The Secret of Han So Hee

Hyun Woo feels frustrated that his plan failed miserably. Now that the situation was reversed, he couldn't pilot this yacht. Eric and Lucas are already dead.

Even Han So Hee couldn't be asked and gave an answer. And what remains now is that maybe the ship is still their gang. And that means something will happen on this ship. Hyun Woo tries to solve the riddle of Eric's plan.

He took his cell phone and tried to contact Santos.

"Lucas was shot dead, and it looks like the plan changed and the situation is reversed now, Eric has changed the ship's steering system to automatic and is now heading to a point where there will be another ship that will approach."

"What?" Came Santos's voice, shocked by the news of Lucas's death.

"I don't know what Eric's plans are, but can you find out about a ship called the Guardian Ship?" Hyun Woo asked Santos, who has a talent for search as well as a hacker like Lucas.

"Okay, shall I try?" Lucas replied.