In the Belly of the Beast

"Al!" A worried voice reaches my ears from somewhere nearby as I still stare up at Fei.

In an instant, a tall wall of ice erupts around us in a circle. Sharp, angled spikes of icy blue frost create a safe space, threatening anyone to dare and try to push through. Small gaps are left between each spike, filled with razor-thin blades and protrusions and I don't have to try hard to imagine what would become of anyone who tried breaching this safety zone.

Cornelia shows up right next to me with her chest rising and falling heavily as if she has just run a whole marathon thrice without a break. She crashes into me, failing to reduce her speed properly, and we float a bit to the side while losing the force of her impact. Right after we stop, she pushes herself away from me while still holding my shoulders with a firm grasp.

"Thank the Goddess… You are alright…" My caring wife sighs in relief, dropping some of the tension her entire body has assumed.

I reach out to stroke her delicate cheek. "You know how insane my Attributes are. And my Tier isn't that low either, even though I don't really need to rely on it due to my Primordial body. It takes a lot more than this to do me any harm."

She shows a weak smile. "I know… I know… It just hits a little differently when you see someone you care about pinned down by an evil fish bastard…"

"I understand that very well. I don't blame you. But, you might need to return to your battlefield soon before the enemies you have been facing swarm the others," I reply in a gentle tone.

"It should be fine. Our army should be arriving in full just right now. You won't be the only ones having to deal with those vile monsters," Fei says as she descends from the eel that has served as her steed.

Cornelia turns to her and makes a respectful nod. "Thank you for helping Al. He might not have been in grave danger but we can't be sure that he wouldn't get injured in that scuffle."

"Think nothing of this, please. It is my duty and obligation to aid our Great Patron," the Mermaid answers with a rising blush on her toned cheeks.

The quick glance she gives me might point at another reason for her intervention, though.

"I'm grateful too. You will get to pick your reward after we are safe. For now, we have a big fish to catch and a nice pond to clear out of a ton of filth. With everyone present, it will be much easier. We need to up our game too so that as few people get hurt as possible." I nod politely at her too, evoking a quiet giggle from Fei.

"Don't worry. Most of those who are coming here know how to fight. We left the people who would be in great danger back at home so they can tend to things while everyone else is gone to free our waters under your lead." She circles me with a bright expression.

"My lead?" I raise a brow at her, slightly appalled.

"Yes. You saved many tribes on your way here, have you not? They came to return the favour. You are their hope and shining light in this darkness. We finally have a chance to strike back." Fei gestures excitedly, which makes her pert breasts sway with enticing energy.

"Well, alright. We'll discuss the details later." I chuckle lightly. "Let's stop wasting our time here and actually make your statement come true. Cornelia, would you mind, please?"

My lovely magician smiles enchantingly at me and draws near to leave a soft peck on my cheek. Instead of answering vocally, she waves her hand and the ice that surrounds us shatters at once. The pieces fall to the sea bed in a flash and reveal the grand battle taking place all around us once more.

As Fei said earlier, the main force of their army is just arriving at our spot. Numerous giant eels slither their way towards the edges of the battlefield, each equipped with those climbing nets on both sides of their long bodies. It's such an ingenious idea to use those as handholds for aquatic beings. I'm witnessing history, most likely.

Some of the beasts carry other things like bags, pouches, and crates. There's no doubt that those contain medical supplies, weapons, and other items useful on the battlefield. But, it's not like the only purpose of the clearly domesticated eels is to transport people. They are as ferocious as the entity we fought back when we were looking for the Glowstones, and I have a distinct feeling that they have something to do with the eggs we found past it.

I really can't wait to hear the entire story behind this unit of Aquatic Personal Carriers.

As I look around, I find a lot of Merfolk, Mermaids, Sea Nymphs, and some other sea beings already engaged with the Sahuagins. The fishy bastards are clearly shocked to see such a mass of opponents valiantly going against their evil army. Their troops are assaulted from almost every possible angle, and even though the jumbled bundle of aquatic races has no actual military coordination, our side is able to do a lot of damage to the thrown-off warriors.

But, it's obvious that things won't remain like this forever. We know that commanders and leaders exist amongst the ranks of Sahuagin soldiers and they will try their best to rearrange their subordinates back into proper formations and begin their counterattack. Our army surely won't avoid injuries or casualties when that happens so we need to rejoin the battle and take care of the big bad as soon as possible.

