The Dramatic Escape

(Irina's room)


Jack wakes up in the chamber from yesterday, still chained to the floor, he looks around until he sees Irina in front of him, he then looks down and realises that he's covered in scars, Irina then kneels in front of him "Lets see how far I can push you before you break, she grabs him and begins forcibly making out with him, making sure to make Jack as scared as possible, she then starts removing his clothes and begins sexually assaulting him after assaulting him several times, she then stands up "Time to kick things up" Jack looks at her with fear "Irina... please... stop" she laughs and brings in his mind controlled teammates "Hold him down" they do as told "Now, lets get to the real fun, she gets ready to finally take his first time (when I wrote violating for Eliza, Marion and Carolina it was actually them sexually abusing him) and then Jack hears those words... the words that shook him to his very core "You'll be a great father".

(End of dream)

Jack wakes up sweating profusely, he breaths quickly as if terrified, he turns around to see Irina sleeping peacefully next to him, "Just a dream, just a dream" he then remembers the ritual and his heart sinks "No, no, no" Irina stirs and eventually wakes up "Sleep well, Jack, or did you have a nightmare about me" she laughs as if knowing what nightmare he had, she's looks at her clock "Oh, the ritual is soon I can't wait, I can finally reveal what I have planned for you" Jack goes pale wondering what her plan is.

(Elara's room)


Michael try's to get up but his arms and legs are chained to the floor while Elara stands over him "When will you learn to obey me, maybe I should just do what Irina did to your brother" Michael laughs "Go ahead" Elara laughs "I meant on your brother" Michael gets angry "Leave him alone!, he did nothing to you" Elara laughs "Yes, but his face reminds me all too much of your father who killed my mother so seeing him suffer makes my heart so happy" Michael realises that she did all that to her brother because of his brothers close resemblance to their father "Jack, please be ok".

(End is dream)

Michael is awoken by a shock in his chest, he gets up to see Elara with a cattle prod, "Finally, thought you'd never wake up, now let's get you down to the chamber" she drags him out of her quarters.

(The chamber)

Jack is dumped next to his brother while Irina and Elara go to talk in private "Jack, you ok" Jack shakes his head and looks down "No, I'm not, she's going to do it again", he curls into a ball on the floor while Eliza, Carolina, Marion and Max watch as their one of their leaders are slowly reduced to an emotional wreck "Jack, your not alone" Jack nods "I know but what can we do, if we escape they'll just hunt us down again" Michael responds "Yeah, but we can't just give up either" Jack nods "Yeah" Michael then silently cracks his cuffs and undoes Jack's before doing the same to his team, he then grabs a gas grenade from one of the benches and chucks it out of the door which knocks Irina and Elara out, the team then head through to find their gear, they do and re-equip before sneaking through to the Fighter Bay.

(Fighter bay)

Micheal makes a speech "Alright everyone, we have one chance, if we mess up, we are as good as dead" the team nod and cloak before knocking out the guards only to trigger the alarm, Max laughs "Well, so much for subtlety" the team laugh before jumping into the fighter and flying away back to Vernia.

(Layrian Fighter)

Michael sits with Jack in the med bay as Carolina removes Irina's marking from Jack's chest "If we get surrounded again we fight until we die" Micheal nods "Agreed, how you feeling" Jack snickers "Fine, unless you count the nightmares" Michael nods "Yeah, there gonna be with us for a while" the team share a good laugh before activating FTL and heading back home.

(Vernia's atmosphere)

"Command do you copy", "Michael, your alive", Michael nods "Yes sir and Jack's ok too though he might need another... therapist" the commanders voice wavers "I-I see, sorry for not getting to you two in time" Micheal nods "Don't be, we can't all be in two places at once... we're approaching in a Layrian fighter" command nods "Right, I'll inform the brass" they land and get out with Jack being supported by his brother, the commanders come out to meet them "You lot ok" They nod "Yes sir" he looks at Jack and Michael "How about you two" Jack speaks up through pain "Fine, just a little banged up" Michael nods "Yeah, we're ready for any counterattacks" the Commanders smile "Good, because that's exactly what we have planned, but first you and your team need rest and Jack, do you want anything" Jack shakes his head "No, I can rest easy knowing that they will pay for their crimes" the Commander nods "Fair enough" the team head back to their quarters and Jack immediately goes to modify his rifle while Michael updates his log, Marion searches their armour for tracking bugs, Carolina makes sure that Eliza's leg is healed up.

After the team (except Michael and Carolina) go to bed while Jack still modifies his sniper rifle with a powerful hardened accelerated barrel and a new receiver, Michael puts his hand on Jack's shoulder "Hey, don't overwork yourself, you'll need your strength for tomorrow" Jack looks at him with a sad face "I know but... I don't want to see her face in my head again" Michael nods "Well, you aren't alone, the team and I are here for you... always, I promised Dad I would make sure of that. In truth I had several nightmares of you being...broken"

Jack hugs his brother "I just wish we could have escaped sooner" Michael nods "I know, I know, but they will be brought to justice, that is a grantee" Jack smiles and leaves his workbench, his brother goes to sleep while Carolina walks up to him clearly nervous, before she can speak Jack kisses her, she returns it and the two fall asleep on Jack's bed.


Jack wakes up sees a dream of him having a wedding with Carolina, with Michael as his best man, then he sees him having a family but then the dream takes a twist. Irina and Elara show up with unbridled anger in their eyes "We are so punishing you for this Jack" Jack sees the beam heading for him, but then Michael pushes him out of the way and instead of knocking him out, it pierces him through the chest, but then his brother pulls his pistol and shoots Elara in the head, killing her and severely wounds Irina who flees, before falling on his back. Jack rushes to his brothers side "No, No, No!" "Come on Michael, you're gonna be ok" Michael coughs up blood "Jack, I'm so proud of you and I'm sure mom and dad are two" Jack looks at his brother with tears streaming down his eyes while Carolina asses Michaels wounds. "Jack, you... Uh, must...go on..." Jack clenches his brothers hand "I-I can't lose you, not after everything you've helped you achieve" Michael smiles "I know but my time is up... Uh,

but yours is just...Uh, beginning... Uh,

now go... and live... for me,Uhh" Michael's hand slowly slips out Jack's grasp and Jack sees that Michael give him his and his dad's dog tags. Carolina hugs him from behind, Jack looks at his now dead brother with tears streaming down his face "I will...I'll never forget" he turns and hugs Carolina before the two bury him where Jack's old home used to be (it's now a sacred cemetery) Jack puts his brothers helmet and picture at the base of the tombstone while he, the team and his daughter pay their respects. Jack thinks "I am never alone".

(Space Fortress)

Irina and Elara wake up in the infirmary, Elara questions the nurse "What happened" the nurse calls in Aural who gives Elara the bad news "Jack and Michael broke their own and their teams cuffs, threw a gas grenade to knock you two out then stole back their equipment and escaped in one of our fighters while jamming our trackers. Irina gets up furious "Well, what are waiting for we should just invade Vernia" Elara nods "Agreed but first we need to gather all of our fleets and from what I heard the humans have done the same... this will be a... WAR!"
