One hundred percent beauty Liu Ya

At the school gate.

Wu Hao had become the centre of attention.

He was tall, handsome and fit.

Wearing a white shirt with an open collar, and had a beautiful old car behind him. He was a different kind of dashing

People come and go at the school gate, and students would stop to take pictures from time to time.

Wu Hao didn't it no mind.

He had been silently looking in the direction of the campus.

A moment later.

A girl with long hair that was waist length, wearing a white dress and holding something in her hands, suddenly went straight to Wu Hao.

"Is it her?"

Wu Hao's heart moved.

Is it a girl who came to deliver the supercomputer?

good heavens.

She was one hundred percent beautiful.

Absolutely looked pure and soft.

Her head was full of long black hair, curly and draped behind her.

She had curved eyebrows, a small face, a Yao nose and cherry lips, and a pair of light gold framed glasses on the bridge of her nose.

She looked lovely and cute.

After she came straight over, her eyes didn't fall on Wu Hao, but instead she stared at the vintage car.

And circled around it, looking at it from front to back.

Wu Hao looked at her suspiciously and didn't know whether it was her or not.

What's going on?

Is it her?


Suddenly, the girl came to Wu Hao and asked slightly nervously, "excuse me, is this car yours?"


Wu Hao nodded.

"Can I ask if this car is Shelby Cobra 427?"


Wu Hao smiled.

Unexpectedly, he had met a girl with a good eye and was also beautiful.

Looking at her, she should be a student of Yanjing University.

The girl looked very excited. Her big watery eyes blinked. She was a little shy but couldn't help asking, "excuse me, can I go in and sit down?"

Wu Hao was stunned.

Isn't she delivering the computer?

I thought she was holding a supercomputer in her hands.

But she's direct enough.

Wu Hao shrugged: "you can go in and sit down. But at least i have to know the name of the girl who wants to get into my car? "

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot."

The girl with long hair blushed and apologised again and again. Then she smiled and said, "my name is Liu Ya, a graduate of the Chinese Department of Yan university."

"Hello, my name is Wu Hao."

Wu Hao stretched out his hand directly.

Liu Ya was also very generous. Although her face was red, she shook hands with Wu Hao.

Her hands were soft.

The soft boneless type.

And she had slender fingers that were as white as onions.

It felt good.

Wu Hao opened the door with a smile.

"Sit if you want."

"Thank you"

Liu ya really liked it. She immediately got into the driver's seat and sat in the driver's seat.

"Wow, this texture, originally Shelby Cobra 427 was like this."

"You know the car?"

Wu Hao asked.

"Well, my current job has something to do with this car. Can i ask, is your car a limited edition copy after 2000? "


"Ah? Is it... High imitation? " Liu Ya's face showed disappointment.


Wu Hao smiled, looked down at her beautiful face and whispered, "this car is the original. It was made in 1961 and has been repaired to this extent by experts."


Liu Ya was startled.

She looked at Wu Hao in surprise and said, "the original? Is that the original car called "Le Mans circuit immortal myth?"

"Yes, it was sent from the Floyd group this morning."


Liu Ya looked shocked and opened her mouth. She didn't come to for a long time.

Wu Hao felt a little strange.

What does she do?

Why would an original classic car give her such a shock?

For ordinary people, if they are not particularly car lovers, they would not have such a strong feeling, right?

"Is this car... Really the 1961 one?"

It was only after a long time that Liu Ya recovered from the shock and asked a difficult question.

"Yes. You should have heard of the Floyd group right? "

"Of course I have. This car was taken by Floyd group from Phillips in the United States in 2007. "

"You know so much? Can i ask what kind of job you do? You've graduated, haven't you? "

Wu Hao asked curiously.

"Yes, I have graduated."

Liu Ya hurriedly got out of the car and took out a business card and handed it to Wu Hao: "I'm the deputy editor in chief of Yanjing Kangtai magazine. Kangtai magazine is famously known for "antique cars."

"Antique car magazine? "

Wu Hao took the business card and looked at it.

A young deputy editor-in-chief.

I mean, she's just as old as he was.

"Mr. Wu, antique car magazine was founded in 2012, focusing on the promotion of antique car history and car culture. We strive to show the beauty of antique car art with professional, interesting and vivid automobile cultural content, reveal the historical story of automobile evolution, and convey the humanistic feelings derived from it. "

At the mention of her work, Liu Ya immediately became elated.

And her speech was crisp and beautiful, and her expression was very rich.

She briefly introduced the origin and content of antique car magazine. Finally, she looked at Wu Hao and said excitedly, "Mr. Wu, if you have time, can i invite you to our magazine?"

"Why?" Wu Hao blinked.

"We'd like to do an exclusive interview with you and this vintage Shelby Cobra . Are you interested?"


Just as Wu Hao hesitated, suddenly a hurried voice came from behind them.

"Is this Mr. Wu? I'm sorry I'm late. "

Wu Hao and Liu Ya looked back at the same time.

"Eh? Dad? "

"Little Ya?"

The man behind her exclaimed with Liu ya at the same time.

Then Wu Hao was startled.

what the hell!

Isn't this Liu Tingshen, President of Yanjing University?