Call Me Honey

"O-yes, I see that the guests here are all from Asia, do you only accept guests from Asia?" asked Jun.

"Yes, I was on purpose, not because I wanted to discriminate, I just wanted Asian people who came to this hostel to be more comfortable if they were from Asia."

"I see," Jun said understandably.

Jun and Azmya entered the dining room, where many hotel guests were already queuing for lunch. Gattuso patiently serves several requests from hotel guests who are queuing to eat.

"Wait here, I'll bring you lunch!" Azmya said telling Jun to sit at one of the dining tables.

Then he waited while checking his cell phone. Who knows if there is an incoming message from Lee Do Hwa. But the cellphone doesn't have any notification. It seems like Lee Do Hwa and Ji Eun really did spend their time in Turin traveling as newlyweds without caring about him. Luckily he's here to meet Azmya, otherwise, he might be bored to death alone.