The Truth Untold (Part 3)

The sound of Lisa's crying wrenched the hearts of anyone who could hear her. But unfortunately, no one heard it.

Lisa begged while kneeling at Jefri's feet. She asks him to take it off and for the video to be removed. Lisa's cries and requests were ignored. He made Lisa even more scared when Jefri's hand started to touch her body. Lisa screamed hysterically for help. But it's useless the scream just echoes and just disappears. Lisa cried and tried her best to release Jefri's grip.

"Don't overcharge, you've made sex with Haris, so it's not wrong I also want to enjoy it", Jefri's grin looked scary. Lisa desperately struggled and broke away from Jefri. But of course, her strength was not comparable to Jefri. Lisa just cried loudly and cursed at Jefri who was doing something insulting to her.

Lisa was in excruciating pain. Why did she get trapped here? Lisa tried to reach the clothes that Jefri had forced open. Her face hurt because Jefri played rough. Her face was bruised from Jefri how many times he slapped Lisa every time she tried to struggle.

She tries to find her cell phone. With her weak hand, Lisa tried to feel the dark surroundings. Not far from the place. The lecherous man was casually smoking a cigarette. He does not feel guilt and sin after committing immoral acts. Lisa wept over her face which was now ruined by the two ruffians. By enduring excruciating pain from Jefri's beatings and slaps, not to mention the time he violently raped her. Makes her whole body ache. Lisa tried to put her shirt and pants back on.

The phone rang. It was a call from Jefri's cell phone.

Because the place is very quiet. Lisa could hear a woman's voice across the phone.

"Hey, shit, who are you!" Someone shouted.

"If you want to know who I am, come to building B near the XxXx campus," said Jefri with a laugh.

Of course, Lisa recognized whose voice it was. That's Azmya. Lisa is afraid that Azmya will come to this place and Jefri ...

"No, you don't come here Azmya!" Exclaimed Lisa. But of course, it doesn't sound like Azmya. Because of the phone's closed.

"Please, don't do anything Azmya!" Lisa begged Jefri.

But Jefri instead slapped Lisa again until she passed out. Then Jefri threw Lisa's cellphone which he had been holding to find Azmya's number.

Sometime later. A car stopped in front of the building. Jefri lurked long before Azmya entered the building. And according to the info, he heard. Azmya is good at karate. For that, he had to try to immobilize her first in a cunning way.

Lisa ... Lisa ...

Azmya called out Lisa's name several times. After Azmya went deeper into the building. Jefri prepared his baseball bat.


Buuuukk …

Jefri hit her with his stick until she passed out. Jefri was satisfied, his other prey was lying helplessly. Jefri also brushed Azmya's hair which was blocking her beautiful face. Jefri's grin returned after he saw Azmya's face.

*** ***

Sena ordered the documents Lisa brought to reach the Project Developers tomorrow afternoon in Jakarta.

Sena and Lisa's meeting that night makes Sena grow strange feelings for Azmya. From Lisa's story. He can know about the story of their friendship if Azmya is a kind and warm person. Always put others before herself. She is full of loyalty to those closest to her. Even though she always causes trouble at school. Azmya only protects weak people. Although she often has problems with the counseling teacher. Azmya has never blamed anyone who messed with her. She always gets herself punished. Even though there are people who do evil to her.

And Azmya is the person who has never liked men. Even though many male students have a crush. But because of her bitchy and dirty attitude, many men are heartbroken. That's why Lisa was amazed because it was her boss who finally won Azmya's heart. Hearing that, Sena was quite proud too. But back at once, it shrinks again. Because she knows Azmya can't move on from that man named Jun. And he doesn't know who he is. How did Jun look like until Azmya couldn't open her heart to anyone?

And what he feels right now is beyond his expectations. He initially only obeyed the wishes of his parents who wanted to set him up with Aunt Minami's child. He doesn't know whether it is falling in love or something related to a lover's relationship. He hasn't felt what it is like to fall in love. It's funny at this age, he's still a layman for this matter. So far, he adheres to the notion that dating is a thing that wastes money, time, energy, thoughts, and doesn't waste liquid in the body. In the form of tears, blood, and other fluids. Sena did not want and never thought about starting a relationship or romance. During these nearly thirty-three years he had endured enough and extreme enough to ignore his male desires. Even he wondered whether it was normal in his sexual orientation. But even if he has a disorder, maybe he has fallen in love with a man several times.

And his male desire can only appear after he meets Azmya. When he accidentally saw Azmya who was sitting alone and crying by the lake. For some reason, for the first time, he also cared about a woman who cried because of a breakup.

It was the first time he shook when he touched Azmya on the steps of her house long ago. It was then that the seeds of that strange feeling grew in Sena's heart.

At first, he just wanted to comply with his parents' wish to marry and give them children. After that let God make a scenario for his life. But now, when he often saw Azmya's face, which was silent, sad, and had a wound. His heart wants to make Azmya always cheerful and happy. He doesn't want Azmya to be sad and hurt. His heart was like a needle pricked when he saw Azmya sad and showed a wounded face.

She was determined to make Azmya happy. He will color Azmya's life with joy. He wants Azmya by his side without being sad and hurt. Even though at this time, Sena doesn't know what happened that made Lisa and Azmya like hurt and sad together.

Sena will try hard so that Azmya can open the door to her heart a little. So that he can come in and fill her heart.

Tonight in his hotel room bed where he is staying. For the first time, he began to imagine things he had never imagined before.

All night he just went back and forth while continuing to imagine Azmya's face. He fantasizes about what if Azmya is already his wife. Sena even smiled and smiled at himself imagining his first night with Azmya. He imagined Azmya on his horse and his fist would batter Sena before he managed to hug Azmya. He is good at karate.

That night Sena slept with a smile. He wants tomorrow to meet Azmya soon. Tomorrow he plans to invite Azmya to Jakarta to look for their engagement ring.