Restraint and Restraints

I wake at a slightly weird angle, which makes me flinch a little. It takes me a few long seconds, and a peek at the woman affectionately snuggled into my front as I lay on my side, to figure out the reason behind this weird feeling.

The bed's all fucked.

Both literally and metaphorically.

From how it feels, only one leg remains standing after our quite lively evening. I didn't expect Codae to have something like that on hand, but I wasn't going to say no to such a gorgeous woman when she put herself in that situation with rather expectant eyes. Needless to say, our trip to the barrel was kind of pointless in the grand scheme of things. With how much we rolled in the hay, we've both gotten incredibly sweaty. Not to mention other things.

Regardless, none of that stops the beautiful Raccoonkin from wrapping her athletic arms around my waist and nuzzling her face into my chest. The chieftess sleeps with an adorably peaceful expression as I hold her close, resting my chin atop her hair, between those pretty grey ears of hers. The attire from the previous day is still decorating her ensnaring figure, bringing forth a bunch of images full of rather ecstatic cries and moans.

But, that was yesterday, and today is a new day. The sun is already poking its invasive tendrils through the window at the far end of the attic. I hadn't planned on crashing at Codae's place, but considering the Whisper I received before we wrapped up round two, Sirgia isn't going to mind. That still doesn't mean I don't feel a bit miffed about not bidding goodnight to my incredible little wife after all the work she must have put into the defences.

All while I have been fucking the chieftess' brains out.

Well, it's going to be pointless for me to bring that up anyway. I can already see her assuring me that I've been working hard on my own matters too. It's all gotten so much worse after becoming an actual Demigod of Lust. Now they can argue that it's my job to lend my divine assistance to the females in need. 

This might also be the reason why she was so supportive of me approaching Codae. I don't doubt the chieftess has been very troubled by her situation.

Anyway, pointless thoughts aside, I gently run my hand over my current sleeping partner's fluffy triangles. The lady whose firm breasts are pressing into my stomach sighs dreamily and rubs her soft nipples into it even more, tightening the embrace. Her legs wrap around one of mine, grazing my skin with the little tuft of hair above her girly mound, alongside the pleasant heat of her feminine secrets.

"Dear Chieftess, it's time to wake up," I whisper tenderly. "You have responsibilities to tend to."

"Yes, sir…" Codae mutters quietly, arching her back to further push her lady bits into me.

She takes hold of my hand and brings it to her neck, delicately closing my fingers around her throat, proceeding to pretty much hump me while nibbling on her bottom lip. I'm not sure what she's imagining right now, but she's clearly misunderstood the meaning of her responsibilities, making me chuckle in amusement.

That sound finally causes the dreaming girl to open her eyes with a little flutter and then freeze in an instant. Codae quickly realises what she's been doing, especially with her palm still trying to force my fingers into a tighter squeeze, and a deep blush surfaces on her cheeks.

Man, she really likes the feeling of that, doesn't she?

Contrary to my expectations, she doesn't suddenly push me away, jump out of bed, or shout something about a misunderstanding. The fine warrior lady in my hands simply stays put, looking at me a bit embarrassed but also awaiting. It makes me realise that she's still deferring to me even after the night has passed.

Smiling warmly, I brush my thumb over her lips and bring mine to affectionately greet her with a loving kiss. Codae purrs in satisfaction, carefully raking her nails over my back in an equal sign of affection. Our tongues wrestle a little as she offers me a challenge, and I happily meet it, fulfilling the lady's desire to show her who is on top here. After I pull back, her mouth can be seen following after mine until she catches on that I'm actually withdrawing.

A small smirk quirks the corner of my lips up at the expectant gaze I receive.

"Have you not had enough yet?" I ask with a little bit of tease in my voice.

"Do you know that feeling when you have been looking up to something very tasty for a long time only for it to turn out so much more insane when you finally get a chance to grab a bite?" she asks me back, sighing in bliss. "I can't help but want seconds. And thirds. And fourths. Even though I know that's not healthy and will only make me bored of it much quicker."

