The Fight with Yan


Suddenly, the sound of a table pounded by someone sounded, making Azmya startled and immediately woke up.

She was shocked when her head touched Jun's hand, which was indeed blocking the sunlight through the window nearby so as not to overheat Azmya.

She was even more surprised when she found out that who was pounding on the table were Yan and his gang, which was now standing in front of her while folding his hands.

"Finally, gotcha. I was looking for you in every corner of the school, and I can't find you!" Said Yan, feeling irritated.

"Haahaa, what's wrong? Why are you bothering to look for me? What do you need?" Azmya asked, pretending to be stupid.

"Did you forget or purposely avoided me?" Yan asked again.

"Avoiding you? what do you mean? You aren't a loan shark or a debt collector. Why should I avoid you!" Azmya replied quietly.

"You have a special appointment with me," Yan continued.

"Ohh, that one, I don't forget, let's just talk outside. This library is too noisy!" Azmya asked him to walk out of the library together.

Azmya also invited Yan's friends out of the library and asked Jun to stay there.

The girl took Yan and the gang to the back of the school. She tried to control them.

"Let me tell you. I'm not the type of person who likes to spend time with unimportant people." Said Azmya firmly.

"So let's just say that I've bartered with you. In return, you must not disturb my school life here," Azmya added while throwing an ATM card.

"It's enough to buy a new cellphone for all of you!" Said Azmya.

Yan and his friends stared in disbelief. They believe that Azmya was just a fraud.

"The pin is the date of the Indonesian Independence Day," Azmya continued.

"How is it?" Is that enough so I will have no more business with you? "Azmya asked.

"I can't stop thinking. Why do you want to pay us that much to make Jun as your slave?" Farrel asked.

"I didn't do it for Jun," Said Azmya.

"Then, what do you mean if it's not like that?" Yan asked.

"So you can get away and stop looking for me," Azmya replied.

"So, what about Jun? Oscar asked.

"Don't bother him anymore because he's already my friend," Said Azmya.

"If you dare to mess up with Jun again, you will face me," Azmya continued, patting Yan's shoulder with both hands.

"Do you still remember the words I told you, Yan?" Azmya asked.

"Don't be silly, and don't make me laugh to remember that," Said Yan.

"What, haaahahaaa … maybe you never asked who I was to your father?" Azmya asked, patting Yan's chest casually.

Unexpectedly, Yan brushed and pushed Azmya against the wall. He held Azmya's shoulders and cornered her.

Azmya was instantly a little scared. Yan had gone too far to corner her like this.

Yan still wanted to harass her even though Azmya was a girl. Somehow, Azmya was about to twist Yan's hand with her karate stance.

Suddenly, there was someone's voice.

"Yan, stop!" Jun's voice was suddenly startled. It turned out that Jun was already behind them.

They didn't have an idea of how long Jun had been there watching them.

"Do you dare to interfere?" Farrel asked.

"You should be embarrassed!. Why dare to fight a girl?!" Jun opposed loudly.

It was Azmya's first time hearing Jun's voice this loud in front of Yan and the gang.

"Hahahahahhaaaha," Yan released his grip from Azmya while laughing out loud.

"Then, you dare to fight us?" Yan asked again.

He went and pushed Jun's chest with his index finger.

"Just beat him, Yan!" Said Oscar.

"I think this clown is now brave enough because a girl is protecting him!" Farrel sneered.

Yan was irritated and finally punched Jun hard in the face.

Azmya screamed, trying to stop Yan, who was hitting Jun blindly.

Meanwhile, Farrel and Oscar just laughed watching it.

Azmya couldn't stand anymore. She grabbed Yan's collar from behind then twisted Yan's right hand so that Yan felt pain.

Yan tried to slap Azmya with his left hand, but Azmya deftly held his left hand with all her strength.

She turned Yan's body while twisting his two hands backwards.

Seeing this, Oscar and Farrel wanted to help Yan.

Oscar took Azmy's hand and grabbed her hair roughly. But Azmya then elbowed him in the chest as hard as possible.

She then slammed her head against Oscar's nose hardly. Oscar's nose was bleeding.

Meanwhile, Farrel tried to push and make her fall to the ground. He also tried to make Azmya's knee hit the rock.

After that, he tried to help Yan, who was in pain with his hands. But then Azmya rose and punched Farrel in the face powerfully.

She then saw Oscar about to push her body. But ….

"Stop!" Azmya snapped.

"If you don't want to be badly injured, it's better to stop this! I can just send you straight to the hospital!" Said Azmya showing her heroic side.

Hearing that, the three of them were silent, especially Yan. He was triggered from the first time he met her.

They admitted that Azmya was a good fighter.

"I have a black belt in karate. I can make your teeth fall out!" That was more or less the words Azmya whispered into Yan's ear, at the first time they met.

If they were desperate, it meant that Azmya's words were correct if she could have sent them to the hospital with serious injuries.

They kept quiet.

With slightly wobbly steps, Azmya walked over to Jun, who sat while holding his battered face.

She then pulled Jun to his feet. But Jun quickly let her hand go. He saw Azmya's worried face.

Jun was embarrassed because he was beaten in front of a girl. Especially in front of a girl that he wanted to protect.

But instead, the girl was protecting him.

Jun then saw Azmya's knee was scratched, and it was bleeding. He felt guilty. He pulled Azmya's hand to leave the place.

Without refusing, Azmya let Jun grab her hand and walked hastily following Jun's long and fast footsteps.

Azmya saw Jun's bruised face. She inwardly cursed Yan, who had made Jun's precious face become like that.