The Kiss

"I still want to talk to you, I want you to tell me everything during the past eight years, and I also want you to hear my story too!" said Rjun softly.

Azmya couldn't answer because the car they were riding in stopped.

"We have arrived, Miss," said the taxi driver.

Azmya also looked forward, it turned out that they were already in front of the gate of her grandfather's house. Azmya was getting ready to come down and immediately paid the fare. Then Azmya rushed to invite Rjun to come down and come with her. Rjun complied.

Azmya also opened the code for the gate of her grandfather's house. And with hurried steps, Azmya immediately entered his grandfather's large and spacious house. Meanwhile, Rjun was following her from behind. Arriving inside the house Aunt Akane greeted her.

"How is Ojichan?" Azmya asked.

"He was awake for a while, Doctor Genta has already checked it, he just needs rest!" the story of Aunt Akane, who is her grandfather's assistant who has served a dozen years.

"Thank God," replied Azmya, relieved.

"If you want to see, please. As long as you don't make your grandfather wake up!" Said Akane.

"Alright, I go up first to see Ojichan, May you make warm drinks for my guest, please!" Asked Azmya.

Aunt Akane saw Rjun coming. Aunt Akane was a little surprised because this is the first time her young lady brought a male guest. Moreover, the man is tall with an athletic body posture with a face that is certain for most idol group members with his trademark star aura coming out.

"Wow, what a handsome guest!" Aunt Akane exclaimed, making Rjun blushed.

"You'd better sit here first, I'll get you some warm juice," said Aunty Akane.

"Arigato (thank you)! Said Rjun deeply Japanese language. He is also fluent in Japanese.

After Azmya goes to her room's grandpa. and Aunt Akane goes to the kitchen. Rjun looked around the corner of Azmya's living room. It looks spacious and luxurious. Rjun doesn't believe that Azmya is of mixed Japanese descent. He also looks at Azmya's family photo frame. And saw a photo of Azmya's parents.

It turns out that her mother is native to Japan and married her father who is originally an Indonesian. He also saw a large framed photo of Azmya when she was a teenager. In the photo, Azmya is wearing a Dogi (karate outfit) complete with a black belt. He also smiled happily to see the photo.

Soon Aunt Akane came over with a glass of warm orange juice with some snacks.

"Thank you," said Rjun.

"You're welcome. Are you her boyfriend? Asked Aunty Akane.

"What, boyfriend?" Asked Rjun in surprise.

"Yes, because Miss Azmya never brought a male guest, and suddenly she brought a man, if not her boyfriend?" Said Bibi

Akane made it clear that it turned out that Azmya was lying about the story that she was engaged in.

"Sorry, if I can ask your aunt's opinion, am I not compatible with Azmya?" Asked Rjun a little daring to ask.

"It is very suitable Sir, Miss Azmya is beautiful and you are also handsome, of course, it is very suitable," said Aunty Akane.

Rjun grinned at this. After serving the drink Aunt Akane said goodbye to go back behind.

Rjun was curious that Azmya had seen her grandfather for a long time. He also wanted to see the condition of her grandfather. But he was afraid that it might appear rude.

The sound of his cellphone rang. Rjun sees the screen that Manager Lee calls him.

"Yes, Manager Lee?" Replied Rjun.

"Where are you, the others are worried you're not here?" Asked Manager Lee a little panicked.

"I've been to Tokyo, I went with Azmya. I have personal matters first, I'll tell you the details tomorrow. We'll meet tomorrow morning at the hotel!" Rjun replied.

"All right, remember Jun, you are careful not to make a scene in the media if you make something different, you have to take care of Seven-F's image! "Manager Lee ordered.

"I understand," replied Rjun.

Rjun hangs up the call. He sees Azmya has come. Jun was very nervous when Azmya came and walked over to him and sat in front of him.

"What about grandpa's state?" asked Rjun.

"He's asleep, he's fine, thanks for worrying about grandpa."

"Thank God," replied Rjun.

Azmya sits on the chair opposite Rjun. Her face looks tired. Rjun sees it as pity.

"You can sleep in that guest room tonight!" said Azmya while pointing at a room door not far from the living room.

"Okay, thank you for helping me tonight!" Rjun replied, making Azmya chuckle at that.

"You seem tired, you can go to bed and take a rest!" said Rjun.

"Hmmm, not really, maybe you are tired Jun, you better go to the room and rest!" ordered Azmya.

"Have you contacted your fiancé?" asked Rjun suddenly.

"What, oh ... uh ... not yet, he's abroad" replied Azmya carelessly.

"I see, if you may know who he is?" Asked Rjun again making Azmya even more nervous.

"Hmmm- he … he…." Azmya is confused about how to answer.

"He's a doctor," said Azmya, even more, and more vaguely.

"Lie." Rjun's cries stun Azmya.

"You mean?" Azmya asked anxiously.

Maybe Rjun already knew that she was just making up stories about her engagement.

