Chapter 9- New boy or Old boy?

"Have you heard that there will be a new boy in school today?" Jaz asked in the locker bay.

"Hmmm?" I hummed paying no attention to her.

"Hannah! Are you listening? There will be a new boy today. According to rumours, everyone says that he's cute."

"So?" I said thinking about yesterday's hectic but lovely lunch.

"You are thinking about your longed encounter with Nate, aren't you?" she winked.

The sound of his name woke me up.

"Yeah... It was pretty uncalled for," I admitted.

Jaz sighed.

"I know I don't make your decisions, but as your best friend who is like your sister, I don't want to see you getting hurt. I want you to be happy, and Nate is a player so please be careful and please don't get hurt." Jaz said looking very concerned and worried.

"I don't like him," I reassured her.

She gave me a weak smile and headed to her class.

I reached my first biology class for this year and sit in a random spot.

"Is this seat taken?" an angelic male voice said.

I turn around to see who it was.

My pupils dilated and darkened. Sweat started to run through my forehead and palms. My breathing hitched and increased. I struggled to catch my breath and maintain body posture.

No. It cannot be.

"No, you can sit," I said but it came out as a whisper.

He shot his million-dollar smile which attracted girls to him and sat down.

Meet Brad Nicholson.

Remember I ended up falling for one of my young teenage admirers?

Yup. That's him.

Nope. I don't like him anymore.

Why? Because he proved the inner ruthless beast in him.

How? He tried to kiss me, I was thirteen and he was fifteen. I rejected him and he got angry. Next day, he was with another girl trying to make me jealous. I was so heartbroken I skipped school and cried.

The same day we had to urgently leave and shifted to Melbourne.

That's how I came here.

3000 miles away from him hoping to never see him again.

Look what happened now.


"I'm Brad and I'm new," He said showing off his dimple.

I admired him for a second. His dark brown hair was in the same hairstyle it was 3 years ago. He has tanned after playing sports, I assumed. His teeth were sparkling white and his abs were shown through his short-sleeved t-shirt.

The only difference in him is that he had grown tall and his voice has deepened.

"Hello, welcome to the school," I say my voice louder than before.

"What's your name?" Brad asked.

I hesitated for a second.

He wouldn't recognise me from my looks because 3 years ago, I wore glasses and was short. I had totally changed after having laser eye surgery. But he would recognise me by my name.

"Sera," I said and smiled.

Nobody knew my middle name except Jaz and my family.

"Nice to meet you Sera," he smiled lightly.

We talk for a few minutes until the teacher arrived.

He was his usual charming self. He has changed a bit. He has become kinder and loving. A part of me hoped that he changed for good and regretted what he did to me a few years ago.

"By chance, is there anybody named Hannah in this school?" Brad asked.

I froze. One part of my heart was happy that he still remembers me. Another part fears him entering my life again and confusing me.

All these days, I distracted myself to stop thinking about him and when I finally settle, he comes back.

"No, I don't remember anyone named Hannah," I said firmly displaying my non-existent acting skills.

"Oh," he whispered softly, and his face fell.

I looked at his eyes.

Sadness? Regret?

I must somehow find a way for him to not find about my name. Jaz will help me.

I cannot continue this for long, but I hope it is long enough for me to confront him and find answers.

It is recess now and I had the first two periods with Brad, so I tried to stick with him and prevent others from revealing my identity.

"Jaz, code red!" I whisper to her.

"What happened Hannah?" she asked.

"I met Brad," I say looking at the floor. My voice came out hoarse and dry.

"You mean The Brad?" Jaz asked her eyes 2 times its normal size.

"Yeah," I said softly.

"Is he the new boy?"

"New boy for you, old boy for me."

"I'm so sorry Han. What are you going to do? Did he find who you are?" she inquired.

"He couldn't recognise me. So, I lied that my name was Sera. He asked if there was a girl named Hannah, though,"

"D-do you t-think he might still l-like you?" she whispered softly.

"I don't know. But I don't know if I can like him back. He broke my heart and didn't try to contact me after I left," I admitted the truth.

"He might have changed..."

"Actually, he kind of did. I think he has become more mature and understanding."

Jaz nodded.

"I need your help in pretending I am Sera and not Hannah," I told Jaz.

"Anything for you, Sera," Jaz grinned.

At least I have Jaz.

"Thanks," I said while chewing my food.

"Can you close your mouth and talk? I can see mushed carbohydrate and protein in your mouth!" she said wincing in disgust.

"Carbohydrate, proteins, vitamins and minerals," I corrected her.

