Sad Love

Jun looked at Rafael's face, who was left by Sena. Rafael, who did not understand the problem between Jun and Sena, could only stare confusedly at Jun.

"Rafael, come here!" Jun called Rafael to come over.

Rafael also drew closer to Jun. Then Jun stroked his son with a smile. He looked closely at Rafael's face. Jun was comforted by his son's face.

"Rafael, how did you grow this big without Daddy?" asked Jun. He was shocked for the first time when he hear if he has a son.

"Mommy takes good care of me. Daddy Sena also took care of me often, "replied Rafael. Of course it made Jun's heart feels sad.

"In that case, Daddy feels rest assured that they both take good care of you." Jun's voice was hoarse, he was trying to hide his feelings.

Jun feels that without his presence Rafael can grow well. Is it now that Jun must return to not be among them.