"Alright. Fei, get back to your friends and keep poking at these bastards as much as you girls can. You Mermaids are much faster than Sahuagins thanks to your sleek bodies so you can freely go full guerilla on them. Utilise the eels to your advantage too. Try not to fight the enemy for a prolonged time, avoiding direct contact as much as you can. Just repeatedly annoy them," I instruct the young Diva.

"We will do as you command." She makes an obedient bow and I again have a hard time keeping my eyes off her enticing breasts.

They really need some kind of metal, armoured bras at least.

"Good. The Merfolk seem to be a bit more used to battles like these so let them know to keep together and pressure the enemy at the front. I can see that you've given them polearms so this works great. They can form two-row formations and attack interchangeably to keep their enemies occupied. They should try to time their pushes with your guerrilla attacks for the best effect. I would command them more directly but I have other things to do, unfortunately," I continue.

"Your orders shall be delivered." She nods firmly.

"And we need someone to keep a clear path from the settlement. We might get another batch of reinforcements from that side so please station one or two eels transporting equipment near that flank. Our new friends will need all the weapons and armour that they can get," I add, gesturing with my head towards the ugly capital.

"We will send a small squad there. The Nymphs that are guarding the eels should do fine. Anything else, Great Patron?" She looks at me with eyes full of admiration and respect.

I chuckle wryly and shake my head. "No. You can go. I'll make sure we take down the slimy fucker with your assistance. For the freedom of the sea!" I shout valiantly.

"For the freedom of the sea!" she repeats with much more vigour and conviction before climbing back up to her eel and bolting away together with it.

Morale is a very important resource in a situation like this one.

With that out of the way, I quickly scan the battlefield once more to locate all of my beautiful and badass ladies. Safi and Emi are wreaking havoc in the enemy's ranks south of us by abusing their new, overpowered giant forms, stomping on and tearing the Sahuagins into bits like certain titanic entities from a very popular show back on Earth.

But, they are clearly much stronger with their acid and other abilities. There's no doubt who would win in those Character A versus Character B comparisons people love to discuss over the Internet all the time. I kind of miss the cringe and comedy from reading such threads, especially after familiarising myself with the universes the picked contenders are from.

Obviously, Meru isn't here, but I'm able to spot Neira struggling a little against her own opponents. I quickly turn to my ice queen and land a juicy slap on Cornelia's bubbly butt, evoking a sharp squeak from the dazzling magician, followed by a slightly lusty smirk.

"Go and help our Elf partner. You two are an explosive combination in this environment. I'll take care of myself, don't worry. Cir is supposedly dealing with the bastard right now so I'll be in good hands." I wink at her with a smile.

"Be careful, please. Just let us know and we will come rushing," she replies while staring into my eyes deeply.

I pull her in for a quick but deep and loving kiss. "This is not like you. Where's all that sass gone?"

Cornelia chuckles enchantingly and brushes her perfect breasts against my chest. "You think I can't be kind and timid whenever I want to? Just don't die on me, bastard. It will take a long time to get used to Sirgia's fakes after your cock becomes permanently unavailable."

I snort at her and let her go with one more parting kiss. "That's the Cornelia I know. I love you too."

She smirks at me and bolts away to join Neira to the north. My gaze lingers over her appetising figure as it escapes my sight and I turn my eyes to a specific point on the distant surface.

~Lianne, how are you girls doing up there?~ I ask the Queen through Whispers.

~We are a little bit busy showing proper hospitality to the guests that arrived at our doorstep, dear husband. I'm afraid I won't be able to tend to you at this moment.~ She giggles sweetly in response.

~Do you need help?~ I try to search her mind for any hint of worry.

~So far, we are good, thank you. Your tasty milk made Alyssa's girls into real killing machines. They are having fun dismembering their enemies in the flashiest way possible,~ she answers and I can feel the big smile on her cute face. ~They have gotten especially fierce after someone suggested that the one with the most kills will get an exclusive right to get pounded over the helm in all possible positions. Everyone knows that only Alyssa got that privilege previously. Somehow, it turned into fierce competition without anyone even confirming it.~

I roll my eyes as another mischievous giggle reaches my thoughts. I'm not even surprised that those horny sailor women are hyping themselves up with crafty ways to have their holes blasted by my cock. I might have to drop a few crates of toys for them after we go our own ways.