"What's special about car hybrids, pro teens, vials and miners?" a voice asked behind me.

Oh, shoot.

I blushed, feeling the heat coming to my cheeks. Fortunately, I was tan or else it would've been embarrassing.

Nate sat beside me while Cameron and the twins sat on the opposite near Jaz.

Jaz was extremely dumbfounded. Her mouth was open for 15 whole seconds.

"What are you doing here!?" I hissed at Nate.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Mia more, that wasn't the welcome I was expecting," he said shaking his head in disappointment.

"Did you expect me to wrap you into a bone-crushing hug?" I snorted.

"Well that sounded appetizing, you do have some creative ideas," Nate winked.

Holy ravioli with cheese on top.

The whole cafeteria was staring at our table. Many of the girls looked at me in disgust, while Abby glared at me with loathing hatred.

"Can you go? You're such a distraction?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Distraction? Am I too handsome for you?" he smirked and raised his eyebrow.

*Rule 1 – When a bad boy annoys you, act hurt*

I looked at his face. I shake my head and sigh looking at the floor. I did my best exhibition of acting hurt and sad.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry Hannah, I didn't mean to hurt you. If you don't like it, I wouldn't bother you anymore," Nate pleaded, looking very worried.

True or False?

Bad boys have a soft heart.


I couldn't contain myself so I burst out laughing clutching my stomach.

"Y-you thought I was hurt? Unbelievable!" I smacked the table and continued laughing trying to catch my breath.

Nate looked ultimately pissed and the table started to howl from laughter, for the second time.

"I was just worried that I might have broken your heart," He hissed looking annoyed.

"Break my heart?" I laughed humourlessly, "Honey, you can't break what's already broken." I said and walk out of the cafeteria.

Why am I acting like a total jerk today? What's wrong with me?

It's not like he didn't deserve it anyway.

I huffed and returned to the bathroom.

An arm pulled me behind and slammed me to the wall.

Abby Carter.

"I don't know who you are or what you do, but stay away from Nate," the real-life plastic barbie said.

"I have no interest in him," I surrendered raising my hands and acted chill.

"I know you don't like him silly. No girl messes with Abby Carter. It's him who might have an interest in you," she said swishing her most-probably-fake hair over her shoulder.

I raised my eyebrow, in disbelief.

"You are the only person that makes him laugh and I DON'T LIKE that," she said stressing the last four words.

"Whatever," I said. I hate making deals with her, but I don't want to make more problems, so I decided to go with the flow.

She gave me her fake smile seeming satisfied, turned around and walked with her two minions following her.

I'm glad she got dumped.


I finished my classes and Brad still doesn't know who I am.

School's over now and I was walking with Brad down the hallway.

"Bye Brad. I'll see ya tomorrow," I wave.

He nodded and waved back.

"Please, don't tell anyone that I asked about a girl named Hannah," he said.

"Sure," I nodded and felt relieved.

This meant that he too didn't want others to know.

I walk through the parking lot where I see Nate leaning against a Mercedes wearing sunglasses.

Bad boy chic.

He tensed when he saw me, and I decided to ignore him.

"Hannah, wait up!" he shouted.

I turned and faced him.

"Mum told me to pick you up if you're free. She wants to spend some time with you," he said bitterly.

Arrogant much?

"Fine," I said. I really wanted to see his house and spend time with Layla, so I accepted his offer.

"Get in," he said gruffly.

The ride was silent, and the atmosphere was tense but strangely comfortable.

We reached his mansion; it was just like ours but decorated differently.

"Hannah sweetheart, you came!" Layla engulfed me in a warm comforting hug.

"Of course. Anything to spend time with my favourite aunt," I said returning her affection.

"Come on in. I did some baking."

I went inside. The place had a warm and welcoming aura to it. It felt like home.

Nate went to his room and stayed there.

"Come on Tesoro. I'll show you some pictures," Layla said.

"This is one of your grandmothers," Layla showed me a black and white picture starring a pretty, young woman with straight blonde hair.

"Is this my maternal or paternal grandma?" I asked.

"I'm 100% sure it's maternal, darling," Layla replied.

No way. Muma always said that her mother had wavy black hair like me. But on the other hand, the lady in the photo looked like my Mum and even the date of the photo fits perfectly.

Was Mum lying?


I was very angry and betrayed.

Why did she lie?

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Layla asked, deeply worried.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I have an assignment due," I was in the verge of crying when I hugged Aunt Layla and bid her goodbye.

I have been here for an hour and a half.

I decided to walk home without calling anyone to pick me.

Today was a very messy day but one thing was clear.

They are hiding something.

And I will find it out.