Rayleigh and Thirteen arrived at Sabaody, Thirteen said "Go first. I'm sure everyone is waiting for you, i'll meet you at the bar." Rayleigh nodded and left. Thirteen watched him go and only stepped on the island when he disappeared, the moment he stepped on the island, an illusionary tiger roared, sending shivers down everyone who was on the island's spine.
Thirteen stood on the grass once again and took a deep breath. He was way taller now, standing at 6'8, whereas before he was only 6 ft. He was still barefoot, he had shorts with a little tiger paw print on the bottom corner, and a black hawaiian shirt with a giant rabbit on the back surrounded by rainbow colored flowers. His shirt was open, revealing his white tiger tattoo and his new brand, which was a carrot. His hair was long and reached his shoulders, it was still white with black streaks and finally one of his eyes was red and the other was blue.
Thirteen took a step and slowly walked towards the streets with a giant bag, he ears and tail clearly visible. He was walking a humming to himself as people stared at him, he spread out his observation haki and searched around for a bar, he found one and walked inside. He put the bag down and sat next to a woman with long orange hair, he tapped the bar and said "Two whiskeys." he leaned his elbow on the bar and held his head in his hand as he looked at the orange haired woman and said "Hey gorgeous, want to be my 4th wife?"
The bar went silent and the woman turned her head and said "I'm waiting for so-" before opening her mouth in shock, Thirteen chuckled and said "What? Never seen a handsome guy before?" she hugged him and said "Thirteen!" he almost suffocated in her breasts as he said "As much as i like this, I can't breathe. Plus I think Robin would cien fleur crush my balls, so.." Nami let him go and giggled as she said "How you been?" the bartender put both glasses in front of Thirteen and he put down 2000 before sliding a glass to Nami and saying "Great, you?"
Thirteen drank from his glass and Nami said "Really good! How's the you know.." Thirteen put his face in front of hers and said "Look at my eyes." Nami looked and finally noticed one was blue and one was red, she said "What happened?!" Thirteen said "We took control! We're gonna kill everyone!" Nami paled and Thirteen burst out laughing, she froze and slapped him as she snapped "Bastard! What's your problem?!" Thirteen finished his drink and said "Nightmare's gone." he explained what happened and Nami sighed as she patted his shoulder.
She looked at his brand and said "A carrot?" Thirteen grinned and held up 3 fingers, Nami rubbed her forehead and sighed "Living the life I guess?" Thirteen said "I'm guessing you missed Sanji?" before turning away and dodging the slap as he chuckled. Nami seethed and said "As if I would like that pervert!" Thirteen scooted closer and said "Yeah yeah that's what my second wife said. So? Did you see him? Were you thinking about him all the time?" Nami covered her blushing face and said "You're a lot more annoying now." Thirteen wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said "Negative. I'm happy now. Hahahaha"
Suddenly a big man said "Hey, get your hands off my woman." The duo paused and turned to see a fat man dressed in a red vest and a tattered straw hat, Nami said "I already said no." Thirteen covered his mouth as his shoulders shook, he nudged Nami and winked at her, she was confused and Thirteen put on a scared look and said "She's your woman?! Monkey D. Luffy?!" Nami almost burst out laughing but bit her lips and watched.
The man sneered and said "That's right! Now get away from her!" Thirteen looked around nervously and said "Can you let me go? I heard your recruiting! I'll join!" 'Luffy' rubbed his chin and said "What's your bounty?" Thirteen blinked and looked at Nami before saying "I actually don't remember.." Nami held up a finger and Thirteen said "Oh right!" 'Luffy' said "100 million!? Welcome to the crew!" Thirteen was stunned and said "Wait a minute! The script flipped!" Nami burst out laughing and 'Luffy' was confused.
A woman with orange hair walked up to Thirteen and trailed over his abs as she said "Hey there, i'm Nami. What's your name?" Thirteen said "San-ji." Nami turned green and the fake Nami said "Really? I want to show you something, how about you follow me?" Nami grit her teeth and said "How long are you gonna play around?" Thirteen said "I'm not allowed?" he turned to 'Nami' and winked as he said "Give me a minute cutie." 'Nami' blushed and scooted to the side, Nami turned green again and Thirteen said "Captain! Where is 'White Tiger' Thirteen?" as he did a little salute.