A snicker escapes me as I roll us over and land above the exquisite female dressed in quite sensual black belts.

"Love, you are still dreaming if you think you can ever get bored of this." I press my body against hers, making it obvious just how specific our position is. "It's been like a year since I welcomed the first few women into my life and they are as voracious as in the very beginning."

"If so…" Codae sneakily tries to wiggle herself lower, also for an obvious reason. "Then one more time won't change anything, no?"

Shaking my head, I grant the eager chieftess her wish, watching her lips curl into a smile and eyelashes flutter in the process. One quick orgasm later, she's once more snuggled into my chest, tracing patterns over it with a finger, fully awake this time.

"Barrel again?" She looks up at me.

"I can clean us up with a single spell," I reply, raising a questioning brow. "It's up to you."

"A morning dip usually makes me feel much better and more awake. Though, I think the latter is already achieved thanks to you." Codae kisses the edge of my chin.

"As you wish." I peck her ticklish ear in return.

Touching the belts, I send them into my storage and then summon them back on the side, quickly helping her out of the complex getup. She looks at it in awe and I promise to teach her how to efficiently use spatial artefacts later, of course leaving at least one in her hands. We take a quick stroll to the back of the house, and to my surprise, the water has already been changed. I don't think it does so magically so Codae must really be loved by her subordinates, even if the men find her a bit scary.

Without further ado, I take good care of the exquisite female, washing every inch of her beautiful skin and fur with proper affection. We don't mess around much this time. She's clearly still a tad ashamed after the last bath. But, Codae makes sure to convey her appreciation for the help through her charming eyes. Whenever they don't rake over my body like she's considering another bite.

No one walks in on us, thankfully, and we slip back into Codae's charming home. Which, due to certain specific circumstances, has lost a little bit of its charm. Yeah, the broken and splintered furniture doesn't help the image much. It's like a cyclone passed through the bottom level. But, the owner doesn't seem to mind, glancing at a few damaged spots rather fondly.

As the sexy raccoon lady disappears into her bedroom to dress up, I move to the kitchen complex. Fortunately, the cupboards and shelves here sustained minimal injuries. The tableware is still in one piece. I can work with that.

While I'm not a master chef like my precious Dwarf lover, I've known enough even before arriving in this world. Plus, I picked a few things up while helping her and our cooking ladies here and there. After a quick scan through the available ingredients, I figure out a few things I can prepare in a flash. The only slight setback is the lack of fresh bread, even if that won't make it that much worse.

Receiving a brief epiphany, I decide to peek out of the front door. And surely, just as it has been prophesied, a wicker basket sits next to the doorstep, full of fragrant baguettes and bagels.

Rural communities are just something else entirely.

Grabbing the delivery, I return to the kitchen and get to work. I don't think I have enough time to cook something warm up before Codae slinks back down, so I settle for a healthy set of sandwiches with some dried meat, vegetables, a boiled egg, and a pinch of salt and pepper I bring out of my spatial pockets.

Yes, I could have brought out fancier stuff from there, but that would be cheating.

Just as I'm wrapping up the meal, my ears pick up the soft thumps of the chieftess' feet on the wooden stairs. Picking up the silver tray with my creations, I turn around to meet her in the middle. Our paths cross and my eyebrows involuntarily rise in surprise just as hers mirror the motion, for a completely different reason.

While she spots the unexpected buns full of neatly presented nourishing components, I notice a few black lines over the skin visible between the pieces of her outfit and armour, which she thankfully has a spare of.

"Are those… for me?" Codae asks with a bit of uncertainty as she points at the plate.

I nod with a smile.

"I… I don't know what to say…" She stares at the sandwiches while blinking dully.

"Hopefully, some good things after you try them out. This isn't my forte and I tried rounding up whatever I could find without knowing your tastes." I smirk lightly. "Walk with me?"

Codae follows me to the sofa I had thrown her over and pinned her down on not that long ago and we take a seat. Since the table is gone, reduced to atoms, I hold the tray in front of her in an offering. She admires the healthy burgers for a moment, glancing at me once more as if asking for confirmation. After another nod, she takes one in her hands and digs in.