"It's okay," replied Rjun which made Azmya even more afraid if she was caught lying.

Rjun stands up from his seat and walks up to Azmya who is sitting nervously. He knew that Azmya was trying to find an excuse. Rjun approaches Azmya and hugs Azmya. Of course, Azmya is shocked that Rjun suddenly hugs her like this. Azmya struggles to release Rjun's hug. But Rjun didn't let it. He tightened his embrace, even more, making Azmya resigned.

She also wanted to let Rjun hug her. She wanted Rjun to hold her like this for longer. Sometime later, Azmya's tears were shed, a sign that her defenses in front of Rjun had been ruined. She was crying uncontrollably bringing out all the emotions that she had kept alone for eight years. Rjun also understood, he stroked Azmya's hair gently. Let Azmya cry in his arms.

Azmya is powerless anymore, her hands are now hugging Rjun back. She felt that her longing for Jun had broken. The longing piggy bank that he had been keeping and keeping for Jun finally broke tonight.

Rjun slowly loosened his hug. And he looked at Azmya's face which was swollen from crying. Rjun wiped Azmya's tears with his fingers.

"I told you, no matter how funny you are when you cry, I still don't like seeing you cry!" Said Rjun.

Azmya nodded then she let go of her hug. Rjun crouched down in front of her. He looked at Azmya's face with a deep gaze. Azmya is powerless with that look. Without realizing it, her hands touched Rjun's face. Rjun lets Azmya touch his face. He smiled and showed back his signature dimples making Azmya even more irritated.

"All this time, I've been trying to find you, Jun?"

Rjun holds Azmya's hand which is touching his face.

"I also looked for you before I left for Korea, but your house is empty."

"I asked our friend, she said you went to Korea and your mother died in an accident ...." Azmya could not continue.

"I have to lose the people I care about at the same time, you know what it feels like, it felt like at that time I wanted to die too," said Rjun, starting to look emotional. A little stuttered because he had to tell the bitter incident.

"I know." Azmya then hugged Jun back. Jun also now turns to cry. The incident when his mother died, lost all opportunities to meet Azmya, until how he had to endure the uncertainty at the time. Korea until in the end someone was kind enough to help him.

"There was a high school teacher in Korea who adopted me as his son, and then I was met with my agency. So in the end I became a trainee at the agency. And until now I tried to prove that I could change my life" said Rjun.

"I'm not surprised, because from a long time ago you have the potential to become a star," said Azmya, releasing her hug. Azmya remembers that in high school, Jun won a lot in any field. He excelled at academics, sports, even singing competitions and composing student songs.

"Whatever now, your feelings are still the same to me Azmya?" Asked Rjun to make Azmya

shocked to be asked such a question.

"Maybe not anymore Jun?" Azmya replied firmly.

"Why?" asked Rjun a little disappointed.

"Do you still have the same feelings Jun?" Azmya asked instead of asking.

"Of course yes," said Rjun much more confidently.

"Lie." Azmya is in disbelief.

"You forgot that there was Hyo Jin, huh?" Asked Azmya.

Rjun was a little surprised by Azmya's statement. He also understands that Azmya thinks of him as a playboy.

"That, it's not like that, you don't get me wrong just yet!" said Rjun.

"Yes, that's why Jun, as I said earlier, maybe our feelings are no longer Jun because there is no way we can't meet other people. "

Rjun is getting less and less understanding of the direction and purpose of Azmya saying that.

"I and Hyo Jin only have a relationship because of a contract, Azmya!" Said Rjun. He knew that Azmya was worried about that. So Rjun was about, to tell the truth.

"Contract, you mean?" Asked Azmya.

"You don't know how harsh our world is, we need scandals but sometimes we hate scandals about lover relationships," said Rjun.

"If I tell you, maybe you won't understand, But the most important thing is … I and Hyo Jin don't have a special relationship like that.

"I can't believe it, because at that time it seemed like Hyo Jin liked you."

"That's what I'm worried about, but I don't like Hyo Jin."

"Is that true?" Asked Azmya in disbelief.

"I've always liked one girl, from the start since I met her, I've liked her, it's just that the girl doesn't know if I liked her before she knew who I was?" Rjun's story.

Rjun holds Azmya's shoulder and looks at Azmya's face. Azmya's face turned red because Jun's face was too close to hers.

"Previously, the Minister of Education and Culture invited us to his office to have lunch together, remember?" Asked Jun.

Then Azmya tries to remember the incident. Indeed, at that time many students were invited by the Minister, was one of them Jun was there? If she remembers that Jun has also won the National Science Olympiad and Science Olympiad, they may certainly have met there.

It's just that Azmya doesn't remember one. And she just remembered that time she had seen her picture on Jun's pencil case.

"I remember that I've been there, but I don't remember meeting you?" Azmya replied a little regretfully.