'Luffy' said "He should be here any second now.." the door was kicked in violently and a man with fake tiger ears and a fake tiger tail walked inside saying "Oi! I want free drinks or i'll slaughter everyone in this bar!" Thirteen choked and Nami covered her mouth and turned away, Thirteen said "Let's leave." Nami nodded with her mouth covered.
Thirteen picked up his bag and said "Ah captain, i'll see you later. I got some stuff to do." before walking out with Nami, the duo reached outside and Nami burst out laughing. Thirteen grinded his teeth as he walked away, Nami followed after him and said "Oh? No more playing around?" Thirteen snapped "Oi witch! Did you see your look alike in there? I almost couldn't tell the difference!" Nami lunged at him and said "What did you just say you damn 3 wife having bastard!"
Thirteen grinned and held her chin as he said "Want to make it four?" Nami giggled and said "Do YOU want to take that risk?" Thirteen froze and mumbled "You're no fun.." Nami laughed and hugged his arm as she said "Aww what's wrong now hotshot? Scared of your wives?" Thirteen thought about it and shivered but still said "No." the duo heard a voice "Oh? You're not?"
Thirteen stiffened and turned his head before saying "Oh my beautiful wife I missed you so much!" as he lunged at robin and hugged her before sitting her on his shoulders saying "You look amazing! Did you get a hair cut? Wow, how lucky am I?" Robin was shocked and couldn't even retort all the compliments, Nami giggled and Robin said "Who are you? What did you do to Thirteen?" Thirteen actually flinched a bit and said "Did I change that much..." Robin hopped off and held his face as she said "It's not a bad thing! I was just shocked! I'm sorry.." Thirteen sighed and hugged her as he said softly "I missed you.." Robin hugged him tightly as she said "Me too." he pulled back and kissed her, she wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back.
Nami coughed and they broke apart. Thirteen grinned and said "What are we doing now?" Robin said "I saw a couple guys following me.." Thirteen spread out his observation and burst out laughing, the other two were confused and Thirteen said "You don't need to worry about them.. They captured the fake robin." Nami laughed and said "What did she look like?" Thirteen said "A small man." he scratched his head and said "I really don't know if it was a man or a woman honestly.." Nami burst out laughing and Robin said "Whatever. Where were you guys going?"
Nami smirked and said "Thirteen was just saying that I could be his fourth wife." Thirteen turned green and Robin 'smiled' at him as she said "Really? I don't recall saying you could have more than three, including myself." Thirteen shook his head and said "She's lying! Plus she's in love with Sanji!" Nami gasped and said "I'M NOT! YOU BASTARD!" Robin giggled and said "Good thing you didn't otherwise..." she made a scissors motion with her hands and Thirteen paled.
A while later
The trio walked around the streets and Thirteen said "Fuck this place and their damn 17 million archipelagos!" Robin sighed and said "We passed that rabbit plush store 5 times. Do you want something?" Thirteen blushed embarrassingly and said "No. I'm lost." Nami rolled her eyes and bought him a rabbit plushie, she threw it at him and said "Can we go now?" Thirteen caught the plushie and put it on his head, sadness flashed through his eyes before disappearing as he said "Let's go to Uncle's place!" he took out Rayleigh's vivre card and started walking in the direction it pointed. Nami said "You were really lost?!" Thirteen nodded and continued, Robin saw his eyes before and sighed as she followed him. They followed the vivre card before finally arriving at Shakky's Bar.
Thirteen walked inside and said "Uncle i'm back!" Rayleigh turned around and said "Did you need to shout? I'm not deaf!" Thirteen laughed and said "Who knows? You're getting old." Rayleigh grabbed him and said "I look better than you do now brat!" Thirteen chuckled and said "I don't think so, what do you think aunty?" Shakky squinted at the two before saying "The kid looks better." Thirteen grinned and looked at Rayleigh, he grinded his teeth and said "Did you tell her yet?" Thirteen's eyes widened as he said "You wouldn't!" Rayleigh chuckled evilly and said "Ahh you two! Have a seat! Would you like to hear where he's been for the past two years?" Thirteen snapped "You damn old man! I swear to god!" the girls sat at the bar and waited quietly, even Shakky.
