Partners in Crime


Reaching behind me, I slowly pull out my dual machetes. The blades shine brightly in the night as I raise them, putting them between myself and this Black Archer.

"Who are you," the Black Archer asks. I don't answer the guy. Instead, I swing my machetes back as I charge toward him. The archer pulls an arrow from the quiver on his back and puts it in his bow. He tries to pull the bowstring back but I swing one of my machete.

I hit his bow, knocking the arrow to the ground again. Spinning around, I then jump and kick the archer. Once again, he stumbles back. I follow him as he stumbles back and I swing my machete again.

The archer moves faster than expected. He's able to block my swing with his bow. Slamming my other hand against the blade of my machete, I push against him.

As we push against each other, sparks flying off his bow and my machetes, I watch as the archer pulls something out from beneath his sleeves. It's a small blade, the glare catching my eyes. Using one hand to push me back, he uses his other hand to swing the knife. The knife cuts my raincoat but not me.

Seeing this, I have no choice but to jump back. When I do jump back, the archer jumps back himself.

I hold my machetes by my sides as I keep an eye on the archer. Still holding the bow and knife in his hands, I thought he might switch out the knife for another arrow but I was wrong. He did sheath the knife, putting it back in his sleeves, but he didn't reach for another arrow. Instead, he takes off.

Running off, I try to chase after him but the rat bastard is some sort of parkour expert. He runs into a nearby alley and jumps up a wall before grabbing onto a ladder. Climbing up the ladder, the archer runs up the fire escape and disappears.

"Coward," I think, looking at the rooftop where he disappeared. Spinning my machetes around, I then sheath them, sliding them back into their sheathes on my back. Turning around, I see Thrill Rider standing back on his feet.

"Uhhh," he starts, "Hello? Who are you?"

Walking toward Thrill Rider, I stop when Thrill Rider raises one of his batons at me.

"No, no, no," he shouts. "First, answer me. Who are you? Are you friendly?"

"I just saved your life," I answer, crossing my arms.

"Okay. That's one question answered, but not the first! Seriously, who are you?"

"I am Vengeance," I answer.


"What? No! Vengeance! My name is Vengeance!"


I sigh and shake my head.

"You know, I thought when I finally found you, you would be...a little bit different."

"Oh. Uhh. I'm sorry to disappoint. Wait, you were looking for me? Why? What did I do to you?"

"Nothing, but I do require your help."

"My help," Thrill Rider repeats. He lowers his baton slightly. "With what exactly?"

"The 23rd Gangs," I answer.

"I'm sorry," Thrill Rider says, "What?"

Juliet Western:

"Okay," I say, chasing after Issac as he runs through the house. Issac moves fast. He runs through the hallway then the dining room and then into the den. I stayed behind Issac the whole time, never catching him. It isn't until my brother appears that Issac stops.

"Knock it off," Tyler shouts, grabbing Issac by his shirt and holding him down. Issac tries to get away but James doesn't let him. I grab him and pick him up.

"Come on, Issac," I say, "It's time for your bath. Jane is already with your brother. Let's go."

I carry Issac to the restroom. There, Jane, our foster mother, is already washing Justin and Andrew. The three of them are covered in soap suds.

"Thank you, Juliet," Jane says as she fights against Justin who is hiding behind his brother.

"Oh no," I say, "Happy to help."

"Justin," Jane yells, "Come here. Come here!"

"No," Justin yells. "I don't want to! It'll hurt!"

"You just need to close your eyes," Jane answers. She pours some shampoo into her hand. "Come on. Come here!"

As Jane battles Justin, I decide it would be best to leave. I close the bathroom door and walk down the stairs. As I walk down the stairs, I see Joe and give him a quick nod.

"Hello Joe," I say.

"Hello Juliet," Joe says, giving me a nod back. "Thanks for the help with Justin."

"Hey, don't mention it. It's the least we can do for you and Jane. Thank you for taking all of us in."

Joe smiles and nods again before leaving. Meanwhile, I walk back into the den where Tyler is. Sitting in a chair, using the family's computer, Tyler looks up when he sees me.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," Tyler says.

"How's the hunt?"

"Bad," Tyler answers, turning back to the computer. He moves to the side, making room for me. I join him and look at the screen.

"Not a whole lot of information on Thrill Rider," my brother starts, "Minus all the misdemeanors he stopped. There are a few stories here and there that try to dig into who he could be, but really, nothing too much. Actually, most of the stories, the ones that seem reliable at least, are written by that Brian guy."

"From high school?"

"Yeah, that idiot."

I slap my brother on the back of his head. He turns to look at me while rubbing his newly sore spot.

"Yes, that person," Tyler corrects, turning back to the screen. "I think our next move should be to try and follow Brian. I think our best shot of finding Thrill Rider is him."

"Okay," I say, patting my brother on his shoulder. "Awesome detective job, Tyler. By the way, the suit is also ready."

"That's awesome," Tyler says. "Are you sure it'll fit?"

"Uhh, yeah. Of course, it'll fit. I made it from some of our old clothes."

"Yes," my brother says as he goes back to researching more about Thrill Rider. While he does that, I walk back to our room. On the walk back, I reach into my pocket and pull out a deck of cards. Drawing a card, I flip it over and see a black ace.

"Yeah," I say, "It'll fit alright."

Thrill Rider:

"The 23rd Gang," Vengeance repeats.

"Yup," I think. "He really did say the 23rd Gang."

I hope the Black Archer had hit me hard enough it caused some hearing problems but I guess not.

"The 23rd Gang," I say.

"Yes. You know them? Right."

"Of course, I know them. They're one of the biggest and most dangerous gangs in the whole city. Their leader, Mick, is wanted for millions of cases of extortion and blackmail alone."

"And a few other things," Vengeance says. "That's why I've been looking for you. The police won't do anything."

"They can't do anything," I correct. "Like I said, the 23rd Gang is one of the most dangerous gangs. Mick is always surrounded by his men, and those same men are always armed. They won't go down without a fight."

"Exactly. Mick's men aren't going down without a fight, and if the police won't fight them, then we will."

Vengeance grabs my shoulders and points between the two of us.

"We will bring the fight to Mick and his men and we will bring him to justice! I read about you! You took down Run-and-Gun! You took down Iron Fire! When the police couldn't do anything, you did! Now, you need to do something again! But this time, this time! You don't have to go alone."

Vengeance steps back and pulls out his dual machetes. He spins them around before catching them.

"I spend five years in the army," Vengeance says. "Training for this exact purpose. Tonight, the 23rd Gang will answer for their crime!"

As Vengeance shouts this, I step back.

"Are you with me," Vengeance yells, pointing at me with one of his machetes.

"Uhh," I say, carefully pushing the machete out of the way.

"Well," I think, "Normally, I would say no to anyone who's waving a pair of machetes around, but something about this guy seems genuine. This isn't just a purpose to him. It's personal, and he may need my help. Oh no. I'm going to regret this. I know it."

"Yes," I answer with a nod of my head. "I'm with you."

Vengeance, whoever he is, is a tall man. He's wearing what looks like a black raincoat and normal pants. The hood of his raincoat is pulled up so his face is hidden underneath it. Only his smiling mouth and nose can be seen. It reminds me a little of the assassins from Assassin's Creed.

"But first," I say, Vengeance's smile disappears. "The big question. Where do we start?"

Vengeance's smile returns as he pulls out a yellow Post-It note.

"Here," he says. "After some interrogation with other 23rd gang members, I got this address. I'll meet you there."

"You don't want a ride," I ask after reading the address.

Vengeance looks at my downed bike.

"Thanks but no thanks. I got my own."