
Azmya returns home with a heart full of dilemmas. Her meeting with Sena earlier went as smoothly as she had hoped. But why does her heart seem to have such a heavy burden?

"How was the meeting with Sena?" Asked Daddy immediately interrogated her who had just slammed her body on the sofa in the living room.

"Nice," replied Azmya short.

"Then what, do you like him or not?" Asked her mother joined in.

"Hemm", replied Azmya doubtfully as she closed her tired eyes.

"Tell us, how?" Asked Daddy wanting to emphasize Azmya's answer.

"I like him, Dad."

"It means that would be also I just have to talk to the Sena family to immediately prepare you fiancee."

"What, fiancé?" Asked Azmya in shock. It turned out that her daddy immediately moved quickly. Makes Azmya feel completely unprepared.

"Azmya, you don't have to be in a hurry to get married right away, there are all stages!" Her father said wrongly.

"It's not like that; Azmya isn't even ready to be engaged."

"Why, didn't you want to get a husband quickly?" Asked her mother.


Azmya just twisted her hands on her lap. She was confused about the hat to answer. Because in the beginning, it was she who asked to find a husband. But after she found the right fit. Her heart began to hesitate again. Whether the decision to get engaged was the right choice at this point.

**** *****

Azmya is upset and in a dilemma. Because according to her dad's plan, next week Senna's family wants to propose to Azmya as well as his fiancé. At times like these, she needed someone to talk to. That night Azmya decides to contact Akira.

"Azmya, how are you?" Exclaimed Akira, delighted to get Azmya's phone call.

"Have you come home from work?" Asked Azmya.

"Alright, I was just about to get ready for bed, wherever you are, I want to go first

The phone, afraid that you're in a situation where you don't want to be disturbed. "

"Yes, sorry, I'm also afraid if I even bother you."

"No, I'm even happy, oh yeah next week I'm going to Jakarta, there's a Konami Group event there, we'll meet later," said Akira, very happy to give the news.

"Is that true?" Asked Azmya in disbelief.

'Right, I really miss you; I have a lot of stories that I have to tell you since you resigned from the office! "Said Akira.

"Oh yes, let me wait for you in Indonesia."

"Oh yes, what happened you suddenly called, must be something?" Asked Akira just realized something. She was so happy she got a call and was so excited that she forgot if there was something Azmya wanted to say in the middle of the night like this.

"Hmm, end-, I want to get engaged next week", said Azmya quietly and barely audible.

"What, fiancé, with whom?" Asked Akira.

"What is certain is the same man."

"Oh." It sounded like Akira's disappointed voice.

"I hope you come here before I get engaged!"

"Azmya, have you met him?" Asked Akira suddenly.

"Who is he?" Asked Azmya, surprised.


"Not at all, why, and I beg you not to mention Jun again, uh!"

"Okay, but…"

"I don't want to hear any more about Jun, I want to forget about Jun."

"But, Jun can't forget you!" Shouted Akira making Azmya surprised to hear Akira's high tone.

"He never forgot the slightest bit, all this time he could only hold back the feeling guilt at you, he just…. "

"Never mind I don't need to explain it to you, let Jun himself explain it later to you, and what is clear I feel sorry for Jun."

Azmya doesn't understand what Akira's words mean. What she didn't know all this time about Jun. And why does Akira feel sorry for Jun.?

"Do you know how Jun is doing?" Azmya asked a little swallowing her own saliva. Because still, her mouth is even less compromise.

"Don't you know Rjun's news?" Asked Akira.

"The last time I saw the news, Hyo Jin committed suicide, and Rjun was linked with that."

"That's true, Hyo Jin committed suicide in her apartment, but now that case has been designated a case of suicide due to depression, and Rjun actually has nothing to do with it, because Rjun is not her real boyfriend."

"What!" Shrieked Azmya in surprise.

"So let it be clear, let Jun explain it to you himself!"

"But Jun hasn't tried contacting me since then, so I think I'm just a hindrance to his relationship with Hyo Jin."

"Actually, Jun once called you, but you didn't pick up."

"Never, I never knew when Jun called me."

"When your grandfather died, how many times did Rjun try to contact you."

Azmya sobbed hearing that. So Jun once tried to reach her. It's just that she doesn't know if a new number is calling her. Because she didn't have time to check her phone call history when she was in a state of grief.

"He felt sad when he found out that you were in Indonesia, all this time Rjun and I exchanged messages without you knowing because Rjun told you not to know because he wanted you to still think of him as a traitor than you know the truth. He said if you knew the truth. what kind of person you are. You must be acting crazy just like you did in high school, he said, but when I found out that you were getting engaged to someone else, I thought it would be unfair to him. "

Azmya tried to digest as best she could what Akira just said.

"Hello!" Akira called out.

"Yes, I still hear, but why did Jun not try again until now contact me? "asked Azmya.

"I don't know either, but did you hear that Rjun came out Seven-F? "Asked Akira.

"I, I don't know that, why, what happened?" Asked Azmya, smacking Akira.

"Hmm, I haven't had the chance to ask him that, but since Do Hwa entered the army, Seven-F's cohesiveness has been a bit stretched."

"Then you know where Rjun is now, is he still in Korea?" Asked Azmya.

"He said he's in the United States now."

"What, so he's not in Korea," muttered Azmya.

"Do you want the number?" Asked Akira.

"What, ah-, uh, no no!" Azmya replied stuttering. There was no way she'd tried to contact Jun when Jun hadn't been trying to reach her again all this time.

"Okay, then, let's end our chat, we have to meet next week anyway, "said Akira.

"Okay, nice to talk with you, good night".

Azmya tonight is getting more and more upset. Because she got the reality about Jun all this time from Akira. But what should she do now? Even now, she didn't know how Jun really felt about her. Maybe there are too many obstacles and obstacles for her love for Jun.