Chapter 1- Fearless

Hannah's POV

I look at myself in the mirror and seem satisfied. My hair is tied into a messy-neat plait, my face is glowing and I look confident. I go to the kitchen, sit on the barstool and start eating breakfast.

"Are you ready for your first day of school honey?" my mom asked.

I managed to give her a silent nod while eating my toast.

I look at the clock and it's 7:30 am. As today's my first day I decided to go with my dad. I take my backpack and my dad comes.

"Bye, mom. Have a nice day!" I peck my mom on the cheek and hurry towards the car.

"Bye darling, take care of yourself!"

While travelling in the car I think about how my new school will be. I couldn't believe I was confident but nervous at the same time. I think about how Taylor Swift's new song and hum it to a tune.

After an hour I reach my new slaughterhouse, I get out of the car and say bye to my Dad. I was so excited that despite the cold winter my palms started to sweat. I was supposed to wait in the reception so that my "buddy" could come and pick me up.

"Are you the new girl in Year 7?" the receptionist asked.

"Year 9," I say

"Oh darling, I'm sorry, I thought you were in year 7 or 8,"

I groaned inside my head. people think that I'm in year 8 because I'm short to be in Year 9. The fact is that am supposed to be in Year 8, but since I skipped a grade, I'm studying a grade higher.

The receptionist took a phone call to inform them that I have arrived and gestured me to take a seat.

After a minute a tall and skinny girl comes to pick me up. I shot her a shy smile and she returned it.

"Hi, my name's Hannah," I say.

"Mine's Ginny. Nice to meet you. Welcome to St Michael's College."

"Good to meet you too, Ginny."

She leads the way to the Year 9 Building while we both chat. I tell her where I'm from and my background. I inquire about the school and its co-curricular activities (I hate doing co-curricular activities. I ask so that they don't think that I'm some weird dorky nerd- which I'm not.).

She stops and I see a big building in front of me. I take a deep breath and exhale.

"I can do this."