
Azmya wondered inwardly. What's wrong with Jun? Even though it was clear that at that time she had heard Jun's confession to Yan that he would not dare to date and approach her again. But now Jun is beside her and asks her to be his girlfriend for a day.

The sound of water falling slowly. It was raining.

"It's raining, let's find some shade!" Jun asked while pulling Azmya's hand. Azmya follows Jun's steps. Jun saw there is a large tree underneath there is a gazebo where visitors usually sit. When they got there it was raining even heavier. It turned out that they weren't the only ones trapped there. There is also a couple who are taking shelter. They also share the shelter. It looks like they are lovers. They didn't hesitate to hold hands because the temperature was really cold. Seeing it all, Azmya and Jun become awkward and embarrassed.

"I'm sure this is a dating place, that's why you brought me here" whispered Azmya in Jun's ear. Jun just chuckled with amusement.

"It turns out you often invite girls to come here," said Azmya, pinching Jun's waist. Meanwhile, Jun grimaced pretending to be in pain.

"I think it will rain for a long time," said the woman of the lovers.

"I think so," replied the boy so sweet called her affectionately.

"I can be scolded by my mom if it's late, let's just go home!" Asked the girl.

"It's still raining," said the boy.

"It's better to just rain instead of being scolded later," said the girl forcing her to go home.

"Yes, come on," asked the guy and they left the place. Leaving Azmya and Jun.

Finally, only the two of them were left in that place. Meanwhile, the rain was still pouring down.

"Are you also going home in the rain?" Asked Jun.

"Just wait for it to subside, Jun, because I catch colds easily," Azmya replied reasoning. Even though she really wanted to be with Jun even longer.

"Okay, we'll wait for it to subside, that's how I will escort you home".

The two of them sat side by side. Azmya hugs her cold body. Seeing that, Jun remembered that there was a jacket in his bag. Then he gave it to Azmya. Azmya is happy that Jun is very understanding. Jun's jacket is now on her body wrapped around her cold body. Azmya smells Jun's jacket. This body scent and perfume from Jun. Azmya also leaned her head on Jun's shoulder. It felt so good that she could rest her head on the shoulder of the boy she liked. Jun only let Azmya lean on his shoulder while watching the raindrops falling from the edge of the roof they were on. It took quite a while for Jun to be lost in his own thoughts. Looking for the right words to open the topic of conversation so that the atmosphere is not awkward. What should he do so as not to be clumsy like this?

"Mmm, you know what book…?" Jun asked while looking at Azmya but what he saw she was sleeping.

"Huuuft, bad habit, this girl is really easy to sleep no matter where the place is" Jun babbled in his heart. But Jun didn't intend to wake her up he let Azmya sleep on his shoulder. He ignored the pain. What he thought about letting Azmya fall asleep was maybe she was tired. Jun also stroked Azmya's hair gently. Removing the hair that covered her forehead. For a long time, Jun looked at Azmya's face with mixed feelings stir it up. There is a sense of belonging and cherishing, but on the other hand, there is a must he bet. His feelings want to be selfish but he can't. In this case, Jun can't protect the people he cares about right now, he doesn't want the people he loves his mother, and Azmya to be hurt and sad just because he is selfishly wanting to win his heart who wants to be with Azmya.

By looking at Azmya's face that always looked at him and looked at him with affectionate eyes made him unconsciously shed tears. Just for today maybe he could be this close to Azmya. Because tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he will no longer be able to get close to Azmya. Because he already plans to agree to a student exchange program to Korea. The school foundation has a partnership with a high school in Korea for student exchanges that will introduce their respective cultures. And because Jun became one of the best students in the school he became a candidate to go there. Maybe that way he can avoid Azmya.

Jun mustered up the courage to kiss Azmya on the forehead. After he was brave enough, Jun kissed Azmya on the forehead gently. Azmya was awakened by him. Jun was stuttering because he was caught kissing Azmya.

"Jun, you?" Asked Azmya, pretending to be angry a little.

"Sorry!" Replied Jun while scratching his head.

"You kissed me once, right?" Asked Azmya innocently.

"Is that a question or a request?" Jun joked.

Azmya seemed to be thinking about answering it. What impressed her question she asked Jun to kiss her several times? Azmya seemed confused to answer it. Seeing her like that, Jun quickly kissed Azmya's right cheek. Of course, Azmya who wasn't ready to be kissed like that looked shocked.

"Gosh, now you are brave," said Azmya pretending to be angry.

Jun just folded his lips into his mouth. He looks embarrassed.

"Jun," called Azmya softly, making Jun finally brave himself. Jun then held Azmya's head and slowly approached Azmya's face, which was already flushed red as she widened her eyes to see Jun's face getting closer. She had not had time to say anything. Jun had already landed his thin lips against hers. And Azmya felt that Jun's lips had touched hers. Feels soft and warm. Azmya closed her eyes and let Jun have her lips. For a long time, they both carried away with feelings.

But then Azmya felt something warm fall down her cheek. Azmya opened her eyes and saw Jun kissing her with tears in his eyes.

What's wrong with Jun? What is the meaning of all this? Was Jun forced to do it? Was his treatment today to her just fake? Azmya pushed Jun's body. Jun was surprised that Azmya pushed him.

"Why?" Asked Jun, surprised.

"You're playing with me, aren't you?" Asked Azmya sensitively.

"Playing what does it mean?" Jun asked back.

"Everything today feels strange" Azmya replied.

"You know I like and love you, so you play with my feelings, I don't know what and what your plans with me are," Azmya investigated.

Jun just silently heard it without answering. He wiped the remaining tears in her eyes that still stuck in the corners of her eyes.

"You know, actually this affection is bigger than you can imagine before you even realized who I was, I was the first to fall in love with you long before," Jun whispered.

"Be honest with me, what exactly happened, if you are honest, I can help and protect you!" Azmya asked.

Jun swallowed hard. It hurts when Azmya has to say that. Should he ask for protection, shouldn't he be the one to protect.

"I could hit Yan so ..." Azmya had not yet finished her words. Jun pulled her body and hugged her tightly.

"You don't do anything, that's all I ask if you love me, I don't want you why, because you are very valuable to me, promise me, that you won't do carelessly," said Jun, hugging her tightly. Azmya was silent. Who knows what to answer?

Jun stroked Azmya's hair gently. And asked her so he could hug her for five more minutes.

Azmya didn't answer anything; she was just trying to figure out what she should do so that she and Jun could be together without involving anyone who could get hurt. Her mind also remembered Yan's plan to do evil again the next day.

Tomorrow on September 15th 2004. She don't know what items will be put in Jun's bag. What is clear is that it will get Jun in trouble at school. And she got to prevent it from happening.

Jun hugged Azmya without her knowing that he was crying. He can't hold back his tears because he can't make sweet and romantic memories of being Azmya's boyfriend with this condition.