Chapter 5- Watch your whistle

"Can we have our schedules?" Jaz asks the receptionist.

"May I know your names please?"

"I'm Jasmine Clement"

"Hannah Blakely," I replied.

The receptionist handed our schedules and returned to attend to the rest of the queue.

"What do you have in the first period, Jaz?" I asked.


"'kay. I think I'll see you during recess, then?"

"Bye Han!" Jaz waved and followed to her next class.

I waved back and tried to find my way to Specialist Math. The management changed the location of the classroom, so I didn't know where to go.

"Lost?" a male voice whispered in my ear.

My reflexes made me punch aiming for the stranger's face and I realised who it was. Shoot.

"Lachlan I'm so sorry!"

Lachlan winced in pain and held his hand on his jaw. Everyone's eyes were averted on us. I helped Lachlan and touched his jaw.

"Does it hurt? I'm so sorry. You creeped me out," I apologised.

Lachlan grinned and chuckled.

"You sure know how to land an effective punch. Next time remind me to start a conversation from a five feet radius. By the way, you look pretty in that skirt," he said blushing a little.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I blushed back.

All the girls looked at me with disgust and jealousy. Some boys were staring at me in horror because I punched a boy's jaw. I gave them a death glare and they turned away.

We reach our Specialist Math room and I take a seat in the second row and listen to our teacher Ms. Evans explains parabolas. I was solving the question when a paper ball hit my head.

'Coming to the party on Friday night? – L'

'Yup. Sure am! - H' I replied and passed it back to him. He gave me a thumbs up and smiled.

For those of you who didn't know who Lachlan was, he was the boy whom I saw on the bus. Yes, the polite, boyish and cute boy. He has grown handsome and tall now and his brown hair is styled perfectly with a few strands of hair falling on his face. He has a reputation for being the shy boy in our grade. He's also a straight-A student and lacrosse captain. Nevertheless, many girls swoon over him. I might admit I have a slight crush on him. Maybe a teeny bit.


During lunch, I grab my food and decided to eat outside for the first time. So I sit under a tree with Jaz while Lachlan decided to join us today.

"Did you guys hear that Nate dumped this Abby yesterday? She's crying buckets of tears in the washroom. Except I can't see tears. All that comes from her face is powdered water. All the other girls are excited because they have a chance with Nate." Jaz said.

I raised an eyebrow and said, "Wonder how long the next girl will last. Are they so foolish to give away themselves to that arrogant prick?" I shake my head and sigh.

Nate Romano, AKA player, rich boy and bad boy of this school. Of Italian descent, Newborough's hottest and popular boy. His hair is perfectly groomed and has a jaw sharp as a butcher's knife. I hate him with my whole life. I manage to keep my distance with him, and I am not so nut brained to go after him. He may be hot, but he doesn't fill my priorities.

"She would be really unlucky," Lachlan laughs and smiles at me.

"So, any plans on dating, my friends?" Jaz asked. Trust Jasmine to ask these things.

"Maybe... I have this girl in mind." Lachlan looked at the sky avoiding my gaze.

Ouch. That hurt me a bit. I thought it would hurt more, but surprisingly it didn't matter much.

"You should ask out this girl ASAP, she's really lucky. I'm all thumbs up for this relationship," I said cheerfully.

His eyes had something which I recognised immediately- hurt. I didn't expect that either.

"What about you Hannah?" Jaz cut our stare.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure, I'm just 16, I have to focus on my studies, and it doesn't look like anybody..." I was immediately cut off by a whistle. I quickly snap my head towards the sound. Nate Romano was standing there with a smirk and winked at me. His friends were with him teasing me. What the heck? I was so angry, I decided to give him a piece of my mind.

I get up and walked towards his direction. He clearly didn't expect this, so he raised his eyebrow. His friends stared at me as if I escaped from an asylum.

"Who do you think you are, jerk? Stop looking at me like I am a frickin' ice cream. Whistle once again and I'll give you a makeover fit for Halloween!" I scream at his face and give him a death glare.

He looked shocked and taken back for a second. Clearly this hasn't happened to him before.

"Feisty, aren't we?" he said.

"Says who," I muttered without avoiding eye contact.

"Mio Amore, you look good today," he says checking me out.

"Thank you so much!" I fake giggled. "By the way, did you fall from heaven? Cause your face looks kinda messed up."

His friends started to howl with laughter. Cameron- Nate's best friend was rolling on the floor, banging his fists on the ground. The other boys were clutching their stomachs and laughing. He looked clearly embarrassed. He turned around to see if anyone saw. There were a few people who saw. Great, this news will spread, and I'll be in the spotlight for a few days...

He looked at me and glared.

"If you dare..." he started to threaten me, but I cut him off.

"Oh honey, you won't be able to do anything. Don't worry shortcake, I won't come near you. Try to maintain social distancing, 'kay?" I said with a sassy tone. I turned and returned to my spot. I heard more laughter after I went behind and felt many pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Oh my god, Hannah what happened!" Jaz shouted and hugged me.

"Han are you okay. That jerk..." He muttered angry profanities to himself.

"Yeah. I pissed that prick off. I guess you saw that. He just made me have an anger attack." I said.

"Yeah, I saw that. He looked extremely dumbfounded when you snapped at him. That was so brave of you! You go girl!" Jaz said giving me a proud smile. Lachlan gave me a weak smile. Did he seem relieved and a bit scared?

I turn around to see Nate and his friends gone. Lachlan leaves saying he has a lacrosse meeting.

I sit in the shade with Jaz and stretch my legs.

"So is Nate or Lachlan better?" Jaz asked.

Why is this day so weird?

"Nate doesn't like me, he's a pervert. Lachlan doesn't either." I say defensively.

"Are you seriously so blind Hannah? Lachlan has a huge crush on you, in fact, I think he loves you." She said looking at me.

Love? No way.

"You should see the way he looks at you. When Nate whistled, I could feel him tensing and looking jealous. He's so nervous and protective around you Hannah."

I was speechless. I mean he's cute and I have a crush on him, but I don't think we can start going out.