At Namsan Tower

Ahn Yoo Na came out and put on her shirt again which was soiled with spilled juice. Lee Do Hwa's heart could not bear. But he promised, he didn't want to get involved in his feelings.

"Thank you. Sorry for upsetting you. But Mr. Lee Do Hwa, I'm disappointed in you. You shouldn't act rudely like this after you kiss a girl on the lips. It's not the first time you've kissed me. It's been twice. But it's not an apology that you say. You insulted me completely. I have made breakfast not to be your woman. It's just as my thanks. Because you already wanted to help me with this case. I became hopeful to know my brother's death. "

Ahn Yoo Na with wet eyes she left Lee Do Hwa who was silent because thousands of regrets had hurt Ahn Yoo Na's feelings.

*** ***

Namsan Tower ...

Jun invites Azmya and Rafael to the place. He doesn't know why Azmya said that she had twice dreamed of going with him and Rafael.