Missing Him

Eight years passed...

Konami Group Building. Tokyo-Japan.

Azmya has just finished a meeting with the Konami Group board of directors to discuss preparations for the launch of their cosmetic product on the schedule next month.

That makes Azmya have to overtime a lot more because the product launch schedule is two months away. However, since there is news from its competitors who will be launching first, Konami Group has advanced its schedule earlier to be ahead of them. Of course, this makes the production department and the promotion planning department have to tighten up and add more working hours.

Azmya patted her forehead on her desk while glaring at her work team presentation slide on the monitor screen. There was a reflection on that screen who was tired and like screaming for rest. Suddenly he was startled by a pat on the shoulder.

"Relax, you can die with the title of a virgin girl if you work too hard!" joked a girl who came to her.

"Ah, you just startled me Akira!" Azmya replied, elbowing her colleague Akira's arm.

While laughing, Akira thrust a cup of caramel macchiato in front of Azmya's face.

"Thank you !" said Azmya, grabbing it and immediately siphoning off the drink that has been bought by Azmya's only friend and partner.

"How have you checked the list of names of our prospective models?" Asked Akira.

"Hufffft!" Azmya just blows the hair on her forehead a sign that she hasn't done the job either.

"I just checked the list of marketing strategy plans," said Azmya.

"Listen, I will make one suggestion. From that list, there was suitable for the characteristics of our product. They represent the younger generation." Akira convincingly.

"Who?" Azmya asked without turning her head and returned to continue her work by checking the slides on her monitor screen again.

"SEVEN-F," Akira replied.

"Artist, musician, actor, who is that?" asked Azmya, not knowing.

"Gosh, you don't know who they are?" Akira asked, gruffly. Azmya also turned to Akira briefly then she shook her head and returned to the screen.

"Rjun, Kim Hyung Shik, Lee Do Hwa, Jung Hwan Seon, Park Ji Se, Ahn Min Ho, Kang Su Ho, " Akira mentioned several Korean names.

"Idol Group?" Azmya asked, surprised that Akira memorized all the names of the members.

"Yes. They are from Korea and are currently the most popular artists in Asia!" shrieked Akira couldn't hide her enthusiasm.

"Yes. I'll check all the lists first, I can't just accept your idea, I have to check first, it's not under the image of our products, and we don't want to pay them too expensive but the market can't accept our products, ah no no! "said Azmya.

"You are really calculating and very thorough in your work," said Akira.

"If you've seen SEVEN-F, I'm sure you are much further from my madness now," Akira muttered to herself.

"Hahahaha, now you go to your room again!" Azmya orders driving away.

"Errr, you got the free caramel macchiato, now it's even kicking me out," Akira exclaimed.

"The problem is if you keep rambling on here, I can't fully concentrate, and if I can't fully concentrate, I can be slow to finish my work and I can come home until midnight, and if it's too late to come home Ojichan (grandpa) at home will pick me up here by helicopter…. "Azmya made Akira waved her hand as a code. She also understood Azmya's long words and didn't make her dizzy. And in the end, Akira left Azmya busy again.

Azmya has finished checking and evaluating her marketing strategy plan and has followed up again with her team by sending an email.

Azmya looks at the clock on her desk. The time was 10:00 pm.

At first, she wanted to continue tomorrow with the rest of her work. But she saw a document on her desk with the titled Konami Sensation Perfume Model Candidate List.

Azmya also remembered Akira's words earlier. Azmya also intends to just look at it for a while. The first sheet was a photo of an actor from Hong Kong whom she knew Jack Lien. Below the photo are the model's biodata and the name of the agency. Unfortunately, according to him, Jack Lien was too old for the model. Azmya immediately turned to the second sheet, Hirazuki Kishimoto, a Japanese football player who played for the European Club. Azmya also felt that it was not suitable because the product to be launched had a romantic theme and atmosphere. Of course, it doesn't quite fit Hirazuki's masculine image. Azmya flipped back to the next page.

However, Azmya feels that all the names on the list are not suitable as models and ambassadors for Konami Group products that will be launched. Arriving at the last sheet, Azmya saw a photo of a group of beautiful men with poses that attracted her attention. It turns out that this is the SEVEN-F that Akira told her earlier, the group.idol from Korea which is said to be on the rise in Asian countries. Azmya saw the biodata and information below. Rjun, Kim Hyung Shik, Lee Do Hwa, Jung Hwan Seon, Park Ji Se, Ahn Min Ho, Kang Su Ho.

"Geez. Akira has memorized the names of all of them," said Azmya, amused.

Azmya paid attention to SEVEN-F's seven personnel. And how shocked she was when she saw a photo of one member. That face, those eyes, those dimples, that smile that resembled a person. Someone she had kept neatly in her heart for eight years. Jun.

"How come he looks so much like Jun," thought Azmya. Then she looked for whose face-name was.

"Rjun," murmured Azmya, increasingly surprised that his name was almost the same.

"Wait a minute … Rjun … Raka Arjuna, Rjun." Azmya tries to guess if Rjun is the same person she knows.

"Ah, how could he be, how could he be a member of an Idol Group, there is," said Azmya with a laugh. What's wrong with herself. Why did she become reminded of the boy she once loved eight years ago. The high school love that she could never forget. Was it because her longing for Jun made her delusional that Rjun was Jun.

But it was so curious and still didn't believe it. Azmya tried to find out in search engines on the internet. There are lots of articles that contain news about them.


By reading that, Azmya is sure that Rjun is not the Jun she knows. Because the article clearly states that the seven of them are South Korean. So there is no way Rjun Kpop Idol is Jun. It's also impossible for Jun to go to Korea and to be SEVEN-F members. Azmya laughed at her brief delusional theory.

Not enough for Azmya to find out on an internet search engine. She opened a video channel about SEVEN-F. Then she watched SEVEN-F's music videos one by one.

Azmya is getting more and more curious to see the video clips of SEVEN-F only want to see Rjun, and she feels strange that in every SEVEN-F video she feels Rjun is so familiar to her eyes. From any angle or angle, Azmya still sees it is like Jun. She even checked Rjun's birth date and was even more upset when she found out that he was the same age as her. Twenty-six years old.

The voice of the call on Azmya's cellphone startled and brought her to her senses. Hoshi Ojii chan's name appeared on the screen. Azmya is shocked to see who is calling her looking at the clock.

"Gosh, it's past midnight" shrieked Azmya. For more than two hours she surfed the internet just to find out about Rjun and until her grandfather called because he was worried that his granddaughter had not come home yet.

"Yes Ojichan, now I'm home, I just finished at the office," replied Azmya picking up the phone.


This is my Indonesian translation entitled "Love Me Or Leave Me". We ask for your support so that this work can become one of the favorite reading items for more Webnovel fans. By giving a Power Stone and giving a five-star review and rate. Thank your best greetings to.