~Keep me updated, please. On the movements of the enemy, not the current rankings,~ I clarify before Lianne can twist it into a lewd tease.

~I will, my dear husband. But, don't worry, your amazing wife is currently winning by a huge margin. I already have a few ideas I would like to try with you,~ she replies with a clear smirk near the end.

Shaking my head as the corner of my lips rises slightly, I cut her off before I lose my mind with all that pervert of a royal and finally focus on the big fight.

Right above the entire battlefield, Cir is faring against the evil shaman alone. She seems to be doing quite well, but it's more to an extent of annoying him while keeping herself from taking any stupid hits. The matron of the Mermaids is clearly a smart woman with plenty of wisdom and experience. Plus, some of my strength now.

Before anything unfortunate happens, I bolt right towards them. Passing above the fighting armies, I take a few quick glances at the bouts and skirmishes to make sure that no one is in dire need of rescuing. Thankfully, it seems that my orders have been relayed properly and the folks are trying their best to carry them out. As I predicted, the Sahuagins have already regrouped too so they are again quite dangerous. I can only hope that our side can remain more or less organised under the lead of some experienced Merfolk captains.

Soon, I reach the location of the fierce duel and turn my artefact blade into a mesmerising greataxe. While Cir is distracting the emperor with her voice techniques, I rush right at his neck, aiming to cleanly cut it off and end things in one good swing.

What a day would it be if it worked as intended.

His senses seem to be on an incredible level as the ugly fat bastard notices me speeding towards him right before I reach my target and he spins around to smack me with his bone staff once more. The path of my axe is interrupted and the blade bounces off the tough bones with a loud clang.

He puts some distance between the three of us, keeping his vile mug in our direction. "I should have killed you right away!"

"A mistake, for sure, but not the only one you will be making today." I smirk at him.

His smelly face twists in fury as he raises his staff above his head. Both of us prepare ourselves for the spell he is going to throw at us, focusing on the glowing weapon. It's much safer to wait and see the effects than to rush in blindly without having the slightest idea what kind of magic is going to be released next. I would rather not dive forward and end up at the brunt of a close-ranged blade of water right as I reach him.

But, whatever his little trick does, it doesn't seem to work out. The eerie glow dissipates in a matter of a few seconds. We exchange confused glances amongst the two of us and I shrug. Not wanting to waste the opportunity to strike before he tries something again, I rush ahead.

Just then, a massive explosion shakes the ground and causes the water to tremble. Our eyes snap to the horrendous settlement and my brows rise to my hairline. A loud, screeching bellow follows as the silhouette of a giant monster emerges from the muddy panorama of the Sahuagin capital.

"Because of course, he had to have a Kraken…" I click my tongue after taking note of a few quite recognizable parts of the humongous squid of eldritch origins. "Shit! Meru!"

Slight panic overcomes me as I remember that my beloved sharkgirl is right out there next to that behemoth that has just emerged from its slumber most likely underneath the town. But, a wave of relief washes over me a moment later. The giant octopus instantly starts hauling itself our way with those characteristic, pulsing movements, completely ignoring the city.

But, there's another problem now.

"Cir, can you hold him back for longer?" I hastily turn to the Matron.

She meets my gaze and immediately understands my concerns. "It is no matter of can. I must."

"Lead him to me if you start getting tired." I dart towards her, pull the Matron for a quick kiss with a full-power Rejuvenate, and dash away towards the giant monstrosity.

We just can't let it anywhere near the battlefield. I bet it could accidentally squish a lot of Sahuagins but our guys would certainly suffer the same fate in even bigger numbers. It just isn't worth it. As Cir said, I must stop it.

I never thought I would be hunting a motherfucking Kraken one day. Things just can't be easy for once in my life, can they?

The closer I get to the hulking mass of flesh and tentacles, the bigger it grows, and coincidentally, the less confident I get about actually killing that thing. I will be the size of its fucking eye soon. And that might be the only place I can effectively wound it. I just pray that all those stats of mine are going to be enough to pierce its thick skin.

