed into the material of the shirt that's strained from the pressure it's subjected to. These buttons might be more impressive than her breasts actually, holding onto their lives like heroes.

For her bottom, she has chosen a dark grey pleated skirt, which reaches her knees, more or less. These clothes could fit the whole office dress code to some extent if they were made of more modern materials. Somehow, I have no doubts Ria truly is an accountant with her being the prime example of dressing like one even outside of the working hours.

She stands up and gives me a professional smile after nodding at Elise as we finally reach her table.

"Good evening to the both of you. If I'm not mistaken, Mr Carter, right? I'm Ria Therisson. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance. And I apologize for Elise. I'm sure she has been quite insistent on this."

I smile at her and pick Ria's palm extended for a handshake, bringing it up to leave a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Please, just Alastair is fine. It's my pleasure. And I don't mind it. It only shows how much she cares for her friend."

Ria smiles back while Elise glances away with a slight blush.

"Call me Ria then too. Let's sit down. Give me just a second to clean up my notebooks and we can move straight to our matters. I don't want to take too much of your time, Alastair. From what Elise has mentioned to me, you have work to do tonight."

The person in question sighs while taking a seat. "Seriously. Can't you spend even a minute without working on something during your free time? You are such a workaholic. Even worse than Alastair and he needs to have insight in almost everything himself."

Ria chuckles softly while I smile wryly.

"Now, now. It's very relaxing working on some numbers so why not combine business with pleasure. Maybe you will understand it better after you get older," she comments at Elise while hiding away the two notebooks and her utensils.

"You aren't even that old! Forty-three is like the prime—"

Ria squints her eyes at Elise, who quickly covers her mouth with her hands, looking between me and the mature woman in concern. Shivers run through the younger girl's body when she notices the overly kind smile of her friend.

"Well then. Let's ignore Elise's slip up and maybe move onto something more important than that," Ria says while moving her eyes onto me; the icy aura that surrounded her for a brief moment is completely gone.

"I see nothing against it. How much did she tell you about our establishment?" I ask.

"A lot actually. I'm aware of what it is and how it functions. Without the sensitive details, of course. Elise didn't divulge any of your secrets."

I nod. "Not that I would suspect her of anything like that. So far, I think she is a very diligent girl when it comes to her responsibilities."

Elise's gaze drops down as she blushes again a bit. It seems that she's even weaker at compliments when around her friends.

"I agree." Ria smiles at her sweetly.

"Alright. I guess there's no reason for me to repeat all of it again. Considering everything, you are fine working with us, right?"

"If you mean the environment, then yes, I have no issues with working in a brothel. I was more surprised for Elise to agree so quickly to your offer. It doesn't really matter for an old woman such as myself, but some nasty rumours can have a bigger impact on the life of someone this young."

"It was just that good," Elise joins in. "And I don't care about that stuff. People say whatever they want anyway. Many of the guild's receptionists were said to be complete sluts behind a professional mask they wear for the work, servicing high-ranked adventurers at their every beck and call."

"Damn. That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that." I glance at Elise and she smiles back.

"Doesn't matter. And it's in the past now. Anyway, with what Alastair has offered me, I'm pretty much set for life if I don't get fired too soon. Ah, but it's not like I plan on quitting after collecting enough money either or anything like that. I really like it there. I would like to keep working for you for as long as I can."

Ria assumes a thoughtful expression while tapping her fingers together.

"I see. I'm happy for you then. It was painful at times to listen to how much effort you put into your previous work and how ungrateful it was. I was afraid it would gradually wear you down and I would hate to see you become completely burnt out."

"I know. That's why I'm thankful for your help. Always. I wouldn't have survived this long without your support, both emotional and financial. I really appreciate it, Ria. You didn't really gain anything from helping me but you still did."

I think I'm starting to notice the exact relationship here. If I'm not mistaken, Ria has been taking care of Elise for some time already. She most likely stumbled on the struggling girl and couldn't leave her alone. Almost like a mother and daughter.