I watch as her ears lower slightly, flopping onto her dark hair, but clearly not from distress, instead in visible relaxation. She hums quietly while chewing at a leisurely pace, savouring the taste. Finally swallowing the first bite, she looks at me and the second sandwich.

"Both?" she asks and I incline my head. "You can have it. I'm a light eater in the mornings. Honest."

Not seeing any reason to doubt her, I shrug and take my turn too. For something hastily compiled, it has turned out fairly delicious. The spices were a good call. But it's the bread that wins it, making me pretty much inhale the whole thing in seconds. They have talented bakers.

As I glance to the side, I find Codae about halfway done, amidst another bite. However, I spot a glimmering line over her cheek and frown.

"You okay?" I brush a lock of her hair aside and wipe the trail with my thumb.

"No!" She flinches. "I mean, yes! Sorry, it's just… The last time someone made me a meal was when my parents were alive… And it's so tasty and full…"

Wrapping one arm around her shoulder, I press a gentle kiss against Codae's temple. "All good. Just a very simple baked roll but thank you nonetheless."

"I usually grab a stick of sausage or some jerky before heading off," the chieftess discloses to me. "You spent way more time on this than I ever did since becoming the leader. There's always somewhere to be and something to do."

"On one hand, that's the quality of a great leader." I run my fingers through her fragrant hair. "On the other hand, you shouldn't neglect yourself this much. Do you really need to storm out right from dawn when a single crooked glance from you can scare others shitless?"

A chuckle escapes her lips as she smiles charmingly and Codae takes another bite.

"In the end, they are supposed to be the ones waiting for you, not the other way, right?" I raise a questioning brow at her. "But, trust me, I do understand. I have some experience with ladies who are hopeless workaholics. I'll keep making you breakfast as long as we stay here. Hopefully, you'll accompany me and get into a habit."

"That's so weird." Codae snorts, throwing me a cordial look. "You dominated me thoroughly. I should be serving you meals."

"I tend to separate business from pleasure." I wink at her.

She chokes a little while inhaling air through her nose and smacks me on the shoulder with rosy cheeks. "I meant in a fight."

"I know." I grin at her as she rolls her eyes and continues to enjoy the sandwich.

Judging from her faintly moving tail, she quite enjoys our morning banter too.

"Regardless, it doesn't matter who is stronger. It's a nice feeling to make the person you like something to eat and watch them appreciate it," I continue.

"You like me?" The chieftess pauses, looking me in the eyes.

"Girl, I smashed your bed into the floor." I snicker and place another kiss on her hair. "As surprising as it might sound, I don't nail every attractive female I land my eyes on."

"I mean, you clearly desire me. Many do." She keeps glancing at me thoughtfully.

"Didn't you say you were looking for a suitable mate?" I remind her, though it's fairly paraphrased.

"Most relationships are still based on mutual desire," Codae answers. "It's not uncommon for mates to live like comrades."

"Well, can't help this one." I spread my arms and shrug. "Your strong but caring personality is quite captivating."

She finishes her sandwich and wipes off her lips. Since we are done, I stand up and Codae follows. However, she steps in front of me, throws her arms over my shoulders, and presses a small peck on my cheek, snuggling to my neck. 

"I like you too." The chieftess purrs quietly.

"Yeah? What for?" I chuckle, embracing her waist with one arm as the other hand holds onto the tray.

Her fierce face appears before mine. "You are strong but humble. When we first met, you downplayed yourself greatly, ensuring that everyone was comfortable. And… You have a very firm but gentle grip…"

Codae flushes a little as she answers, taking hold of my wrists and leading them down her back, pushing the silver tray out of my fingers and letting it fall to the ground so that they can sink into two tender buns sticking out behind her.

"Amorous." I smirk at her.

"Just making sure you know all of me is yours. You don't need to ask before taking." She nibbles on her bottom lip.

