The flight attendant's love

Wu Hao left.

Originally, Wan Ming had wanted to invite him to have a drink and talk.

Unfortunately, Wu Hao still drove away.

Maybe it was because of Zhao Jiao.

From the police station, Zhao Jiao kept her head down and had a pitiful look while following behind Wan Ming.

"Zhao Jiao, let me take you back. Where do you live?"

"No need, I'm driving."

"Oh, yeah, you have a car"."

Wan Ming smiled reluctantly.

Even though he had stepped in to save Zhao Jiao, he still felt inferior in front of her, because she had superior material conditions.

At least she had bought a BMW with her own ability.

But what about him?

He was now in a state of unemployment.

Although he still had three million in his card, the money was to be used to pay off his debts, and to give a part of it to support his family. So how much was going to remain in the end?

Where is his life going? What has he planned for his future?

Wan Ming after asking himself all this questions he felt heavily discouraged.

Looking at Zhao Jiao, who had not yet raised her head, he sighed softly and said: "You can go home by yourself, I'll be taking my leave first."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Behind him, Zhao Jiao finally raised her head.

She looked at Wan Ming's back silently, her big eyes slipping around for a while.

At a moment later, she suddenly trotted over and directly reached out to hold Wan Ming's arm and laughed saying: " Even after saying you were my boyfriend, you didn't even try to comfort me, you actually just left me standing there?"

"You ..."

Wan Ming was stunned.

"I what? Before, while in the police station, who said they were my boyfriend?"

"Jiao Jiao ..."

"Aiyoo, who asked you to change the way you call me? You are calling me Jiao Jiao? Did I promise you that?."

Wan Ming blinked and looked at Zhao Jiao, who was holding his arm tightly and constantly pouting, and said with a surprised face, "Jiao Jiao, you agreed to be my girlfriend?"

"That depends on how much you comfort me?"

Zhao Jiao pouted her lips.

She was incomparably skilled in this business of being petulant and cute.

The dumb-headed Wan Ming was too overwhelmed by this level of charm.

He opened his mouth after being stunned for a while and asked.

"Jiao Jiao, I'm too ... can I kiss you?"



"Aiyoo, So fast?. Why are you in such a hurry? Let's go, I'll drive you to have a late night snack, tonight we are going to get drunk. Today was too much of a bad day."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"Giggle, I'm suddenly in a good mood again. Wan Ming, why don't you call that brother of yours and ask him if we can go drinking together? It's on me, i gotta thank him."

"Forget it, tonight that won't be possible. I know that kid's temperament too well. Your actions this afternoon have actually made him ... that."

"Okay, okay, I understand. It's all my fault, all right."

"Jiao Jiao, I will invite him some other time. Don't worry, that brother of mine may seem cold on the outside but he is actually hot on the inside, he's easy to get along with."

"Well, it's all up to you."



In the evening, Wu Hao went straight back to his small house in the fifth ring.

After taking a simple shower, he sat on the living room sofa, drinking coffee while watching TV for a while.

After a few minutes, he impatiently turned off the TV again.

They were all boring programs.

Especially those urban dramas, the plot was so brain-dead that it made people speechless.

Just as Wu Hao was about to go back to the bedroom, there was suddenly a burst of screaming and cursing, followed by a banging and smashing sound on his building.

There was a quarrel again ...

This family was quite odd.

Wu Hao had lived here for more than a year, and that family had been fighting for more than a whole year since he had lived there.

Sometimes there were sounds of adults crying and the children also made a scene.

Whenever their episodes started, it would get very noisy.

'Today I do not know how long they are going to fight again.'

After Wu Hao stood in the living room for half a minute, he then picked up his phone and dialled a number.

"Hey, Old Wei."

"Mr. Wu, looking for me for something?"

"Arrange a van for me tomorrow, I want to move."

"No problem, what time?"

"The earlier the better, five or six o'clock."


"Then I'll see you tomorrow."

Wu Hao hung up the phone, scratched his hair with his hand, then turned around and walked into the bedroom, he directly flung himself onto the bed and covered his head with a pillow.

A few minutes later.

There was no movement on the floor.

Wu Hao then turned over and leaned on the futon, he then picked up his phone and clicked on Wechat and refreshed his friend's list.

During the weekdays, Wu Hao would often get on.

Because his mom and dad from time to time would be on moments to post some photos.

These two old people were quite fashionable.

They could play with almost anything they liked.

Today they had taken a few photos.

His mother had flower pots and it seemed she had bought a few more expensive flowers at home to raise.

HIs Dad's photo was ...

A bird cage?

He was actually raising a white cockatoo.

This old man ...

Wu Hao was left speechless.

That thing was particularly difficult to raise, and it's price was ridiculously expensive.

One was valued at ten thousand.

It looks like the old man had accepted the fact that his son was a tycoon, right?

The photo was of him carrying the bird cage in the park.

Is it really good to show off like this?


After inadvertently scrolling down, Wu Hao suddenly saw a familiar face.

It was Liu Dan?

She was wearing the uniform of a flight attendant, she was standing in the aisle of the telescopic stairs, her face had a flirtatious and sweet smile and she had a heart pose to the screen.

The caption accompanying the picture below made Wu Hao very happy.

"Who says there is no miracle? I'm Liu Dan, and I'm back. By the way, to the most important man in my life right now. You made me alive again. Please allow me to say 'I love you'."

What a girl!

There were a hundred people who liked the photo.

It was accompanied by dozens of comments.

Wu Hao was a friend to Liu Dan before the afternoon meal.

After all, on the phone he had told her that he trusts all of his friends.

Although that was the case he still didn't expect her to be so direct, showing her love on her friends list across the air.

Wu Hao knew that the person she was talking about was him.

It still felt pretty cool to be shown love by such a beautiful air hostess.




Suddenly, three messages in a row were sent over.

The first one.

Han Yuehua: Are you asleep? (Emoji of sweet smile.)

The second one.

Liu Ya: Mr. Wu, are you asleep? I very much like the wine you gave me! Always remember, I still owe you a meal.

The third one.

Sun Mengmeng: Brother Hao, ooh, I like this mini cooper, when will you accompany me on the road? I want to test drive it with you.

Wu Hao was speechless.

Suddenly there were three beautiful women sending messages, what the hell?

Do all these people know that they happen to be free at the same time right now?

But ...

He was so sleepy!.

Wu Hao directly turned off his phone and with a smile on his face, he slowly closed his eyes.