Chapter 546 The 'Flame Lion's' canyon depths

Ying Gui's eyes lit up when he remembered how close to Yanzhu city they were right now, and after taking a look at his surroundings and realized that it was almost nighttime already, he nodded his head before he sat on the back of the 'Ironhide cow' in the lead and started leading the carriages forward.

Since Shun Long was ready, Ying Gui wouldn't waste more time waiting in this place until they were discovered by any of the wandering magic beasts around the region.

Getting out of this dangerous place as quickly as possible and reaching Yanzhu city were his most important priorities.

Of course, Shun Long's thoughts weren't much different from Ying Gui's since he also wanted to get to Yanzhu city as quickly as possible.

After taking care of the 2 slave traders and destroying their shop to complete his second mission, he was planning to return back to the Holy city and train himself in the Dao Tower until he returned back to the Holy sect.