"I'll remember that." Giving her a firm squeeze, I trail my palms up until they run into a leather belt over her midsection. "My memory might be a little fuzzy in front of a world-class beauty like you, but this doesn't feel like a staple element of your attire. You sure want to go out like this?"

"They barely poke out of my outfit." Codae takes a step back to show herself to me. "People will just assume they are part of the armour. And I would like to keep this on as a memory. The collar lacks the leash, but it still allows you to easily yank me to your side if only you wish to."

"I'll have to resist not to." I shake my head. "You ready to go out, then?"

"Yes." She nods. "Thank you for the breakfast. It was delicious."

"You are welcome." I gesture at her to walk with me to the door. "Just wait until you try Sirgia's cooking. You might reconsider who you want as your mate."

Codae laughs softly and leads the way. "I doubt it. She would need to have a dick like yours if not two for me to even think about it."

Oh, you have no idea.

We slip outside through the front entrance and instantly notice a change. Far in the distance, about a quarter of the palisade has been replaced with a tall and thick wall with wide ramparts and several easily accessible watchtowers, plus a reinforced gate placed in that direction. The Oreads have not been slacking off, most likely working throughout the night. We spot some movement to the left of the current edge of the defences as the construction continues.

"I'll be damned. They really will finish in just a few days like this." Codae rubs her eyes in disbelief.

"I bet you are glad you accepted help from Ianthe and the Lilies." I nudge her with my elbow.

"Don't forget who made all of it happen, Hero." She bumps her hip into mine, "Yesterday's victory is definitely still on people's minds."

"Just a little bit of Illusion Magic, nothing as impressive as what the girls have shown." I smirk.

"Ah." The chieftess stops in place and rakes her fingers through her hair. "I'll have to correct that misunderstanding as quickly as I can. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. I don't intend to decorate your main market like my old man anyway." Snickering, I give her a little tug on the belt over her chiselled stomach while no one is looking.

"You might not have any say in that." She smirks back.

"Oh? Is that how you talk to your chief?" I squint at her playfully.

"No one has any idea you are one." Codae walks quicker nonchalantly, putting quite some sway to her supple hips.

I catch up to her side. "I recall being caught twice yesterday."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "Daki won't blabber. He was actually trying to convince more males to challenge me in hopes of finding the equal I kept bringing up. As for the female from the backyard, she will most likely gossip with other housemates but that's a tight-lipped circle. And not many take their rumours seriously."

"Great. Your image is saved, then." I smile warmly at the fierce woman next to me, who is once more walking with the gait of someone you don't want to fuck with.

"Yeah…" Codae glances at my hand as we take a turn, her thoughts visibly conflicted.

Since we are moving through a narrow passage near my mother's cottage, I move closer and intertwine her fingers with mine. That surprises her as it's clearly not what she had on her mind, but she soon reciprocates the gesture and her tail starts swaying much faster.

With our destination in sight, she grows a bit more conscious of that contact and retreats back to her side. I might be mistaken, but I catch a hint of nervousness as we approach the front door. I can't see a reason for it, though.

I knock on the wood lightly and wait. Sirgia is in there, that much I can tell from our connection. We hear Ayumi's voice from somewhere within and small footsteps echo on the other side. But, it's not my lovely mate who greets us as another short individual pokes their head out.

"Big Bro!" Noah gasps in surprise. "Where did you go? I thought we would sleep together in your big mansion!"

"Sorry, little guy. I had some important things to discuss with the chieftess after yesterday's trouble." I ruffle through his short hair.

"I saw the walls the stone ladies are making! Are they your friends?" he asks with wonder-filled eyes.

"Yep." I chuckle.

"Cool! I told the other kids but they didn't believe me!" Noah groans and remembers the thing hanging off his finger. "Big Bro, look! Sis made a new toy for me! It's a finger trap! I'm going to prank everyone so hard!"

Giggling to himself, he shouts back into the house that he's off and sprints outside before Ayumi can even respond.

Well, I might need to have a talk with Sirgia before she turns my little brother into a real troublemaker for Mom.