Since I'll need a lot of power behind my attacks, I switch my weapon into the sharpest possible spear with a long-ass tip. I need to be sure that I can puncture it and capture its attention properly. There's only one shot.

As the monstrosity nears me, I try my best to be on the path to its side-protruding eye. It doesn't seem to notice the small, insignificant me and continues forth without worry. I focus my all on aiming the spear properly and charge right into its spherical eyeball… just to have it wobble from another of its propelling smacks, suddenly stronger than before. My weapon misses the assumedly delicate organ and instead hits the bulging rim of skin around it.

And, as expected, it fails to do much more than a scratch as the tip grazes over the uneven surface instead of puncturing it. I bounce back as the Kraken sails past me, cursing under my breath. I will have a hard time keeping up with its massive jumps ahead. How the fuck did that bastard even tame or control this thing?

But, I have no time to panic. I need to do something.

Giving my abilities a quick glance, I click my tongue and try the first thing besides attacking that comes to my mind. There's only a fifty percent chance that it works but I'll take that quick gamble.

I focus my mind on having my body literally ooze captivating aura and pheromones while also reaching for Carnal Mist, sending it right at the swimming monster before it fully escapes my range. I've never exuded this much of either and I bet such a humongous concentration can easily kill a person with a heart attack, or make their dick explode, but to a behemoth like this, it might very well feel like a fart.

Thankfully, it seems to be enough and the beast's movements cease at once. It stays still for a short while and then kicks the water with its tentacles once more, this time with the goal of turning to the side. Its eye finds the perfect angle to gaze right at me and its pupil expands, or whatever the part responsible for that motion in its case is called.

Great. It's a female.


I'm fucked.

The Kraken releases a deep bellow again and changes direction, starting its pursuit of my person.

Yay, my plan worked!

But also, oh shit, my plan worked!

Since I might not be able to beat it with speed, I instantly begin manoeuvring around its massive body, trying to keep myself in its blind spots. That forces the giant octopus to roll and turn around in an attempt to locate me. I'm sure it can tell where I am more or less just from my movements but it works well enough for now.

The question is, how do I fuck that thing up?

I try to locate some weakspots or something while swimming around and running for my dear life. I don't dare to get close to the bottom part of its body where all the tentacles are. I can't risk getting caught by one or entangled by a bunch of them. As much as I have studied the monsters of this realm, the study on Krakens wasn't that resourceful, for obvious reasons. Try hunting this thing even back in the stronger ages.

At this pace, I'll have to keep luring it around while hoping that the girls and our army can deal with the fish bastards on their own. I'm worried about the shaman, but I guess he shouldn't be that big of an issue if all of my badass beauties gang up on him. That will leave the warriors exposed but this might be the only way to do this. I can't think of anything safer. Maybe the Kraken will go away after its summoner is dead and the other problem fixes itself too.


Just as I'm preparing myself to share that plan with my amazing women, a callout reaches me from beneath. I swing my body around to locate it and find Meru darting towards me with a concerned frown on her usually neutral, fierce face. I change my directions a bit to let her reach me more easily and we continue escaping the Kraken together. It starts being more difficult as it begins sending its massive tentacles after me now, clearly annoyed at my silly game of tag.

"Did you get the prisoners?" I ask my brave sharkgirl.

"Yes. They are arming themselves right now and should be joining the battle soon. I'm sorry it took this long. I had to fight many guards. But, I found a lot of females and even a whole section of captured males. They are very eager to pay their captors back with a complete disregard for their life," she explains quickly.

I brush through her dark hair as we dodge another smack and keep swimming. "You did great. Don't apologise. I'm a bit worried about the last part but I guess I can't do anything about it. More soldiers will help a lot. Thank you."

"They aren't in as much danger as you are. This thing is clearly after you." She shows a trace of worry again in her pretty, golden eyes.

"I know. I made it that way." I smile at her. "Any ideas on how to stop this behemoth? Is that even possible?"

She turns silent for a moment, clearly trying to think of a solution or remember whatever she can recall from her memories. I don't rush her. There's nothing else I can do anyway. If she doesn't have any ideas, it's Operation Gangbang time.

"I know a tale," Meru finally speaks up with a hesitant tone.

"Better than nothing. Let's skip the buildup and get to the point, alright?" I hurry her up just a little.

