To Run-and-Gun

Micheal Peterson:

"Tell him," my mind screams, "You have to tell you now! Tell him he needs to stop the blog! Before something bad happens!"

"No," another section of my mind yells. "No! Don't! Listen to him! He sounds super excited! You don't want to ruin this for him, do you?"

"Better to ruin it now than when criminals invade his parents' house hoping to learn more about Thrill Rider!"

"What could Brian possibly know? It's not like you reveal your secret identity to him! He started a blog about you, but it's probably just a bunch of rumors and stuff people already know."

"Better to be safe than sound, you know!"

"Better to have happy friends than sad ones that cry all time!"

"What are you talking about!"

"Remember that time Brian skinned his knee and cried? It was so awkward."

"Yeah, it kind of was."

"Yeah, right. I mean, it wasn't that bad. We've gotten worse injuries and didn't cry."

"We once fell off our bike, badly skinned our elbow, and didn't cry. We just rub in some water, put on a bandage, and pour a cup of apple juice."

"Okay," I start, "Are you two still talking about whether or not I should talk to Brian about his blog or should I just ignore both of you?"

"What," Brian asks, snapping me out of my head. "What are you talking about? And what about my blog? What do you mean by 'I should talk to Brian about his blog'?"

"Ooohhh," I moan, trying to think of something to say. Anything to say.

"Come on," I say, "Are either of you two there! Come on! Say something!"

"Oh, now you want our help," my two minds say. "Well, suck to be you. You're on your own."


"Micheal," Brain yells, snapping his fingers in front of me. "Are you there? Micheal, what were you talking about?"

"Okay," I start, clearing my throat. "I was talking about you and your blog."

"Yeah," Brian replies, "I figure that out. What I'm wondering is what you meant by 'I should talk to Brain, me, about his blog'? What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just a few things. You know, like how did you learn so much about Thrill Rider? How did you get those pictures of him fighting? Are you sure you want to do this? This doesn't exactly seem safe. No, not safe in the slightest."

"Micheal, calm down. It's fine. Nothing bad will happen."

"Nothing bad had happened yet. Notice I said 'yet'. Nothing bad has happened yet."

"And nothing bad will happen. I mean, even if it does, Thrill Rider will be there.

"Talk about a major guilt trip," my head interrupts.

"Now, if you'd excuse me, I have to go to the bank. Mr. Madds said he'll pay me for any more pictures of Thrill Rider but first thing first, I'd need to get a new camera."

Getting out of my car, he then walks through the people and right into the bank.

"Okay, time to check it out."

Pulling out my cell phone, I begin looking into Brian's blog about 'Thrill Rider'. Surprisingly easy to find, the section of my head that said it was nothing to worry about turns out to be sort of right. The blog mainly talks about crimes 'Thrill Rider' prevented, nothing more than a few disputes, some robberies in progress, and one or two carjackings. There was nothing about who 'Thrill Rider' actually is, though there appears to be a lot of pictures of him.

"How are you getting these," I ask, scrolling down further and seeing even more pictures. There's a picture of 'Thrill Rider' stopping a man who tries to steal some money from a convenience store, another picture of 'Thrill Rider' stopping some small-time gang members from stealing a car, and one more of me, 'Thrill Rider', running from the police.

"Hmm. I remember that."

The sound of a motorcycle interrupting my reading, I look in the rear-view mirror and see a man in a black motorcycle helmet pulling up behind me. Getting off his dirt bike, he adjusts his black coat and his backpack before looking at the bank in front of him.

"Oh no," I say, recognizing him after a few seconds. The bank, the bike, and the black motorcycle helmet all match Run-and-Gun! He's here, right now, and about to rob the bank!

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! I mean, don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

Sinking down, hiding behind the driver's seat, I watch as Run-and-Gun enters the bank. According to what my dad said, it'll take less than ten minutes for Run-and-Gun to be in and out of the bank. Unfortunately, I think it'll take more than ten minutes for the polices to be here.

"So glad I wore this today," I say, taking off my Captain American t-shirt and reaching down below to glad my spare mask.


Running out of the bank, my backpack filled with cash, I look around to make sure there are no cops around! The coast begins clear, I run to my bike, but before I can make it all the way, someone tackles me to the sidewalk, the two of us falling over.

"What the hell," I say, looking up to see some jackass in a black suit. "Who are you!"

Thrill Rider:

"Name's Thrill Rider," I answer, pulling out my batons and twirling them around. "And I'm here to stop you!"

"F you," he screams, getting back up and aiming his gun at me. However, before he can fire, I hit the gun, and Run-and-Gun fires at the street instead! Punching him in the helmet, he stumbles back while holding it! About to hit him again, he blocks it with his left arm. Wrapping his arm around me, he then knees me in the stomach, before pistol-whipping me with his gun!

Pushing me back, he then aims his gun at me again. Too far away to hit it this time, I think fast and jump behind some nearby car, just as bullets begin flying toward me! Covering my head, glass raining down on me, I peek around the side. Backing away as he keep on firing, Run-and-Gun stops when he notices his tip-over bike, the one he arrived on and the one I kicked over.

Stopping to pick it up, I roll out from cover and run with all my might to Run-and-Gun, just as he is about to get back on. Slamming right into him, the two of us once again fall onto the sidewalk, rolling around for a bit before stopping.

"Yes," I say, seeing the cash-filled backpack. Reaching and grabbing it, my smile turns upside-down when I hear the sound of metal hitting the ground. Looking around for a bit, I see Run-and-Gun reload his gun, the empty clip on the ground and Run-and-Gun slamming a new clip in!

Aiming right at me, I bring up the backpack and use it as a shield, little scraps of money falling into the air! Blinded by all the shards of money, I toss the backpack back to Run-and-Gun. Hitting and stunning him, Run-and-Gun completely focuses on the destroyed backpack, I then charge toward him! Pulling back my fist, preparing to hit and knock him out, he fires his gun!

Barely missing me, stepping back and sliding, I fall to the ground. Run-and-Gun running to me, he stomps his foot on my chest and aims at me.

"I had fun there for a second," he chuckles, "You know, you're a really fun guy! I can't wait to see you again!"

"What," I ask, before he pistol-whips me again, almost knocking me out. Moaning as I look at Run-and-Gun, he ignores his backpack and walks over to his bike. Picking it up, he hops on and drives away.

"Ahh," I say, holding my head and blinking a few times to make sure my vision is clear. After a few blinding lights, my vision eventually returns to normal. At least, normal enough for me to get up, pick up my batons, and walk over to my car to change back.