Chapter 525 Dao fight

Staring at the tree branches that were moving towards him Shun Long wasn't flustered in the slightest, as he stretched out his right hand before an illusionary purple-colored blade appeared on it.

Although martial skills couldn't be used inside the Dao Tower, anything related to his own comprehension of their Dao could be utilized as long as Shun Long was willing to spend some of his qi.

This meant that although he couldn't use martial skills like the Gale steps, or his Thunderbolt finger, or the only Saint low-grade martial skill that he knew, the Thundergod's slash, things that Shun Long had comprehended through his own Dao, like the spatial blade in his hand, his blink or opening a space tear with his own hands, everything that was related to his own Dao, regardless of whether they originally required Shun Long to use his qi or his body refinement energy to be activated, could now be used inside the Dao Tower.