"The unlucky but brave warrior was swallowed by a Kraken and felled the beast from the inside. The tale says that he tore through the tissue in a place with a source of powerful, pulsing glow, reaching the beast's brain," she sums it up for me.

"Shit. Of course." I roll my eyes. "What happened to him afterwards? How did he escape?"

There is another short period of silence and I don't really need to repeat my question.

"Fuck." I rub my chin. "I understand why you were hesitant about bringing it up. But, we might not have a choice here. I'll have to go in."

"No. I will go." Meru shakes her head, staring intently at my face.

I pull her in to kiss the beautiful Nershark lady as we spin in the water. "I'm much more durable. I'll be fine. You go and annihilate that ugly fatso in the meanwhile. I promised you help and revenge. Use all my strength and take him down for good. You are the true predator here."

She gazes back at me hesitantly for a few seconds, not stopping even as a giant tentacle flies past us when I yank us to the side to avoid it. She then purses her tender lips and places an affectionate peck on mine.

"I love you, Alastair. Please, don't die."

I smile at her and nod. "I won't. Our relationship might have been a bit abrupt at the start, but I love you too. Now go and make me proud, my sea queen."

She nuzzles her cheek into my face and slips out of my hold. Without looking back even once, she dashes towards the battlefield. I'm sure it takes a lot of willpower not to do that. Such a strong girl.

"Alright, my lady. It's now you and me. And, even though it's our first date, I'm really eager to stab my spear right into your sensitive insides. I hope you don't take me for an easy man, though."

Snickering to myself, I change directions and head south of the Kraken's body. Just as I reach the edge of its thorax, or whatever the big part above the tentacles is called, I reshape my weapon into an enchanting, purplish chakram big enough to fit the whole me inside of it.

Thanks to my aquatic properties borrowed from Meru, I'm able to somewhat see things after I dive under the Kraken. It definitely notices me doing so and sends its tentacles after me, curling them in. I swim further into the dark pit before they get me. As a few of them try to grab me, I spin around while inside of the giant chakram and it cuts itself with the pressure it tries to assert with its grabby feelers.

It tries two more times before I finally see the beak. I shudder at the very sight of it. There's no doubt that it can slice me in half if it closes around my body.

But, I don't get to contemplate as all the tentacles change their approach and suddenly cram inside the fleshy cave, trying to push me towards the beast's mouth. I spread my limbs over the inner edge of the chakram like I'm recreating DaVinci's Vitruvian Man and let them bring me to my destination, hoping that Lilith's soul vessel is strong enough to withstand the bite. There's only one way to see.

The scary beak starts chomping even before I get right in front of it and I do my best to position myself perpendicularly to it. I somehow manage to achieve the perfect ninety degrees just as the tentacles shove me into the chompers and the sharp edges of the beak close over the chakram. Thankfully, due to its shape, they slide right off and propel me further inside.

"Fuck yes!" I cheer after landing in the darkness.

I quickly bring out a fantasy flashlight made by Sirgia and a strappy mount that goes onto my head. The light stick goes into a clasp above my ear and I go full tactical.

"Alright. Let's find that glowing spot or I'm stuck here for like five days. Then, I can Heart Swap out of here with Ailish, who can easily return to my soul afterwards. What a shitty timing that we just used it yesterday. I should have taken care of the supplies after the operation."

Complaining changes nothing so I switch the chakram into a serrated shortsword and pull it apart to create a copy. Finding a good angle, I sink them both into the inner flesh of the monster and start climbing up its digestive tract.

I hope you get stomach cramps, you giant bastard.

It takes some effort not to slip, especially when the entire thing shakes each time I make a new wound appear with my blades. But, I have to push forward no matter what. This thing might reach the battlefield at any moment now and I won't be the only one in here soon. Hopefully, my actions slow it down enough.

After about three minutes, I stop, attached to the fleshy wall like a professional climber. And the reason behind that is something that I have just noticed to my right.

A pulse.

Meru was right.

There's a faint, golden glow pulsing behind the flesh. I have no idea why Krakens' brains glow, but if it really is one, I might actually succeed. I just hope that the grain of truth in that story is this part and not the fact that the poor hero died inside the monster.

Still, I have a bit of distance to cover horizontally before I reach the light. So, I try my best not to fall right at the end and slowly reposition my blades bit by bit. Thanks to my stats and greatly enhanced body, my muscles are still fine even after all this exercise and hanging off the wall with just my hands.