We help ourselves in, with me leading this time. After navigating through the house, we find both women in the kitchen, in the middle of their own breakfast. From how it looks, my mother prepared it. She turns to the doorframe, most likely expecting Noah and already having some correcting words for the young miscreant, but pauses seeing the two of us.

"Alastair!" She shows a cordial smile. "And Chieftess. I didn't expect you back so soon, Codae."

As her eyes move onto the raccoon lady, her brows rise pretty much instantly, the black belts seemingly spotted in a flash. Codae, much to her confusion, first turns to my Dwarf wife, makes a polite bow, and then faces Ayumi with a wry grin.

"Sorry for the unannounced visit. I just wanted you to know that… I mated with your son," the nervous leader announces.

"You did?" Mom looks between the two of us with wide eyes before launching herself at her. "Oh, that's marvellous!"

"W-What?" Codae blinks in confusion as the fluffy catgirl rubs her furry cheek against hers. "You aren't angry I didn't ask?"

"Why would I be?" Ayumi snorts adorably, taking a closer look at the other female. "I'm happy you finally found someone you could submit to. And from the looks of it, he was very rough with you. So many hickeys. Just splendid!"

My newest mate just stands there, her cheeks turning increasingly more crimson. My mother's expression then slightly falters as her head whips towards Sirgia.

"But was this okay?" she asks worriedly.

"Completely." My short lover nods faintly. "I told Master to follow the chieftess knowing he would most likely want to help her. And she is just his type so it's perfect."

"Hey, now." I set my fists on my hips, drawing out a giggle from the little minx.

"That's good." Ayumi exhales in relief. "And he must have been good too if you put this on."

Codae tries to worm out of her grasp as the other female tugs on numerous visible straps. "It's because of a bet…"

"A bet?" Mom tilts her head.

"A challenge of strength," I answer. "I was supposed to be her pet for a day and she mine for a night."

My mother rolls her eyes at the chieftess. "You couldn't just have confessed to him like a normal female that you want to be ordered around, could you? You and your silly pride. Seriously, sometimes you are more like a male than not."

The person in question flushes even deeper.

"You seem to be quite knowledgeable about Codae's secrets," I note with a surprised tone.

She smiles at me knowingly. "Knowing of her crush on your father, I even tried to nudge him in her direction in the past, but she conferred with me after noticing me randomly bringing up multiple mates when the three of us were present in one place. Out of everyone in this village, I might know our chieftess the most intimately. After my mate, of course."

"I should have figured out you were such close friends." I rub my temples with a smile. "Just, spare me the unnecessary details about him, if you may."

Ayumi giggles and raises a brow at me. "Can I still talk about you with Codae, though?"

"Sure. As long as I'm not in the room. I know how much Beastkin like to boast about their mates." I snicker and wave her off.

"Thank you. For a Human, you are very understanding. I appreciate it." She inclines her head my way with a cute smile adorning her snout, making me exchange glances with Sirgia. "So, am I now to address you as our new chief?"

"About that… I'm not exactly taking on that role. At least not publicly." I rub the back of my head.

"He wants to let me retain my reputation as the strongest one so that others don't undermine my authority," Codae explains. "It's very kind of him."

"Awww. So he won't be walking you on a leash like you hoped to?" Ayumi wrinkles her snout as she looks at the other female's neck. "What a waste of a perfectly good collar. I could have lent you one of our cords or chains."

As the chieftess almost achieves her boiling point, I frown at my mother. "Why do you even have those on hand?"

She grins and puts a finger in front of her feline nose. "Can't say. You told me not to."

"Oooooookay." I shake my head to get rid of the vivid imagery while Sirgia snickers in amusement. "Moving on, is everything fine after the attack? Do you need anything?"

Mom chuckles too as she strolls my way to offer me a chaste peck on the cheek. "No. Thanks to your intervention, everything ended without any issues. I didn't see it myself, but I heard how you led those Cockasaureses away after stopping them with just your aura. I'm proud of you, Son."

I accept her appreciative embrace and pat the kind woman on the back. "I just cleaned up after everyone else. Put up a bit of a show."

