North Lake No. 9 theme restaurant

On the way to the restaurant, Wu Hao drove.

The old people were sitting in the back.

Comfortably massaging their legs and feet, drinking cold drinks and watching TV.

On the passenger seat was Liu Xiyan.

And Wu Tong could only condescend to sit in the back.

His face was a bit dark.

Because he also didn't expect that this MPV driven by Wu Hao was so classy.

It was much more expensive than the Mercedes he drove in Magic City.

In his heart he was not happy.

Liu Xiyan was quite happy.

She sat on the passenger side, hands around her chest, sometimes looking at the scenery on both sides, and sometimes pretending to unconsciously sweep Wu Hao a glance.

Based off appearance alone, the current Wu Hao had surpassed Wu Tong by a large margin.

Both his face and muscles were of a proper male god model.

"Yanjing is so hot."

Suddenly, Liu Xi Yan said in a delicate voice.

And pulled the lapel in front of her chest with her hand and fanning two times.

"It's still hot with the air conditioner on?"

Wu Hao didn't look at her.

And just asked casually.

"It's probably from the sun. By the way, how old are you?"

"Why do you ask this? Don't worry, I've been driving for many years, and my driving skills are first-class."

Wu Hao laughed and didn't answer positively.

Liu Xiyan was a bit unhappy.

After that the corners of her lips unconsciously skimmed, she asked again, unwillingly: "How big is your company? How much profit a year?"

"The scale is not large, a year does not earn us much money. And the company has encountered some difficulties this time, of which i am trying to deal with."


"Well, the product positioning is a bit problematic, the capital chain broke and is being restructured."


The corners of Liu Xiyan's mouth curled up again.

And, stopped talking.

She turned her face to the side and closed her eyes.

She didn't ask, and Wu Hao was happy she became quiet.

An hour later.

The car finally drove to Guangying bridge on the North Fifth Ring Road.

There was a luxury golf club there.

The North Lake 9 theme restaurant was just outside the golf course and was one of the ten most luxurious restaurants in Yanjing.

The group got off the car.

The four old people had never been to Yanjing, and were momentarily excited to take out their cell phones to take various pictures.

Wu Tong held all the way, as soon as he got out of the car, he grabbed Liu Xi Yan's waist.

The two walked to the side of the road, looking at the golf course on both sides, pointing and not knowing what they were muttering.

Soon, Wu Hao parked the car.

Then took the group towards the No. 9 theme restaurant.

On the way.

Lin Jing looked at the magnificent white building in the distance and asked in a low voice: "Son, what is that place? It looks quite extravagant."

"That's the restaurant we're going to eat at." Wu Hao smiled.

"Huh? Is it very expensive?"

"No, it's not expensive. You should leave these things alone, don't worry about the expenses and just enjoy yourself."

Wu Yuanzheng reached out and tugged his wife, "My son knows better, so don't worry about it."

"Why shouldn't i care, after all we are all family members, and just came to grab a bite."

Lin Jing glared at him angrily.

At the same time, Wu Tong, who was holding Liu Xi Yan's slender waist, laughed loudly, "Brother, this place looks pretty good. How much is it per person?"

"Not expensive, feel free to eat."

"Haha, I guess it's not that expensive. You've been a budget-minded kid since you were a kid. don't be too shabby, i tell you."

Wu Hao did not turn his head and casually returned a sentence: "This place is not bad. It is not more than 1400 per person, We will eat something good."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Tong's feet flashed and he almost didn't fall.

More than 1400 per person?

That is considered to be luxury high-end restaurant pricing, right?

There are not many of them in Magic City.

Wu Tong and Liu Xi Yan looked at each other, both a little surprised.

When Wu Yuanzheng heard that the serving per person was more than 1400, he grabbed Wu Hao and blurted out: "Son, let's change the venue. Your uncle and aunt can eat some old Beijing fried noodles."

Wu Yuanhui: "..."

Zhao Xia: "..."

Wu Tong and Liu Xi Yan: "..."

"Dad, I already made a reservation. I told you, when you get to Yanjing, you should listen to me. Don't worry. I can't eat poor. Let's go."

Wu Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense. He dragged his father's arm and walked to the door of the restaurant.

As soon as the others saw it, they quickly followed.

When they arrived at the entrance of the restaurant.

"Hi, Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, over here."

Sun Mengmeng, who had been waiting for a long time, waved her hand in a burst of excitement.

Wu Hao rushed over with his people.

"Mengmeng, the room is booked?"

"Hmm. Because all the rooms here are chosen according to different themes, so I took it upon myself to choose the 'Celadon' theme room."

Sun Mengmeng replied crisply and loudly.

"Okay, it doesn't matter what theme it is, just enjoy the food."

Wu Hao smiled faintly and turned to look at his family and laughed: "Stop dawdling, hurry up and enter.

I'll treat you to some authentic specialties."

After saying that, he turned around and walked straight in.

Sun Mengmeng also introduced the others into the restaurant with great enthusiasm.

No. 9 theme restaurant is very large.

The interior is very abstractly decorated and very neat.

There is no smell of oil smoke in the air.

Once inside, it felt like walking into a large art gallery.

The crowd was led by the waiter, they looked left and right at the 'blue and white porcelain' theme room.

After entering, the crowd was amazed.

The decoration of the whole private room had the charm of blue and white porcelain, and the strong antique flavor would fill your face.

Wu Yuanzheng was very happy.

He liked this design.

Wu Tong and Liu Xi Yan also looked odd, they couldn't stop looking around, secretly surprised that the style here was so clear and refined.

Soon, the crowd was seated.

Sun Mengmeng ran in and out like a little rabbit, taking on most of the waiter's work.

Because the dishes in the theme restaurant were somewhat similar to the form of theme sets, the dishes in each room were roughly fixed.

Personal taboos or those with special reasons could order for them to be replaced separately.

After Wu Hao finished adjusting the dishes, he immediately asked the waiter to place an order.

After finishing all this, he sat down and waved at Sun Mengmeng who was standing at the door, "Mengmeng, come and eat with us."

"Ah? No, no, I that ..."

Just as Sun Mengmeng shook her head quickly and was about to leave, Lin Jing suddenly got up and went over, looking at her with a benevolent face, "Girl, are you my son's girlfriend?"


Sun Mengmeng's pretty face instantly turned red.