Just A Friend

Today's Seven-F shooting schedule at an open location. The crew had selected an onsen (hot spring) in the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park area which was not too far from Tokyo. Azmya and Akira as the chairperson and person in charge of all Seven-F activities with their products inevitably have to go down to the location as well to ensure that all activities run smoothly without any obstacles. By boarding the travel car Azmya and Akira with three of their team left there.

All the way to the location Azmya is more silent and daydreaming and only uses her headphones while listening to the song from the MP3 player that Akira lent her. Looks like the songs on the playlist containing all the songs from Seven-F. Azmya was curious about their music and songs. With great seriousness, Azmya listened to their songs one by one.

It's interesting, the lyrics of the song mostly talk about their journey to become super megastars now. Don't know how many songs, Azmya was stunned by the super mellow English-language song, it's just that the rap part remains strong with Korean. Azmya glanced at the title "Rainy day".

"It was raining and we were by the lake

We're having our first kiss

It was so beautiful and unforgettable

If I could turn back time

I want to return to that time

Rain takes me to that time"

The lyrics of the song are like the story she had with Jun eight years ago by the lake and in the rain where they both spend their romantic moments together. Is this song written by Jun? As Akira once said that Rjun is the composer of many of his songs Seven-F. Maybe Rjun wrote this song. But is the song really true to Jun's feelings? He wants to go back to that time.

Azmya was again lost in her daydreams and delusions. She imagined herself and Jun back in time. And soon Azmya fell asleep beside Akira while listening to the song Seven-F.

"Azmya ... Mya … wake up, we've arrived!" Akira shouted, shaking Azmya's sleeping body.

Azmya woke up and immediately yawned.

"You have never been able to cling to a chair on a pillow, your sleeping beauty is really troublesome," complained Akira while showing her sore shoulder during the trip. Azmya fell asleep on Azmya's shoulder.

"Sorry, heehehee," said Azmya.

"Come on, let's get ready before Seven-F comes, the shooting set must be ready and stand by!" Said Akira excitedly.

"Okay, you can go first to the place, I want to find a fresh drink first!" Said Azmya, immediately leaving Akira.

"Great!" Akira gave her a thumbs up.

Azmya saw that the restaurant was quiet because this place and area had been booked by the Konami Group for shooting and photo shoots. After ordering avocado juice Azmya sat down at a table near the window which had a view of the Hokage mountains. Really beautiful and cool, it reminds the nature of Lembang in Bandung. Come to think of it, Azmya thought it had been a long time since she returned to Indonesia. She missed the cool atmosphere of the city of Bandung. Azmya also missed her Mommy and Daddy. They had not seen each other in almost six months. Actually, there is a sense of wanting to go back to Indonesia to reunite with her Mommy Daddy.

After waiting for a while, finally, the order came. Azmya immediately sipped the juice. While looking at the scenery that made remember her hometown in Bandung. Should he stop working? Azmya also lay her head on the table. Her head felt heavy and she wanted to lay her head down for a few more minutes before she followed Akira to the shooting scene.

Meanwhile, Seven-F and their crew arrived at the Hokage onsen half an hour after Azmya and Akira arrived. The seven of them were also amazed by the scenery here. They are also absorbed in surrounding the villa and the surrounding area.

"Guys, I want to go to the cafe first, look for a fresh drink, do you want to or not?" asked Rjun.

"Hyung, we want to go around this first!" replied Su Ho.


Rjun was walking alone towards the resort. It turned out that it was quiet and there were no visitors. There was only one and even that seemed to be sleeping. Rjun also walked to the window not far from Azmya who was sleeping.

After the waitress asked what Rjun was ordering, Rjun looked outside the window. He smiled at the beautiful view of the mountains. But soon he heard the soft snoring sound of the sleeping visitor. Rjun saw it too and he was shocked when he saw the visitor's face. It was Azmya who was asleep. Rjun comes near Azmya's table. He saw Azmya's sleeping face.

"Her habits from the past until now haven't changed, sleeper everywhere, doesn't she think she is a girl, what if there are bad people who use her who is sleeping like this?" murmured Rjun.