Rayleigh opened his mouth when Sanji opened the door and said "Hey I was-" his eyes turned to hearts as she swooned "NAMI-SWAN!!!" Thirteen clapped and said "Yes! Come! Look Sanji!" he pointed to her chest and said "No shirt at all!" Sanji fainted from a nosebleed and Thirteen paled and said "It was too much! No!" he grabbed Sanji and slapped him saying "Wake up you shit-cook! I need a distraction! You unreliable bastard! Nami said she wants to get married!" Sanji shot up and lunged at Nami saying "I dooo!" Nami's eye twitched and she punched him in the face screaming "IN YOUR DREAMS!"
Sanji flew back and Thirteen caught him, he rubbed Sanji shoulders and said "Alright, first rejection. That hasn't stopped you before! You're a machine! You can do this! Get in there!" Sanji did a little boxing warm-up and said "Yeah, i'm a machine! I got this!" he walked up and put his hand on the bar in front of her as he said "I do." Nami was almost impressed and punched him in the head, he got a nosebleed and really passed out this time. Thirteen sighed and said "There goes that.." he dragged Sanji outside and woke him up saying "Go warm up on some other women champ! Round two starts on the Sunny." Sanji nodded and flew away mumbling "Round 2 for Nami-swan's heart.."
Thirteen walked back inside to hear Rayleigh say "He was on Zou spending his time with a girl named Carrot." Robin sighed and Rayleigh smirked and said "A rabbit mink." Robin sighed again and Nami said "A rabbit Mink?!" Rayleigh chuckled and Thirteen sat at the bar saying "A whole bottle of Whiskey please." Shakky shook her head and giggled as she tossed a bottle to him. He took the cap off and drank from the bottle, Robin said "A rabbit Mink huh." Thirteen said "Are you upset with me?"
Robin said "No. Glad to know you were having fun." before walking out of the bar, Thirteen rubbed his forehead and drank the rest of the bottle before running after her. Shakky said "Uncle of the year." Rayleigh scratched his head and said "Maybe I should've let him say it." Nami laughed and said "I think he was fucked either way, oh yeah. Where's the ship?" Rayleigh chuckled and said "Grove 17." Nami smiled and said "Thanks Rayleigh!" he smiled and she left.
Thirteen caught up to Robin and dragged her to a private spot, he said "What's wrong? as he wiped the tears from her eyes, she said "I missed you everyday and you were with someone else! What do you mean what's wrong!" Thirteen said "It wasn't like that." Robin said "What was it like? Please tell me so I can understand. I was worried sick about you! I couldn't sleep most nights and you were completely fine with another woman! If you didn't care you could've just said so!" she turned to leave and Thirteen grabbed her and pinned her against the wall.
He snapped "You think I don't care about you?! I thought about you and Carla all the time! You think you're the only one who didn't get sleep? Half the time I didn't sleep at all! I was worried about you! Who knows where you were and what happened, if something happened to you how do you think I would feel?" He lifted his hand and it caught fire and sparked, he turned around and punched a huge hole in a mangrove tree, the tree toppled and he formed a chain and whipped it towards the tree annihilating the entire tree.
He turned back and said "What's the point of all this strength and training if I can't protect you? I spent almost every waking moment training so that I could protect you. Carrot helped me train and I even told her before we started that you and Carla were both already in my heart, I love all of you! If something even happens to one of you I don't know what I would do! I understand that you're in a difficult position and you would rather not share, but that doesn't mean that you can say that I don't care about you." he sighed and walked away, leaving Robin stunned, she said "Where are you going?" Thirteen said "I need my bag. I bought you a gift." she sobbed and said "You did..." Thirteen said "Of course I did. There wasn't a moment I wasn't thinking about you.." he sighed and disappeared.
He reappeared with his bag and saw Robin crying on the ground, he picked her up and sat down next to his bag as he hugged her in his lap. He rubbed her back and kissed her head as she grabbed onto his shirt tightly and cried on his shoulder, Thirteen said "It's okay. I'm not going to leave, I missed you so much." Robin said "You don't think i'm needy?" Thirteen shook his head and said "Of course not. I know you missed me. I know you're scared." Robin looked up at him and he kissed her lips gently as he said "I'm not going to abandon you for someone else. I promise. I love you Robin." Robin teared up and kissed him again before smiling and snuggling into his chest like a little kitten.
