

(A.) Bitting or given to bitting;

Biting or Sharp in manner;


Capable of wounding

Another year later

The family of six launged across the living area watching Spongebob.

The father rested his arm on the back of his mates head as she leaned back, the twins sat side by side with Charlotte sprawled across their legs as they watched the t.v. intensely

It had been eight years since the moon goddess blessed the king and his mate a third child, their first daughter, and once again she surprised by blessing them with another son, who was laying in a blanket on his mother.

The child would have the same powers as his older sister, as you could practically sense the power radiating from the pup.

"ATTACK, ATTACK. ATTACK FROM THE SOUTH BORDER. GABRIEL AND HIS ROUGES!" A pack member screamed throughout the whole pack's mind link.

"Every male and female warriors get in your positions. Elders, children, pregnant women and ill get to the safe house! NOW!" The king shouted angrily

By now all three children were taking their mother and baby brother to the private safe room in a rush the king was in the battlefield fighting for his people.

It had been a rainy day and a bad storm had struck, not one as bad as the day the princess was born for that one would be put down in history, but as the pack heard the news the weather seemed to darken.

The mother stood in front of her children in a protective stance even though the doors had been majorly locked and guarded

"Mama is daddy going to be okay?" Charlotte questioned to which the queen sighed

"I don't know baby, but if he's not he will die doing his job" she spoke honestly

A tear role down the little girl's cheek as her brothers hug her tighter. Maria kept in her tears of pain so her children wouldn't know how unbearable the pain was, she could feel the weakening bond between her and her mate.

The sound of the battle was getting louder and closer to the palace and before anybody knew it four hours had passed and a loud bang on the door signalled that they had lost.

The door flew off of the hinges making dust and drywall fly around the large hiding space.

And there stood Gabriel a man that was around thirty-five years of age with greying brown hair and eyes the colour of throw up, a disgusting green, he was tall with a not well-built figure and sickly pale skin.

Gabriel's guards came running in beside him ready to attack the discouraged family

"Well, what have we got here...maria Costello and her horrid disgraced halfbreed pups" he smiled evilly "you know I can kill you all, take your daughter, and kingdom, it would be, oh so simple" he moved his fingers forward and his guards lunged forward

The Queen fought for a reason. So her children would grow and rule as they were meant to do, but as much as she tried she couldn't outnumber Gabriel men.

A guard twisted her hands behind her back, flipping her on her stomach clutching her hair dangerously. Before the children even knew the silver dagger was plunged into her mother's stomach.

The unnamed baby boy in Alessandro arm started crying loudly as all the children stared at their dead mother. Their heart aching as they felt the bond ripped away harshly

"Shut that baby up!" Gabriel demanded

Alessandro rocked his brother but it was no use

"I said shut it up!" He yelled again

The boy tried shushing his baby brother harder but it worked to no avail

"That's it!" The man who murdered their mother snapped. He walked up to the baby and tugged it out of the boys grasp before he could even recognize what was happening

Riccardo growled loudly and lunged but was pulled back and held down by two full-grown men, this time Alessandro lunged but he and his sister were also held down as they were forced to watch as the new princes head was brutally bashed into the hard tiled floor, blood flying in all directions, painted their clothes, the white walls and the cream coloured carpet.

The man threw they, bloody baby, on top of the mother like it were a piece of trash as all the children thrashed and growled harshly, Alessandro bit the man who was holding him right on the wrist, drinking as much of the metallic liquid as he could before he was pulled away and had his head slammed on the wall making him fall in a small slumber.

"BOSS!" a man ran in looking at Gabriel "they have pack reinforcements enclosing on us!" He shouts

Gabriel snaps his head back to the children's fury was the only thing that swam in the eldest's eyes, a want for revenge.

The girl's eyes filled with sadness but that was replaced with a fury brighter and stronger than her brothers, the men who held her down pushed themselves away from her, you could see the fire in her eyes. The want for blood.

He nodded toward Riccardo and the guard completed the same action they did on his twin, but not before he saw his sister one last time.

The men saw how the powerful girl was about to release all anger on the group of men, so they did what they could do. They injected a needle in her neck before she slumped to the ground

Hours later

The girl was shook violently being awake from her deep slumber.

Her blurred vision slowly became clearer as she focused on the face of a pretty woman. She had blonde hair and brown eyes but was petite. The mystery woman wore a nurse's outfit.

Three weeks later

Charlotte shook violently in the corner as the tears had no longer been streaming down her face because there were no more tears to cry.

The doors clanked open but the young girl kept her head held in between her knees, it didn't matter anyway because a man had yanked he roughly by her forearm throughout the cold stone isles

Within seconds she was thrown inside a room that looked like an office. Before she could take in her surroundings she was pulled to her feet and was left in the room with the man she hated most.


Her blood felt hot like lava was pricking her skin.

Her cheeckes dried before you could even say his name.

Her once sweet and loving eyes turned into a stone hard glare that she had learned from her father and brothers just days before.

Without a single thought she pounced at the man scratching and clawing at his chest. Her training did her no justice, she let her anger and sadness consume her.

Yet all the man did was push her to the floor.

He crouched and put his lips close to her ear and whispered "you will behave. You will litsen. You will be a good pup. You will be my luna mate and bear my pups. If you do not I will not hesitate to slit your throat just like your poor mamas!" He says cruelly

Charlotte starts crying once more and huddles in a featus position, her eyes being blurry once more.

Gabriel stands and walks to the door as he was about to leave he though of an evil plan to make her comply.

"You will get your own room. You will get books, clothes, and free roam. If you try to escape you will be punished severely..got it?" He asks

Charlotte was smart for a child under ten. From the second he said those words she knew what she would have to do. So she shook her head hesitantly.