No Relief Again From NSS

Ten hours after the incident ...

Jun is concerned about what has happened to the team of NSS agents who plan to attack the person who kidnapped Azmya. He and Rafael then visited Lee Jun Ki and Cha Dok Man at the hospital where they were being treated.

"I'm sorry Jun, we failed to catch them, and Azmya has not been found," regretted Lee Jun Ki.

"They already intend to finish you in that building, if you come, you might also die!" continued Dok Man. They both are treated in one room.

"I'm sorry about Agent Kim Bong Sung's passing last night," Jun spoke in a sad tone. He may also be more worried about Azmya's condition, who is still being held by them.

"We have to find Azmya no matter what?" said Lee Jun Ki.

Suddenly a man came into their room without knocking. Jun and Rafael stepped back a little when the person approached Jun Ki and Dok Man's ward.

"Mr. Jang!" said Lee Jun Ki and Cha Dok Man, surprised by the arrival of their Chairman.