A Mission Plan

Lee Do Hwa return with a bottle of cold orange juice and immediately threw it at Ahn Yoo Na. Didn't expect that Lee Do Hwa would throw the juice bottle, Ahn Yoo Na who was not ready to accept the throw of the juice. Finally, the juice was not caught and hit Ahn Yoo Na's chest. And for some reason, Lee Do Hwa had opened the juice bottle for her. So that Ahn Yoo Na could open the bottle more easily. And what happened next was that Ahn Yoo Na's shirt was hit by the spilled juice and made her body soaked. Not to mention the cold water penetrated Ahn Yoo Na's body and skin.

"You, can't you be more careful?" shouted Ahn Yoo Na.

"Sorry Yoo Na, I accidentally. your clothes are wet, I am sorry?" asked Lee Do Hwa feeling guilty for spilling Ahn Yoo Na's shirt.

"Change your clothes in the bedroom!" said Lee Jun Ki.

"Lend her your clothes, Do Hwa!" continued Jun joined in chimed in.