Rjun was about to wake him up. But nevertheless. He was blown away by Azmya's sleeping face. So innocent yet beautiful, her neat and symmetrical eyebrows were perfectly brown with a sharp nose, and her thin pink lips were simply gorgeous. For a long time, Rjun also watched Azmya who was sleeping. He thought back to high school when he saw Azmya asleep in the library. It felt like Rjun wanted to stay beside her and take care of her until he woke up.

Azmya suddenly became delirious.

"Jun ... Jun .…" called Azmya in her sleep, crying.

Rjun is shocked and touched, why is Azmya calling out his name. Does he appear in her dreams at this time?

Rjun was confused about what to do. Meanwhile, Azmya keeps calling his name. I was so confused that he unconsciously held Azmya's hand so she would wake up. It turned out that his effort was successful, Azmya immediately woke up and was shocked when she saw Rjun was already in front of her.

Rjun let go of his hand. And he was a little surprised when he saw Azmya's left ring finger attached to a beautiful ring.

"Sorry, I woke you up earlier, because it seems you are having a bad dream," said Rjun awkwardly.

"Oh … ya … sorry!" Said Azmya also a little awkwardly. She doesn't know this is the first time they had spoken live in eight years.

"Are you okay?" Asked Rjun showing concern that might seem stiff.

"Gwencannayo (I'm fine)!" Replied Azmya, smiling thinly.

Both are awkward. Don't know what sentence they should say after so long not seeing each other.

"You are Azmya, right, Azmya who Jun knows?" Rjun asked in the end who was the first to discuss it.

Azmya nodded softly without looking at Rjun and a slightly forced smile.

"You know I'm Jun, right?" Jun asked back.

"Yes," replied Azmya short.

Rjun feels Azmya now is not what he used to know. At that time, Azmya always smiled seeing her and never took her gaze at him. But now Azmya isn't like that, she always turns her eyes in another direction.

"Why don't you say hello first? you should be happy about meeting old friends!" Asked Rjun.

Really the word "old friend" made Azmya's heart hurt even more. Even Jun said that his old friend was not an ex or not a girlfriend. Hearing that Azmya laughed sarcastically.

"I'm afraid of someone wrong, after all, Rjun Seven-F, how could Jun that I know first," Azmya replied, pointing at Rjun's body.

Rjun tries to look at Azmya's face that always shifts his eyes, he wants Azmya in front of him to see and look at him in the way he used to. In the past, Azmya was always not ashamed to express her feelings to him, even in the past, Jun was embarrassed and not confident that Azmya always paid attention to him. But now Azmya doesn't want to look at his face at all. Why? And what ring is she wearing? Is she engaged to someone?

"At first I didn't think that the Konami Group representative would be Azmya whom I knew, but I'm sure after seeing it firsthand."

"It seems that at that time, I wasn't wrong to see people at a red light in Seoul, I saw you at a red light, it's just that when I wanted to make sure I caught a green light," said Rjun.

Azmya remembers that time when she was walking alone on the streets of Seoul, at a red light there was a white van in front of her. It turned out that Jun saw her there for the first time.

"Yes, it's me!" Replied Azmya.

"It's been eight years we haven't met?" Continued Azmya.

"Eight years three months and eighteen days to be exact," said Rjun in great detail.

"How great you are, to such details," said Azmya, continued with a nice crisp laugh. Rjun was happy to hear Azmya laugh.

"Yeah, if you don't believe it, just count it, what date was the last time you met what year? "asked Rjun to test Azmya's memory.

"September 15th, 2004," replied Azmya.

"Apparently you still remember!" Said Rjun satisfied.

"Eight years is enough to change everything huh?" Asked Azmya.

"Changed, you mean?" Asked Rjun.

"You used to be shy, quiet, didn't like things, but now you've become an idol group singer, good at dancing, I swear I didn't think you could change 180 degrees in that aspect," said Azmya.

"Yes, that's right, can't you imagine that now I'm a singer, musician, and dancer?" Rjun asked, smiling shyly.

"Thank God, now you have succeeded in becoming a star, as a friend I am quite proud that you can be like this," said Azmya sincerely.

Rjun's turn shrank when Azmya spat out the word friend.

"You've changed too," said Rjun.

Azmya couldn't help but stare at Rjun when he spoke.

"You are now successful as an Executive at Konami Group."

"You used to be indifferent, lazy to study, now it's like this, I am the one friends are also proud of, "said Rjun sincerely.