Thirteen smiled and pulled out a big box and a small box. Robin said "What is it?" Thirteen opened the big box first and pulled out a black dress with 'X' stitches on the sides, as well as a black turtle neck with a white tiger-paw print on the chest. He showed them to her excitedly and said "You like them?!" Robin held the clothes and said "You got these for me?" Thirteen nodded and said "Yeah! I know you like black a lot so I got you the dress if we have to go somewhere fancy one day, and you look really cute in turtle necks so I got you this one! I wanted to skin out of the bastards going after Carrot for their fur but apparently that was not allowed, but they're still really soft and comfortable!"
Robin laughed and said "Skin them?" Thirteen nodded and said "There was a black bear, a goat, a lion, a zebra, and a dog. Hmph idiots, who's laughing now?" he chuckled evilly to himself and Robin shook her head while giggling. Thirteen picked up the small box and opened it, revealing a ring as he said "I don't really have much to say, and this isn't really the best place but I love you and I want you to marry me." Robin was stunned and couldn't follow his pacing, first clothes, then he asks her to marry him. Robin said "You're still the same Thirteen." Thirteen frowned and said "What does that mean? You don-" Robin kissed him aggressively and said "Are you an idiot?! Of course I do! I was just shocked, first you bring me clothes and then out of nowhere you bring out a ring!" she shook her head a froze before saying "Thirteen? Where did you learn this?"
Thirteen started to sweat as he said "Nowhere." Robin reached into his shirt and pulled out a book before saying "How to propose." she grit her teeth and threw the book away saying "You ruined my proposal!" the book flew into the air and disappeared.
The book smashed into a man with a long nose and a beard, hitting him right in the nose. The man picked up the book and opened it before saying "THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT?!" he looked around and stuffed the book in his overalls before running away.
Thirteen reached out for the book and sighed "What am I going to do with the other two now?" Robin said "Three." Thirteen said "But I just-" Robin said "It wasn't from you! You have to do it yourself!" Thirteen closed the box before opening it again and saying seriously "Robin I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" Robin nodded excitedly and kissed him again as she said "Yes!" Thirteen cheered and slipped the ring on her finger, she looked at it and said "It's so pretty!" Thirteen said "Yeah! I had three made and they're all different! Yours is a black diamond in the shape of a flower, because you like gardening! The ring is normal metal though."
Robin smiled and said "What about Carrot's?" Thirteen took Carrot's out and said "She loves carrots, so I made her an orange diamond in the shape of a carrot!" he showed her the ring and Robin was stunned and said "That's not what I meant. Why didn't you give Carrot hers when you were with her?" Thirteen gave her a 'are you stupid' look and said "Obviously because you're the first wife. I thought you were smart." he shook his head and put Carrot's ring away and took out Carla's and said "Carla's was a bit hard but I went with a heart because she got a heart-lock tattoo for me. Also it was super tricky to get the rainbow colors in the diamond! I had to create enough stardust and keep it in the diamond for days!" he showed Robin the heart shaped ring and said "And that's it!"
Robin looked at him and said "You didn't give her the ring because you wanted to give it to me first?" Thirteen nodded and said "Of course!" she teared up and kissed him as she said "You're so nice to me! I love you so much!" before she cried while giggling, Thirteen scratched his head and said "I thought that's what I was supposed to do." Robin kissed him and said "It was. Good job! I'm happy!" Thirteen kissed her face all over and said "I'm glad you're happy! I got Carla some clothes too but I already sent them to her along with my vivre card. I hope she got them." Robin smiled and put her head into the crook of his neck, completely content.
A while later
Thirteen and Robin reached the Sunny and saw the rest of the crew, minus Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy. Thirteen nudged Robin and winked at her, before saying "So many people to kill!" and licking his lips. The crew, minus Nami, paled and said "Nightmare?!" Thirteen cackled and said "I'm in control now! Eheheheheheheh!" The crew paled and said "No!" Nami slapped Thirteen in the head and said "CAN YOU STOP DOING THAT?!" the crew blinked and Thirteen burst out laughing before falling over with tears in his eyes as he said "You should've seen the looks on your faces! Hahahahaha" Franky snapped "You bastard! I'm going to kill you!" the rest of them jumped on him and started to beat him up, Thirteen covered his mouth before releasing an electro charge and jolting them.
