Volume 4 Prologue part 1

"What have thou done to deserve this, you ask?"

The man spoke confidently, yet with a hint of sympathy

"Thou hast been born at the wrong place, at the wrong time. To be born in a nation, so devoid of a future, I believe there is no greater misfortune. The life that was thy to experience, was already undergone by thy ancestors, they have already sucked all the fortuity for themselves, and left none for thou. So now you stand here, as a result of such."

The man was one that you might fear if you were an enemy of his, yet his smile could wash away all irreverent emotions pertaining to all other things in the world. His smile contained no malice, yet it felt as if an invisible pressure descended upon the little girl. The crowd around him showed sympathy to match his words. It was as if his smile could alter the emotions of the people around him.

"What have thou done to deserve this? Those ministers might have sought you out as only a political tool, one would use at the pawn shop. But I will not treat you as such. Since you are here I will show you the tragedy of being born as the royalty of the Katvana Empire. Thou possess enough intelligence to see what those could not. So I shall show thy that without its veil. Without that which could cloud thy eyes, thou cannot miss the corruption that is the empire. Only ignorance could have been thy salvation, but thy bliss of ignorance has long been stripped away."

There were no swords in the man's speech, yet it cut deep to leave its own wound. A wound that could affect the girl's future, and her principles. It will slowly but surely change her ensuing life... down a different direction than it would otherwise.

"Thou is free to do whatever in this country. Explore the sights beyond, create friends that could last a lifetime, expand thy horizons, go wherever thou please. I will not tell your whereabouts to anyone, as I want thou to experience the authentic Kioka Republic. If its thy wishes I will assign a guide to thou. However I will not force one upon thy. Only when one sees the true face of happiness, could they see the corresponding sadness. I have no desire to put on a charade to make this country appear more prosperous than it is. Because even when one's brain is of those much more primitive, they can still see that this is a more sane country than the empire.

Many restraints and few freedoms. It was the two tools used to turn a person into a puppet, but the man preferred using the opposite. Many freedoms and few restraints. It even appeared like a healthy education at glance, but the product of it was not a mere puppet with no will of its own, but something with a freakish imitation of a will.

"But thou cannot forget thy art an outsider. No matter how long thou stay here, Kioka will not accept thee as its citizens. To not forget this, thou shalt return to the empire whenever an opportunity arises. The moment thy understands Kioka and returns, thou shalt truly understand the empire. Thou shalt realize the feeling of unending emptiness."

The little girl tried to keep out the noise that kept ringing in her head. That was the man's. Yet there was nothing she could do to stop the voice. The man's voice simply could not be unheard, and it could not be stopped.

"Accept it, young princess -- Thou hast been rotten since the day thou bloomed."

The voice slowly circled around in her head, only bringing her deeper and deeper. Without anything to hold on, she was falling further and further into the abyss that was darker than the starless night. With the fall, she started to close her eyes in an attempt to put a stop to the suffering. But as she nearly fully closes her eyes. She sees a tiny light in the unending darkness.

"Help... Solork" Cried the girl.

As she tries desperately to grab onto the light in the darkness, a hand grabs her.

Solork-- She called out, as she grabbed with all her might to not fall to the abyss till it felt as if her limbs would fall apart, but her surrounding was filled with light without her realizing. After finally arriving where she wanted to be, the girl breathed easy and walked closer towards the black haired boy. He was not looking at her, he was looking at the ground. She approached cautiously while wondering if he was in a bad mood. She hesitantly reached out to the boy. As she sees what was beyond him. A fire, a fire that grew more brilliantly than the stars. A fire filled with red that tinted her eyes. She fell down, as the fire consumed her, instead of the fear one would have towards death, she instead showed relief, as if that was what she truly desired.

"What is it, your highness!"

Her resting awareness returned to reality at the sound of noisy thumps. Her heart despite everything beat noisily and her entire body was hot and throbbing as though she had quite recently run energetically.

In the wake of acknowledging they were all impacts from the dream, the third princess Chamille Kitra Katjvanmaninik raised herself from the bed.

"... It's nothing. It was a straightforward sleep paralysis. I'm sorry to be so noisy in the early morning."

"I understand. In the event that it's just that, I am alleviated… Did you have a bad dream?"

At the point when the watchman remaining outside the entryway asked, the princess quit proceeding onward to her bed and fell in thought. She didn't have to answer genuinely, however she despite everything would not like to answer lightly.

"Your Excellency… ? I am sorry, did I ask anything abnormal… ?"

As though her reluctant atmosphere had been passed on over the entryway, the watchman apologized in a peaceful tone. Chamille grinned bitterly and swayed her head.

"... It was a bad dream until the center, however I see those bad dreams in any event, when I am conscious. There is not something to fear all of a sudden."

"Is, is that so… ?"

"Still... the ending wasn't unreasonably awful. It was a dream about the end of a nightmare… a dream of salvation."

The princess mumbled so and squinted at the sun outside of the window. The prolonged shadow of building and tree branches, and a group of winged creatures that flew across blue sky. A lovely and serene morning landscape, something contrary to her dream was spread out.