"Anyway, this is not about me but you. And I know that your boss is terrible too. You always trash talk him when we drink together. When I heard that Alastair could use a good accountant, I thought that I could finally pay you back somehow. Utopia is definitely a much better place. And Alastair is a great boss. The others are awesome too. It feels like one huge family. An actual one, not just because the owner says it is."

A very faint blush surfaces on Ria's cheeks when Elise mentions their drinking nights but it quickly disappears. Unfortunately, I can notice much more things like that due to the help of my quickly growing numbers. It's really starting to feel like a cheat now.

I decide to interject at this moment. "Elise might be right. I don't know your circumstances, but I can assure you that we value our employees greatly, placing their comfort in the first place on our list of priorities. If you have any salary expectations, feel free to speak openly. We can discuss them until both sides are satisfied."

Ria shakes her head. "No, that's not necessary. Elise did mention how lucrative the salary is and I would be more than satisfied earning even half of what she is getting."

"Well. We can start at exactly what she is getting. I don't see a reason to cut it in half. If neither of you feels wronged with that offer."

"I think Ria should earn more. Her work is much harder than mine. Or we can lower my pay. I'm getting much more than I deserve anyway."

"I won't agree to that. You are not going to get your pay lowered only because I am going to join," Ria counters her friend quickly.

I raise my hands to stop them before this evolves into a back and forth between the two ladies.

"Alright. Let's agree on the same pay for now. Before we move any further, let me just ask if you are truly considering switching jobs, Ria, or if it's Elise trying to convince you. I don't want you to do anything under someone's influence when you have your life set up by yourself. I'm sorry, Elise."

The younger girl shakes her head. "No, it's okay. I might have been a little too pushy on this, actually."

Ria joins her hands together and places them on the table. "Don't worry about it. Yes, I thought about changing places after listening to everything that Elise had to say. It's not just because of her lively character."

I nod. "Then, is there anything you would like to confirm? I can openly admit that I am interested in hiring you so it's in my best interest to tend to your needs. Would you also like to move into the mansion or are your living conditions satisfactory?"

"I think I'm fine with everything that Elise has spoken to me about. We would figure things out over time. It's hard to tell at the moment. As for the last part…"

Elise stands up and lightly slams her hands onto the table from above. "We could live in the same room if you moved in! And I told you how amazing the whole mansion is! I doubt that even the King has better baths!"

I chuckle at her. "That's an exaggeration. They are… similar."

Ria ponders over Elise's suggestion, definitely thinking about the matter quite intensely. That reminds me of something else that we haven't considered yet.

"Pardon my rudeness but that's a quite crucial aspect in our predicament. Are you living alone or with someone? I'm asking because I would hate to invite only you, but the girls requested that only other women live with us in the mansion."

"That won't be a problem. And it's not really a secret or anything. Yes, I'm currently single. I was married but my husband left me long ago. He… couldn't stand my workaholic nature." Ria shows a wry smile. "It was what brought us together at first, but with time, it turned out to be too much for him. My daughter is already a full adult and has moved to the Kiryas Kingdom in the north with her boyfriend. And don't apologize. It was just not meant to be."

I nod respectfully and don't say anything just as Ria has requested.

"Well then. Our personal lives aside, would you like to work with us then, Ria? We could use someone with your experience. I can tell that you have plenty of it."

She takes a deep breath, causing her voluptuous mountains to rise and fall, and smiles at me sweetly.

"Yes, I think I would. Elise is right. I should follow in her steps and switch jobs before it gets to me. Honestly, I've been feeling very tired recently. Maybe this will help a little."

I clasp my hands together and smile. "Great. Feel free to take your time with anything you need. There's no rush anywhere. I'm sure Elise will gladly help you settle in if you join us while I'll be gone. And my wives have the same authority as me, even knowing much better how this worl—ekhm… kingdom works."

"Yes! That's great! I always wanted to work with you!" Elise pumps her fist on the side, causing the two of us to smile.

"Ah. One more thing." Both women turn to look at me. "You mentioned our bet, right?"

Elise's eyes open as wide as it's physically possible.

"What bet?" Ria asks, glancing at her friend with one brow curiously raised.