Brook shook and said "I felt that down to my bones Yohohoho!" Thirteen laughed again and said "How you guys been?" they all grumbled and Thirteen said "I can go back to like before if you want." as he made a straight face and said "Better?" Usopp snapped "Change back!" Thirteen chuckled and Nami looked at Robin's hand and said "A RING?!" the rest of the crew looked over and threw Thirteen out of the way, surrounding Robin and looking at the ring.
Thirteen sighed and said "And nobody cares about me anymore.. Damn bastards..." before grabbing his bag and going to his room. He closed the door and opened his bag, he put the ring boxes inside the secret compartment and closed it. He took out all his books and put them on the shelves, he put the rabbit plush Nami bought him on top of an empty part of the shelves and smiled. He dug into his bag and grabbed the pictures of him and Carrot and hung them next to Carla's notes, a picture slipped out from behind another one. He picked it up and got a nosebleed, it was a picture of Carrot completely naked and it said 'When you miss me ♥ -Carrot' she signed her name and everything. He calmed himself down and put the picture in the secret compartment for later.
Thirteen wiped his nose and picked up a rabbit stuffed doll, he smiled as he looked at it, she made it for him the day after Rayleigh showed up, he still remembered her bandaged fingers as she handed it to him saying "I made this for you. I know it's not the best, i'm sorry.", he squeezed the rabbit doll in his hands as tears fell from his eyes. He took a deep breath and wiped his eyes before putting the rabbit doll right on his desk, on top of a cloth, he smiled and put away all his clothes.
He put the bag away and sat on his bed with the box that had a '13' on it. He opened the box and carefully took out the gauntlets and held them in his hands. Robin walked in and set her bag down as she said "What are those?" before sitting down next to him.
Thirteen said "Carrot had these made for me. They're gauntlets that work with electro." Robin leaned her head on his shoulder and said "You're going to use them?" he frowned and said "I want to, but they were a gift and I don't want to break them.." Robin giggled and said "They're for fighting aren't they? She would be upset if you didn't use them." Thirteen said "But what if I break them?" Robin said "Then you'll get new ones. I doubt you'll break them though, they seem pretty sturdy." Thirteen chuckled and said "They look like tiger paws too!" he put them on and moved his fingers around.
Robin giggled and hugged him, he smiled and put the gauntlets on his desk before hugging her. She broke off and changed into the turtle neck he bought her before saying "Nice?" Thirteen wiped the blood from his nose and gave her a thumbs up, she giggled and tackled him to the bed as she said "I really missed you so much..." he rubbed her back and said "Me too.."
The duo left the room and got to the deck, Thirteen had his gauntlets on as he walked to the edge of the ship, his ear twitched and he looked in a certain direction. Thirteen smirked and said "I'll be back." before disappearing from the deck entirely, Nami said "I didn't even see him leave this time!" Robin sighed "I wonder how strong he is now.."
Thirteen appeared on a stage next to a guy carrying a bag that was bigger than his was, he leaned his elbow on his shoulder and said "Hey there stranger! What's in the bag?" Luffy looked at Thirteen and gasped "Thirteen!" Thirteen chuckled "How's it going Luffy." Luffy said "Not bad but I heard we were recruiting here. I don't remember recruiting anyone.." Thirteen chuckled and said "You gonna stand there an watch all day?" two figures appeared in front of Thirteen and Luffy.
Sanji said "I figured it would be a good show." Zoro said "I was waiting for a signal." Thirteen said "What signal? We didn't even have one.." Zoro shrugged and Sanji said "The mosshead was lost." Zoro snapped "I was not lost!" Thirteen chuckled and Luffy said "Where are the rest?" Thirteen said "Waiting for you at the ship."
A fat man with a giant axe showed up with dozens of Kumas and said "Well well well, welcome back. I knew you would come back here. Straw Hat!" Luffy and the fake Luffy looked over and the fake Luffy said "Who are you?!" the fat man said "Sentomaru. And I wasn't talking to you, Demalo Black." Demalo paled and said "I don't know what your talking about!"
