Chapter 3- It must be a mistake

It was freezing when I got off the bus. I crossed the road and walk with Ginny to our building. It has been 2 weeks and I must admit, I'm getting used to this place day by day. I managed to make some new friends even though some act like I carry contagious diseases. Ego filled shortcakes.

I open my locker and put my books inside. All the novels stuffed in my locker fall one by one immediately. It's just been 2 weeks and I have borrowed more than 10 books from the library. I must admit- I'm a major bookworm. I must keep them in the locker because it'll be a great distraction at home. I lock my locker and head towards the bathroom.

The bathroom has been my latest place of comfort and privacy because I'm allowed to be here anytime, anyway- alone. I adjust my uniform and look at myself in the mirror. I have honey brown, tan skin and a slim fit body (it's and an hourglass- but I never boast. That's rude.). I have wavy-curly brown hair that falls just above my belly button. I have black perfectly shaped eyebrows which I don't shave. I have a diamond-shaped face and I'm 5'2''. I must admit to myself I'm kinda pretty.

But sometimes I just feel insecure. I feel out of the place, scattered around in a sticky mess. I feel useless and boring and unentertaining. But sometimes I get a surge of adrenaline that tells me I'm a blessing and I'm not wasting my life like some other girls. Other times I'm just normal.

The first bell rings. Time to grab my books. I reach my locker- again and take my English book and laptop. I see a line has formed outside my class, so I just wait behind. While waiting I am thankful to God for giving me a school like this because believe me- it could've been worse.


The bus came to a stop. I shove the novel inside my bag and prep myself to leave. I stood up and waited patiently for everyone to go. Just an act of courtesy. Even though the others aren't bothered to be courteous.

I was looking at my feet when my emotions told me to look at my left. I just felt a small cracker pop in my stomach. There was a boy who looked like he was about a year or two elder than me, with the same complexion as I, a chiselled jaw and cute dimples. His hair was cut short and classy. He motioned me to go first and I gave him a shy smile. He looked extremely shy when he offered me to go first. He had this vulnerable and cute look on his face when he looked at me. And when I looked back the crackers became fireworks.

I climbed off the bus and decide to walk home today too. The sun was shining brightly, and I was very happy because I was just happy? I hum my favourite song while skipping home. Our neighbourhood is quite peaceful. Modern houses with lawned grass and cement pavements- it was a town worth living.

Once I reach home, I find my mother in the kitchen and my brother playing his Xbox. My dad's at work, I guess. Nevertheless, I change clothes and wear my favourite pyjamas and get ready to do my homework. Luckily, I didn't have much so I was just chilling watching some YouTube.

I opened my Gmail to check if I received any mails, which I usually don't. I see my inbox is filled with stupid, rip-off advertisements when I find I actually got a mail from someone.

From: Unkown

"Dear sugar,

Just to know I'm waiting.

Yours always,


What the hell!? Who's D? Sugar? What does she/she/they/it mean by 'I'm waiting'? It must be a mistaken email, I thought. After all, there are many girls named Hannah.

I exhale loudly and deeply and shut my laptop. That mail shook me immensely, but I just calmed myself down.

It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake, It must be a mistake.

It should be.... right?