"And now you are also more beautiful and elegant," said Rjun, he could only say in the heart.

Azmya smiles at Rjun's words who reply to her words.

"Hopefully in the future, we will be more successful and happy with our partners," said Azmya, smiling broadly at Rjun's face. Since earlier, Azmya has never looked at his face. But when he looked there were words that hurt and cornered his heart.

For quite a while Rjun didn't answer. But in the end, Rjun answered slowly.

"Yes, hopefully, if you want to get married, don't forget to invite me!" Asked Rjun.

"Yes, of course, and I hope you are happy too with Hyo Jin!" Said Azmya, holding back a feeling of clutter on her tongue.

"Did you hear Hyo Jin's words at that time?" Asked Rjun, surprised that Azmya heard the conversation.

"Ooopppsss, I know this is a secret, but I'm not going to expose your relationship to the media, just calm down! Said Azmya.

Rjun looks a little sad and confused. Either he should tell Azmya about his relationship with Hyo Jin. But Rjun feels that if he is telling it all, it is as if to reveal that Rjun wants to confuse Azmya.

After all, Azmya also has a future husband. It didn't feel right if he told the truth.

"Indeed, there is nothing to be dismantled, I and Hyo Jin already know a lot about our relationship, so time will tell," said Rjun with a heavy heart saying it all.

While Azmya looks devastated by Rjun's explanation. That meant that she didn't have the chance to start again with Jun. She really doesn't deserve Jun, who has become a superstar.

"Okay, then, I seem to have to go to the location, check the team's preparations," said Azmya leaving Jun.

With heavy steps, Azmya left Jun, who was just staring at Azmya's departure.

Didn't feel something wet and warm running down Azmya's cheeks. It turned out that he was crying. Azmya could not help feeling sad and regretful. She tried to be strong in front of Jun. She didn't want to show her disappointment in Jun. After she felt quite far from Jun's sight,

Azmya covers her face and sobs. She endured a deep sense of disappointment and sadness, her chest tightened. Then someone grabbed her shoulder. Azmya tries to wipe her tears quickly and tries to see who is approaching her. It turned out to be Lee Do Hwa. He stood right in front of her and looked at her questioningly.

"Why you crying?" Asked Do Hwa trying to wipe away the remaining tears with his finger. Azmya tries to block Do Hwa from wiping her tears. She doesn't want Do Hwa to know why she's crying. And besides, it was terrible that she was caught crying in front of one of the Seven-F members.

"Gwencanna (it's okay)!" Azmya replied trying to act nothing happened.

"Did something happen that made you sad and cry like this?" Asked Lee Do Hwa.

"It's okay, I just remember my parents in Indonesia, suddenly miss, you keep it a secret if you catch me crying!" Asked Azmya.

"Oh, well, I thought you had a fight with someone," said Do Hwa.

"Heheee, it's not like that too, if I fight, I better fight with my Karate stance," said Azmya.

"Can you do karate?" Asked Do Hwa enthusiastically.

"I was a national karate champion in Indonesia when I was in high school," said Azmya.

"Daebak (amazing)" said Do Hwa in disbelief.

"Like this, I'm also a black belt holder, you know," said Azmya arrogantly.

"You are such cool, so it's not wrong if I like you!" Said Do Hwa honestly.

"What, like me?" Asked Azmya, trying to laugh.

"Yes, I like you, since we met in Seoul, I've liked you," said Do Hwa innocently.

"Thank you Lee Do Hwa, because a star like you already wants to like me!" replied Azmya in response jokingly while acting as if he was flattered.

"It's true, I'm not kidding!" said Do Hwa.

"What nonsense are you, let's go there, ready to shoot!" Azmya asked as she walked, ignoring Do Hwa's face, who was annoyed when it turned out that Azmya just thought it was a joke. Do Hwa knows, maybe this is too sudden and too impressed as a joke to Azmya. But actually, he really likes her. Not because Azmya is beautiful and attractive. But he saw Azmya's figure reminded him of a girl he used to love very much, but that person had died. He felt that Azmya looked a lot like that girl. From the way she spoke, the way she walked, they all resembled him. Therefore, Do Hwa feels very interested in approaching him. But unfortunately, Azmya already judged it as a joke.

*to be continued*

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