She snorts and gives me the look. "Lying to your mother, are we? Go and ask Noah how well that ends, young man. Nothing gets past the female parent's instincts."

I knew she was a sharp one. I might not even have enough time to fully reveal all about myself before she figures it out on her own. If she hasn't already.

"Now, I believe we are about done here so you can go handle chief matters while I look for that little rascal, Not-Chief." Ayumi smirks at me and Codae. "I would be happy to have you for dinner this time if you can make it."

"I'll make it no matter what, Mom." I squeeze her once more and step back. "Sorry for disappearing without a word yesterday."

"You had much more important things to do." She winks at me. "I hope you can do them some more if you have time."

"Ayumi!" Things finally snap out of it and cross their arms over their firm chest. "You are being too much."

"I can smell your need from a mile away." Mom waves her hand as if dispersing smoke before her face. "I'll need to open all the windows in this house for half a day to get rid of it."

Scowling, Codae marches out of the kitchen, the red on her cheeks unmistakable. I nod respectfully at my mother and go after her, hearing another pair of footsteps behind me. Sirgia and I make it outside, finding the chieftess with her back against the front of the cabin, a grimace still adorning her lips.

"Come on. She was just teasing you." I caress her adorable ears.

"She was." The proud chieftess sighs. "But she wasn't wrong. I got wet again from her talking about the leash. Like a bitch in heat."

To prove it, she takes my hand and slips my palm under her actual belt, brushing my fingers against her damp mound. Looking into her eyes, I find a faint trace of shame, but also quite some hope and a lot of desire.

Pulling my fingers back, I lick them off between our faces. "We'll do something about that soon."

She chews on her lip but nods obediently.

"I could make you an invisible leash," Sirgia suggests, making Codae's eyes widen to the brim.

Chuckling, I shake my head. "Later. We need her capable of walking without leaving a trail."

Using Livelihood Magic, I cleanse Codae of her physiological troubles, ensuring that she won't be assaulting everyone with the scent of her lust. Noticing what I have done, she thanks me appreciatively and takes a deep breath, recovering her strong girl persona.

Can't lie, seeing her this confident and menacing does things for me in a similar way collars and leashes do for her.

We enter the streets and head for the construction site. As Codae said much earlier, the residents don't seem aware of our little tryst yet. The men still pay the same respects to her and the women still politely greet their leader and guardian. From afar, the red marks and spots over her skin can be perceived as battle bruises and such.

Convenient that there was a fight yesterday.

We reach the finished wall and admire the fine craft. Sirgia talks us over it since she helped with the plans and schematics while our rock ladies handle the manual labour. The Inversicate will help a lot with magical attacks since some monsters out there are supposedly capable of using spells. Other times, it's just tough enough to block physical blows too. Especially when enchanted by Oreads.

Moving closer to the work-in-progress, we witness a number of Beastkin pull another sharpened pillar out of the ground with the assistance of the Lilies. The girls wave at me with wide smiles as the others carry the log aside. Spotting us, the workers jog up to the chieftess.

"Chief, what should we do with these? We weren't sure so we have been tossing them out there for now," one guy speaks up.

They look at Codae, and Codae looks at me.

I rub my chin thoughtfully. "Well, it would be a waste not to make use of them. Maybe pile them up near the woodworking workshops while we figure out the next steps. One could definitely be used for your new furniture."

I glance at her, and she glances at them, who look between her and me.

"You heard him! What are you still doing here?!" The chieftess growls at the men.

They hastily scamper away to fulfil their new orders as Codae taps her foot on the ground. I smile wryly while rubbing my eyes.

I don't think this will remain a secret for long.

"So, we are going to stay here at least for these few days that our friends are working on this project," I say next. "Anything else we can help with?"

She considers it for a moment before inclining her head to the side. "We should meet with our Shaman. She might have an idea or two as the person in charge of our worship and healing. We'll bounce other ideas as we walk if you would like."

And so, we head for the Shaman's hut. It would be great if we could help the injured recover a little faster. That should earn us a few points in her eyes