The Story Continues ...

Book Two of The MAGIcians: End Of Saviours is Out Now!

Our nine heroes may have found the man responsible for the bombings of their school, but they soon realised they were way in over their heads. They decided to back out of the finding-and-fighting-terrorists business, but that soon changed. When presented with the opportunity to put an end to the terrorist organisation for good, eight of the nine agreed. They soon find out just how intertwined The Saviours are to them and their pasts. With stakes as high as they can possibly be, the second book of The MAGIcians will leave our nine heroes conflicted on what's good and bad, right and wrong, pure and evil. Will they be able to put an end to The Saviours once and for all? Or will The Saviours end them first? Read The MAGIcians: End of Saviours to find out ...

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