Meet Jun

At that time Lisa was very angry and disappointed that Haris cared more about Azmya's safety than her. Even though she has experienced the act of rape. But after the incident that night, Azmya tries to contact Haris and his friends, but they can't be found. Adding to the excitement of the video, both Haris and Lisa did not show themselves at school. Azmya looks for Lisa to her boarding house. It turned out that he had moved and returned to her hometown.

Azmya tries to find out where Jefri is. It turned out that he had also been expelled from campus and according to the news. He was jailed for abuse.

While at school. Azmya continues to be accused of distributing Lisa's nasty videos. Which in the end she also excelled at school. Luckily she was not reported because of the spread of the video. Yes, it was thanks to daddy's interference who convinced the authorities with his guarantee.

*** ***

Arrived in Jakarta. Sena has heard everything from Azmya. How was the story with Lisa at that time? No wonder both Azmya and Lisa don't seem to be able to forget that incident. Sena was encouraged so that he could understand it.

"Take it easy, I think Lisa can understand and forget about it all," said Sena soothingly.

"Is it true?"

"Yesterday she had a story about you, it looks like she's not like someone who hates you, and more to praise you completely," Sena's story made Azmya immediately turned happy.

Of course, Sena saw Azmya's cheerful face which made her happy more than she got the project tender.

With a much calmer feeling. Azmya also follows Sena to a jewelry store outlet to find and select her engagement ring.

Sena seemed enthusiastic about choosing a ring. Azmya just followed him and occasionally answered Sena's question with "good", "okay", without showing any enthusiastic expression.

And after a long time choosing and discussing with the shop clerk. Sena also chose a set of engagement rings. A pair of vintage-style rings with blue eyes is their choice.

After Sena took care of the payment for the ring. Sena took Azmya's hand and left the jewelry shop like a couple in general. Azmya still feels awkward. She stared at the fingers that were grasping Sena.

"Should I return it with joy? Should I hug Sena's waist? So that all see us as a couple who will be engaged." Azmya thought to herself.

Azmya is struggling with her thoughts. Between yes or no. On the one hand, Sena has shown his feelings through his care and treatment for Azmya, a sign that he is also sincere. But one other side. Azmya felt like she had lied to Sena by pretending to like him too.

Triing ...

An incoming message comes to Azmya's cell phone.

[I just saw Rjun's story ... it looks like he's in Indonesia. He made a story. I send the photo.]

Azmya let go of Sena's hand. She was shocked to see the photo. It was the lake where she and Jun had been there. A photo depicting a lake with a memory caption with AK.

And the initials AK. Isn't that her name? Azmya Kiarra. Azmya's hands are shaking. Now Jun is in Indonesia. Could he be there? Sena feels strange seeing Azmya like that.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sena, worried seeing Azmya trembling.

"Chat from whom?" Asked Sena immediately grabbed Azmya's cellphone, who was still frozen.

Sena also reads chat from Akira. The look on his face suddenly changed. His eyes were holding back jealousy. But Sena still looks calm.

"Do you want to go see him?" Asked Sena, making Azmya surprised.

"I-I don't know," muttered Azmya uncomfortably.

"Go, find him. Finish what hasn't finished!" Sena asked, holding Azmya's shoulder, who was still trembling.

Azmya looks at Sena's face. Those two usually shaded eyes looked a little different. Although Sena tried to be proud. But his eyes spoke as if they were hopeful for Azmya to refuse his request.

"But, will everything change, even though I didn't tell you about him, why are you asking me like that, aren't you hurt?" Azmya asked, looking at your face Sena with a sad look.

"Hurt what, I will not get hurt. I never said I also do not love you," replied Sena lied. And trying to smile.

"Alright, I'll meet him right now," said Azmya excitedly.

"I'll take you there," Sena tried to be proud and kind enough to take Azmya to the lake.

Azmya immediately hugged Sena as a sign that she was very grateful for Sena's kindness. Meanwhile, Sena could only smile faintly and try his hardest not to get caught if he was very hurt. Hurt for the first time when he first fell in love.

"Forgive me if I didn't come clean to you all this time. Because I'm not sure about this engagement either," sobbed Azmya then let go of her hug. Sena just answered with a smile while rubbing Azmya's face which was wet with tears.

**** ****

Azmya tells Akira that she will go to found Jun.

If only Jun was still there. Azmya is sure that Jun is her match. But if Jun isn't there, maybe Jun is still her match. She's going to try to find Jun. She didn't want to lose again.

Akira cheered her on. Because Azmya must be matched with Jun. Because Akira knows that both of them are in love with each other. But because the two of them couldn't reveal each other.

Sena takes Azmya to the Lake of Love. After the car stopped, Azmya seemed to quickly get off in the car. Meanwhile, Sena tried to arrange his heart which might have fallen apart. In the car, Sena takes out the ring that he and Azmya had bought again. Now maybe this ring is no longer useful. Sena held his chest which was aching. What was this feeling he was feeling? Foreign. And it felt like he was missing something that made him sad.

Half-running Azmya ran down the span of the place. It was already late in the day and it looked like it was getting quiet. Azmya looks around for Jun. According to Akira, Jun's story wasn't that long. And after Azmya received the message. The elapsed time was about an hour. Is Jun still here or has he gone back? Soon Azmya will reach the shore of the lake. From afar she caught a figure similar to Jun. Tall, wearing a sky blue shirt, black pants that look fashionable, are standing facing the lake.

Azmya feels mixed with happiness. Finally, she will meet Jun. After almost one year she has separated again. Last met in Japan and left a bit of hurt and unbearable longing. While wiping her happy tears Azmya slowly approached. However, Jun doesn't seem to notice Azmya's arrival. He was still staring at the front of the lake. Looks calm. Azmya is eager to run and hug him. The man she could never forget. Even though she met a million men. Her heart still seems to belong to Jun.

And now that distance of only fifty meters would be a short distance for these nearly two years. She will start running. Running to meet Jun.

"Jun," Azmya whispered.

However, her running steps stopped. When someone calls Jun.

"Jun!" A woman approached him and immediately hugged Jun affectionately.

Azmya is shocked to see her. Who is that woman?

And it looks like Jun is hugging her with love too. Azmya felt the world she was stepping on was crumbling. As if she had fallen into the bowels of the earth.

Does Jun have a girlfriend?


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