"At that time we first met during lunch together, even though at that time we sat at the table. Only that time you didn't care about my presence. I secretly took a picture of you. And when I first met you at school, actually I was a little surprised and happy, just Of course, at that time I was just a loser who couldn't act like a real man who could approach you, especially when you saw me in a position as a weak person, I didn't dare to approach you and say that in fact, we have met before. "

"Why haven't you told me before?" Asked Azmya.

"Because I feel, it's not important to tell," replied Rjun.

"No wonder, I used to wonder why there is a photo of me in your pencil holder," said Azmya.

"When did you see?" Asked Rjun.

"When I found drugs in your bag," Azmya recalled.

Rjun also remembered the incident at that time. Then he hugged Azmya tightly.

"At that time you did stupid things the world knows!" said Rjun still hugging her.

"I know it's stupid, but I'm doing it so you don't get into trouble Jun," Azmya replied.

"You are a brave girl, but forgive me Azmya!" Sobs Rjun.

"There's nothing to be forgiven for because you're not wrong."

"But, it made you kicked out of school."

"What has passed is already done, we don't have to discuss the previous one," said Azmya.

Rjun releases his hug. Then he looked at Azmya's face which was a little embarrassed because it had been a long time since Rjun had stared at her like this.

Then Rjun landed his kiss on Azmya's lips. Azmya, who was shocked by Rjun, who suddenly kissed her, leaned back slightly to the sofa. But Rjun didn't just let it go. Rjun grabs Azmya's neck and brings her closer to him. No doubt Azmya couldn't refuse the kiss either.

Whatever, if she felt that kiss was like the dreams she had dreamed of with Rjun. Her body felt like she was floating in the air. There was a tingling feeling in her stomach when she kissed Rjun. This kiss wasn't the same as what she did with Rjun eight years ago.

Now that they were both adults, of course, there was a different passion between the two of them. Azmya doesn't want to be more dissolved by that passion, she pushes Rjun's body to stop kissing her. Rjun's face was flushed and red. Then he smiled at her and rubbed Azmya's cheek gently.

"It's late, you better sleep and rest!" Said Rjun. You can see his face holding his male desire. But he was quite able to endure.

"Yes, you should sleep too, I will take you to the guest room now!" Said Azmya.

"No. Looks like I have to go back to the hotel," said Rjun refused.

"You said you couldn't go to the hotel, how come all of a sudden?" Azmya asked.

"Maybe the hotel can let me go to my room," said Rjun confidently.

"Why, how come suddenly came home, you said yourself you didn't bring your wallet."

Rjun stroked Azmya's hair gently.

"If I stay here, maybe I won't be able to stop myself!" Rjun replied while whispering in Azmya's ear.

"What do you mean?" Asked Azmya, not knowing what Rjun meant.

"Never mind, I'm going!" Said Rjun with a smile. He wanted to fight the perverted demon from earlier.

Azmya holds Rjun holding his hand. She still wanted to be with Rjun.

"Azmya," Rjun whispered.

Azmya hugs Rjun's tall body. She buried her face in Rjun's broad chest. She could feel that Rjun's body was very nice and comfortable in a hug. She could guess that Rjun must have had abs in his stomach too. Azmya smiles to herself imagining Rjun shirtless. She imagined how sexy Rjun was, with his muscles and bread torn on his stomach. Since high school, Rjun's body has been athletic, especially now that he's an idol is even better.

"This could be a danger Azmya!" Exclaimed Rjun.

"If I can't help it, what?" continued Rjun making Azmya gasped and spontaneously she pushed Rjun with all her might to make Rjun pushed and almost fell.

"Oops ... Sorry, Jun!" Said Azmya.

"Yes, it's okay, you've always liked to make me crazy!" Rjun joked.

"Hmmm. I'll order a taxi for you." Azmya tried to calm down. Rjun is right that Rjun is staying here. They both might go crazy.

"Thank you."

Azmya orders a taxi to take Rjun back to the hotel. Rjun seems a bit hesitant to leave, but he felt he might as well return to the hotel. Before the taxi came. Azmya reaches for Rjun's phone. Then enter her contact number into Rjun's mobile. She hopes Rjun can reach her anytime. Of course Rjun very happy and promises he will contact Azmya again.

The taxi comes, Azmya drops Rjun in front of her grandfather's house and takes Rjun off.

Before Rjun left, he held Azmya's hand who was wearing a ring.

"I will come again and replace this ring with the ring I bought," said Rjun making Azmya's blood even more rustling. Then Rjun kissed her hand gently.

Makes Azmya added like there are millions of fireworks in her heart.

Azmya. Nodded in agreement. And let Rjun go. She waves her hand towards Rjun excitedly. Until the taxi disappeared at the turn, Azmya returned to the house feeling happy. She wanted her feelings tonight to continue in her dream world. She wanted to let Jun hold her and touch her in the dream.

Imagining something like that, Azmya is a little embarrassed and tries to drive out the perverted demon that is in her brain far away.

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