
New Town

Moving is a bitch. Except moving by yourself is even worse. I back my blue short bed Ford F150 into the closest parking spot I can find. I found a cheap place about 15 minutes away from the the shop which is only 5 minutes down the road from school.

I found a job at the local Jiffy Lube. After I spent the first month of summer in solitude drunk before deciding to pick my worthless ass up. I found a job in another city, one I have never been to before and decided to enroll in their local community college Greenwood.

Grabbing the first few boxes closest to me I begin moving all my stuff into the one bedroom apartment I'm renting. It's nothing special, just around 730 square feet but also not a dump either. I pile boxes in their appropriate locations, thank godness for my organizational skills. Finishing up 45 minutes later, I am sweaty as all hell.

I don't bother unpacking before I grab my overnight bag and head into the bathroom to test out my new shower.

Undressing quickly and kicking off my socks I turn on the water, adjusting to just the right temperature. Hopping in and feeling the warm water pulsating on my skin feels amazing. A sudden rush of calm takes me over while I wash the sweat from my tired body. Flashes of her face pop into my head unwarranted and I quickly turn the water ice cold to shake her away from my thoughts. I hate her.

I imagine her so happy right now. Probably moving into her new dorm. Meeting new friends, texting her new boyfriend...

Throwing my towel across the room I stomp over to my overnight bag and pull out a fresh pair of socks and boxers, my grey sweats and white tee. New town, new job, new life. I am not going to think about her or them or anyone else from my past. After getting dried off and dressed I decide to atleast unpack the kitchen since I am starving. I start work and class Monday so I have the weekend to unpack and settle in. I quickly call the closest pizza place from one of the flyers in my welcome packet from my apartments before starting the kitchen.

Halfway through my last box for the kitchen the doorbell rings. I grab my large extra peperori and 2 litter of Coke, pay the older gentleman delivering my food a nice amount and head back to the kitchen. The pizza smells and looks amazing. I grab a slice straight out the box and start chowing down while I scroll through my notifications. No new messages from anyone but I don't know why there would be. Everyone stopped talking to me during the summer. I don't know who I was looking to talk to but I just needed to talk. I eat four more slices and drink half the bottle of Coke before I call it a night. I'll finish unpacking the house tomorrow.

Turning off all the lights I crash out for the night on my mattress that I left on the floor. Hopefully this is a dreamless night.