Missing Jun (6)

"What happened to Lisa, Oppa?" asked Azmya curiously.

Sena looks so tensed. It seems there is some heavy news he said.

"Oppa, what's wrong?" Azmya asked, holding Sena's hand.

"Do you remember Jefri?" Sena asked, of course, it made Azmya shocked to death why Sena mentioned the name of the person she had wanted to forget.

"Lisa met him again," continued Sena making Azmya hold her head. Looks like she feels dizzy.

"Are you okay?" asked Sena, holding Azmya's shoulder.

"I just don't want to hear that name, Oppa."

"This has something to do with Jun," Sena said shaking a little.

"What, how come?" Azmya asked, not understanding.

"Therefore, I was a little hesitant to talk about it, but ...."

"Is this really related to Jun?" Azmya asked.

"Lisa told me that she met Jefri at a friend's wedding. Then Jefri said that he had already paid his revenge to you, Azmya," Sena's story made Azmya even more confused about Jun's relationship with his revenge.

"That's why Lisa immediately called me and asked how are you?" continued Sena, staring at Azmya's confused face who tried to digest his every word.

"What's the connection with Jun?" Azmya looks into Sena's eyes that still haven't told her fully.

"Lisa told us that Jefri blurted out that he had seen Rjun in Bandung," continued Sena.

"Oppa mean, Rjun is in Bandung?" Azmya asked trembling.

"I don't know I'm not sure I'm sure, what is clear is I want to see Jefri."

Azmya looks at Sena's face. It's an angelic face. I don't know what the heart is made of. During this time he always helped and was by her side to strengthen her heart.

"Oppa, do you want to find Jun?" Azmya asked.

"II, I'll find Jun if he's still alive," said Sena.

"What's the reason Oppa is looking for him for me?" Azmya asked.

"Of course," Sena replied carefreely.

Azmya is touched by all of Sena's sacrifices so far. And how much she could just use Sena like that.

"Oppa, I don't think Oppa should do that," said Azmya, bowing her head.

"Does Oppa still love me?" Azmya asked.

Sena was a little surprised that Amzya suddenly asked that. He also tried to answer wisely.

"My feelings are not important, what's important is finding Jun so Rafael can meet his father."

Azmya has tears in her eyes. I don't know if she felt guilty for Sena. What kind of woman is she that made Sena's heart such a sacrifice.

"It's not important, but for me, it's important Oppa," Azmya answered finally openly.

"Why?" asked Sena, starting to feel something strange with Amzya's answer.

"If Jun is still alive, maybe he will meet me, but since he hasn't tried to find or give news, I already considered him dead."

"Azmya ...."

"I've let it go Oppa," said Azmya.

Sena was surprised to hear that. Between believing and not believing what he just heard.

"Does Oppa still love me?" Azmya asked.

"I shouldn't really have to ask that, because I probably don't deserve your love ..."

Azmya's sentence was cut short because Sena had already kissed her mouth. At first, Azmya was shocked. But then she let Sena crush his lips. She knew Sena had been waiting for this moment for so long.

Azmya put her hand around Sena's neck. Let Sena do what he wants. After being satisfied kissing her lips, Sena loosened Azmya's hug. The faces of the two of them flushed red as their breathing was like they had just finished running.

Azmya covered her face with both hands. Feel embarrassed. Because all this time they are in the friendship zone. But the incident just now made them clumsy and looked awkward again. Then a few moments later.

"Oppa," called Azmya in a low voice.

Sena looked hopefully at Azmya's face. Hope that just now wasn't a dream in broad daylight.

"Thank you for being by my side all this time, I hope you stay by my side!" said Azmya, making Sena's eyes and smile widen.

"I promise, I'll always be there for you," said Sena. Azmya smiles seeing it.


There was a strange voice coming from Azmya's stomach.

"You haven't had lunch?" asked Sena.

Azmya answered with a shake of her head.

"Come on, let's go out for lunch!" said Sena, grabbing Azmya's hand and pulling her from her office.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Azmya looked closely at the face of Rafael who was sleeping beside her. Azmya with all the weight of her mind hugged Rafael's body. Drowning Rafael's head in her arms. Her eyes were swollen for more than an hour she cried. Really her heart now feels sad thinking back to Jun.

It's been five years no more news about Jun. She doesn't know the number of times she feels this situation. But the situation now is the most difficult because she is not alone, she is with Rafael, the seed of love that Jun doesn't have time to know.

Azmya looked back at Rafael's innocent face asleep.

"Jun, look you have a handsome son like yourself, you should see how cute and handsome he is," murmured Azmya.

"Forgive Mommy dear, Mommy never showed you who your Daddy really is, because Mommy doesn't want you to feel the pain that Mommy feels," Azmya whispered in her heart, stroking Rafael's forehead.

Azmya also tried to close her eyes. She wanted her fatigue to disappear after waking up tomorrow.

That night she had a dream. She goes to Seoul with Rafael for a vacation. Go to the iconic place there. Azmya and Rafael go to Namsan Tower. There are really very busy visitors. Rafael ran towards the fence which had many locks locked there.

"Mommy comes here, hurry up and put the padlock on Mommy and Daddy here!" exclaimed Rafael, very enthusiastic about the locking ceremony. Like Korean dramas that believe that if they lock a padlock with their name written on it, it is said that they will be destined to death. And their hearts are locked.

Somehow in Azmya's hand, there is already a beautiful light blue padlock. Azmya saw that the padlock had her name and Jun's name written on it.

Azmya is confused, why does the lock have her name and Jun's name written on it.

Not yet lost her surprise Ajeng also felt her hand being pulled by someone. She gasped when she saw the face that was tugging at her hand. Jun.

Jun's face looked very happy and smiled as he pulled Azmya's hand. She led him to the padlock of Namsan Tower. Rafael was waiting.

Azmya feels that this is really unexpected. Jun attended. He was really there to meet herself and Rafael.

"Mommy, Daddy." Rafael's scream called out to them.

Azmya looks at the face of the child and father in turn. Really like the two of them. And now they are putting their love lock in this place.

Namsan Tower

The sound of the alarm clock that Azmya installed sounds to wake up sleep and also Azmya's dream just now.

Azmya wiped the sweat on her forehead. Observe the dream earlier. She dreams of meeting Jun. How strange. During these five years, she never dreamed of Jun even though Azmya wanted her to meet him in a dream. But last night she had a dream about it.

Azmya rubbed her slightly tight chest because the fact was that Jun wasn't there.
