Got Shot (2)

Jun grabbed his stomach, which was shot. Azmya was hysterical to see Jun holding his stomach, which was bleeding too much.

Azmya supported Jun's body.

Azmya looked right and left for help. Below them was also very dangerous because there was a battle going on. Azmya saw Jung Woo was lying down below because he had fallen. She felt that it's impossible to seek reinforcements at this time.

Then, Azmya tried to block Jun's gunshot wound so that not much blood came out.

Azmya became more panicked when Jun gave up.

"Azmya, please look at me!" Jun quietly said.

"Jun hold on, I beg you!" said Azmya, continuing to press the gunshot wound with both of her hands. Her tears profusely flowed as she saw Jun's injury that was continuously bleeding.

"My beloved Azmya, please look at me!" said Jun while trying his best to endure the pain from the gunshot wound. His body already felt very cold.