Meeting You

Another day, another sunshine, everything seems normal, my fellow orphans are allowed to play outside and I joined my gang for a game of tag. I may be the only girl in my group but I could still beat them through any competitions

But one kid in the orphanage seems to standout from the rest , not because of his outer appearance but the way he distance himself from the rest of the kids, as if he's not from around the orphanage.. And I was the first one to notice.

Not long till my feet lead me in front of him.

He sits under the shade of trees hugging his knees while watching the kids play around, not even realizing I was standing in front of him. I was hoping he could notice my presence .

"Hey" I said with a smile asking for his attention.

"Do you wanna play? I won't accept NO as an answer" I giggled while pulling onto his sleeve.

No words came out from his mouth, not even a No or a reaction at all but he does stare at my eyes while I'm communicating, that's a small relief.

Staring back at him made me realize some things. Such as his appearance.

Yellowish hair arrange into spikes, either way it still look soft and thin.

His eyes are so beautiful as if the whole ocean locked itself in his orbs ,I can't seem to stop inspecting its beauty . He is pretty. Wait. Is he even a he? But his clothes are boyish . Maybe this person is a tomboy.

"Uhmm wait .. My name is Y/n by the way! What's yours?"

"Why do you care?" Argh! What kind of answer is that?! No worries I think that's one of the words a loner type would say.

"I do care since I wanna be friends with you" lifting my arm upwards waiting for his hand to take it.

"Cloud" A boy! He finally said it , I smiled uncontrollably

"Yes now we could play!" I dragged him into my team. I stopped my friends from playing so that I could add Cloud into the games.

"Who wants to play tag?!" I ask and they raised their hands but Cloud ain't raising his so I forced him to lift his hand either.

"Wait. You are with him?" one of the kids said

"Yes why?"

"Cloud is a no no to our team! I won't be playing with a loser"

They all agreed like they were discriminating Cloud from everything


"He is one of those nerds and we are the cool ones" I guess I made a wrong decision befriending this jerks. I turn my head to see Cloud and he seems to focus more on the ground now. This is triggering me ..


What did I do?

"WHAT IS THAT FOR?!" The jerk said .

I just punched his face and he fell flat into his butt. For the first time in forever, I punched someone's face and it felt good!

"Sorry about that . My hands detected a bully so it act on its own" the other kids were shocked including Cloud

Yet no can do. This jerk still have his willpower, he can't lose his image for sure so he stood up and run towards me with his fist prepared for impacts but I run to greet him tripping him with my legs , now he fell face first onto the ground.

I can feel the anger consuming him as he started sending punches. Luckily a girl like me can dodge his attacks, he grew tired to the point where he fell onto his knees. His friends sending glares at me before I felt a hand grasping my arm

"Hey Y/n we got to go. Please" Cloud whispered before dragging our way out of the park.

"I don't understand them anymore. They are too disrespectful" I said between huffs after we stopped running a distance away from the park.

"They hated me" Cloud said in a low tone

"Why?" I asked with curiosity written all over my face

"Cause I'm weak and I always lose whenever I play with them, they grew tired of it"

"That's all?!" Now I'm angry. I dont want anything to do with those kids anymore..

"Now it's super clear they are just plain jerks. Well then" I sniff in some air with my hands on both sides of my waist before shouting

"Aha!!"I shouted and Cloud was surprised by my sudden outburst

"Since I lost all of my friends today, you need to fill in the empty spaces!"

"What?" He asked out of confusion.

"From now on you'll become my best friend. AND NOT ONLY THAT! You will promise I will be your best friend!" I lean into him , giving him a reassuring smile.

"In return I'll protect you with all I've got!" I smiled while making a pinky promise..

The bullying never stopped that day but I flat out protect Cloud from almost everything. All the hardships are worthwhile cause after fights and destructions Cloud always shows me a smile I have never seen my entire life, a smile that not only can mesmerize me but can also lift my spirit.. Cloud Strife the only friend I have and the only friend I trust for all I knew everyone lies but he never did, everyone hurt weaklings but he never did therefore I need to protect this honest, caring , beautiful person.

I will always be with Cloud Strife. A promise or not.

I will protect what's important.