Sentomaru sighed "Honestly are you all idiots? How did you think this was the real Straw Hats?" a pirate said "They're not?!" Sentomaru snapped "Of course not! Look at them! Though 4 of the real ones are here." Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Thirteen grinned. The surrounding pirates looked around and Sentomaru snapped "Idiots! On stage! The kid with the huge backpack is Straw Hat, the man with green hair is Pirate Hunter, the man with blond hair is Black Leg, and..." the pirates and the fakes were shocked and one of the pirates said "Who's the last one?!"
Sentomaru said "The 1 billion beri man, 'White Tiger' Silvers D. Thirteen." the surrounding pirates paled and Demalo said "You're the real Thirteen?! What about the bar?" Thirteen chuckled and said "It was fun. Though you need to work on your impressions, half of your guys are fat.." before snapping "And I don't sound like that!" as he kicked the fake Thirteen, sending him flying across the island and disappearing forever.
Thirteen grumbled "Who slaughters a bar for booze, just kill the bartender and take it all..." Sanji choked and said "That's not better!" Sentomaru ordered the Kumas to fire their lasers, the four dodged and Thirteen said "Oi fat man! Where's that yellow monkey?" Sentomaru said "Already on his way." Thirteen sighed and said "I hope so, you're little toy robots are boring." 8 Thirteen's appeared and attacked the Kumas destroying them before disappearing.
Luffy's eyes shined and said "WOAH THEY CAN MOVE NOW?!" Thirteen grinned and said "Of course! I'm only 1 more shadow from perfection!" as he himself disappeared and clawed at another Kuma, cutting electric streaks in the air. The Kuma exploded and Thirteen flashed in front of another one and slammed both hands down, crushing the Kuma down and destroying it.
The other three destroyed all the robots and Thirteen flashed in front of Sentomaru and said "How long fat man?" Sentomaru grit his teeth and swung his ax at Thirteen, who caught it with one hand and said "Is this a joke? I could kick your ass 2 years ago, you think you stand a chance now?" he crushed the axe to pieces and kicked Sentomaru in the stomach, sending him flying into a mangrove tree.
Thirteen tilted his head and said "Yellow monkey! You're finally here!" Kizaru frowned and said "Where's Rayleigh?" Thirteen smiled and said "Uncle's not here at the moment can I take a message?" before chuckling and flashing behind him, Kizaru kicked him, hitting him in the head. Kizaru smirked but gasped when his kick went right through Thirteen's head, Thirteen flashed next to him and punched him in the side, sending him flying and burning his yellow suit.
Luffy said "Thirteen! Let's go! If he's here that means there's a fleet coming!" Thirteen nodded and said "We'll have to cut it short monkey, see you later~! Hhahahahah" before scooping up the rest and flashing away, Kizaru grit his teeth and said "Damn brat..."
The group passed Rayleigh, Thirteen stopped and hugged Rayleigh saying "Thanks Uncle.. I'm gonna miss you." Rayleigh patted his back and said "Me too kid, try not to die." Thirteen chuckled and said "I'll try, after all you still have a wedding to go to. Don't go kicking the bucket just yet!" as he ran away. Rayleigh snapped "Damn kid! I'll live longer than you will!" as he smiled, when Thirteen disappeared he sighed and said "Leila your boy's all grown up now.. I wish you could see him.." he drew a line in the ground and said "Whoever crosses this line will be my enemy!" the marines stopped and backed away.
The four of them reached the Sunny and Luffy said "Set sail!" as marine ships shot at them, Thirteen hopped on the railing and said "Don't you know it's rude to fire cannons at people?" as he held his hands in the air, making a giant star. Thirteen grinned and said "Ready to see the most beautiful thing in your entire lives, other than my wives?" Robin rolled her eyes and Luffy nodded excitedly, Thirteen laughed and threw the giant star into the air above the marines and made a bright star ball in his hands.
He grabbed the star ball and threw it as hard as he could at the giant star while saying "Meteor shower!" the ball flew into the giant star and blew it to pieces, the pieces of rainbow colored stars rained down on the marines, like a meteor shower. Thirteen put his hands on his waist and said "I love that one." the crew watched and ouuu'd and ahhh'd at the show, before the Sunny sank into the sea, sailing towards Fishman Island.
(Author's Note)
Hey guys! Reunion chaps done! I was thinking of a book schedule, like which books during the week and which books on the weekend LMK what you think or if you want to just keep going and doing whatever!
Leave a comment/review if you liked it!