Chapter 373 Huo Wuyi

The moment that Shun Long's spirit sense entered the white jade, Shun Long could feel a blinding white light filling his mind, before a completely new scene appeared in his eyes.

A man in his early 40s who seemed to be even younger than Cui Guoliang, was floating in the air and was staring at Shun Long who seemed to have suddenly appeared in front of him.

Shun Long noticed that this man had black hair and deep silver-colored eyes, while his body was covered by a white robe with mysterious runes and patterns on it.

With just a glance, Shun Long could instantly understand that this man's robes were covered with some kind of formations.

At the same time, Shun Long also noticed, that he was no longer inside the room of the inn, with Liu Mei sitting on the floor directly opposite from him.

Instead, it seemed like he was floating in an empty white world, that had nothing else inside it aside from the white-robed man who was now standing in front of him.