The Kraken doesn't take kindly to me slicing the tissue of its throat even more and intensifies its shaking. It must have started spinning because I'm suddenly being pulled away from my wall. But, I ain't giving up. That's not my first rodeo.

I reach the glow no matter what shit it attempts.

"Now for the hardest part…"

With one blade stuck in the tender tissue, I start carving out a hole right next to it. Of course, far enough not to tear the surface right by my anchoring point. The monster trashes even worse, making it much harder for me. Additionally, something starts splashing my back and burns my exposed skin. The suit seems to protect me to some extent wherever it reaches.

All hail Sirgia, Nyfile, and Mari. And Shino, I guess.

"Fuck! Will you stop for a moment!" I curse under my nose. "Fine! We can do it the hard way!"

I summon a bunch of swords from my storage ring and stab them into the fleshy wall one next to the other, quickly going in a circle. After I finish the ring of sticking-out hilts, I cast Void Chains and tie them together by linking the opposite sides. I'm glad I can manifest my chains out of those weapons. It would have been tough with all that flesh around.

After enough connections are created, I let go of my hold and land on a web of purple, ominous chains. Not wasting any more time, I pull both artefact blades back, merge them, and switch into the most badass greatsword I can shape up.

"This is the end."

I feed the weapon my mana and thrust forward. The blade sinks up to the hilt, but that's not the entire thing. Right behind me, another, massive copy of it emerges out of thin air and also penetrates the monster's flesh. I haven't used this skill in a while and it's still as impressive as ever.

The gigantic blade pierces into the Kraken much deeper, sliding a few good metres forward, and the thrashing suddenly stops. A weak wail slowly fades away until everything goes fully silent.

The beast has been slain.

"Great fucking job Meru."

I laugh to myself for a moment, basking in the glory of slaying such a behemoth.

"Now. How do we get out?" I rub the back of my head, glancing up and down. "Out of the two directions, I'd rather not exit through the other end."

Cancelling the void chains, I pierce my sword into the unresponsive flesh and carefully slide myself down bit by bit. It would be such a shame to turn myself into a bloody splat after getting this far. I have no idea how the hero of Meru's story died inside the Kraken but I'm sure he was smarter than this. I gotta listen to the full tale later. I'm way too invested now.

Soon, I reach the bottom and step onto the inner side of the Kraken's beak. Unfortunately, it died with its mouth closed. Both upper and bottom parts are tightly pressed together, not leaving even the tiniest slit between them. And those things look hella durable.

First, I create a heavy hammer with the artefact hilt and start putting all my strength into hammering both of the parts towards the outside. I certainly pack a punch so no matter how heavy those things are, I should be able to at least push them aside by like a millimetre or two. The fleshy cavern gets filled with loud thunks as I keep hitting the beak repeatedly. It's not the most pleasant sound but I can't really complain.

After a while, I lean in to check the result of my heavy labour and find a gap between the two sharp edges.


Second, I return the hilt to the greatsword shape and put it into the gap. Bringing out an actual hammer from my storage, I start hitting the hilt to leverage the beak open. Paired with my quite high strength, it gives in decently fast even just from me pressing onto the weapon, and soon, the breach gets wide enough for me to slip through.

Third, I jump outside and leave this horrible place. I will need a week of bathing to get rid of all the stench. Cornelia won't come close to me for two more after that. Ah, shit.

Refocusing my mind on our current situation, I hastily swim out of the Kraken, fortunately finding enough space to squeeze myself between one of its tentacles and the ground. After returning to the outside world, I glance back and smirk at the unmoving corpse of the legendary monster. It looks like a new legend is going to be born amongst the sea folk.

But, that can wait.

I hastily look for the shaman and locate him more or less in the same area I remember spotting him the last time. The fight has moved closer to the ground now. Meru and Cir are giving him a hard time but I can tell that both sides are wounded and try not to overextend, which is hard with that fucker using weird magic mixed with Umbra's Void element. The matron somehow matches him with her sound attacks and other abilities but that's clearly not enough.

With his overgrown pet octopus gone and me back in the game, it's going to be more than enough.

It's time to finish this expedition once and for good. We've been in these waters for a long time now.