Black Out

~After 1 year ~

"Hey Y/n are you trying to draw that dream guy of yours?! Cloudy isn't it?" My red haired friend squeezed in a conversation, loud enough to cover the roaring of engines from the helicopter we're in yet I continued sketching Cloud not giving my friend some attention. Can't help it, art has been a part of me since the day I started training with Hwoarang and all I can draw was Clouds face, probably cause of how much I've been missing him and how much i wanna see his new structure. A lot happened, that includes my improvements when it comes to hand to hand combat, martial arts, taekwondo, kungfu and kickboxing. One of my trainers is Hwoarang. He might be a little childish but he is after all a master in Taekwondo and now he even dyed my hair the same red shade as his, I doubt people would recognize me. Even if everything changed positively within me, I still long for that friend with blue eyes and golden hair cause seriously I've trained this hard to improve myself just for Cloud, to protect him.

Back to the present Hwoarang continuously poke my arm, probably noticing how I dare to ignore his presence.

"He isn't a dream , he is real, my best friend!" I shouted as a reply before he sat down besides me with his eyes completely glued towards my orbs as if something serious are about to come out from his mouth.

"I thought I'm your best friend?!"

"Well he is also my best friend"

"In the past Y/n.. In the past.. See how you can only draw the child version of him? You should find a new hobby cause drawing the same face can be Boring. Unlike my channel here. Oh by the way I uploaded your championship video. Headline! SUN heat up the iron fist tournament with her dazzling attacks!!" He said the last part with gestures such as punches and high kicks.. Well I admit he's right about that. Fighting in the Iron Fist Tournament can be a good achievement. I did fought countless of fighters and I ended up winning, thanks to my tutors.

"Hahaha . Well I finished the sketch! Let's start your routine as a gift for the time you accepted me as your tag team partner last month"

"GREAT THEN! Well seeing Jin's scared face was enough to thank me but still I need this expedition sooo.. Are you ready? I know girls can't handle heights like these"

"Well then you don't know this girl" I grinned at my red haired friend

"Well these are the consequence of being a member of my gang" he smirked at me before jumping out of the helicopter.

"Hwoarang wait for me!" I jumped after him

It feels like flying without wings as we soar through the sky facing the earth , appreciating the beautiful scenery below.

"Hey, can you do this?"Hwoarang soon enough started spinning in the air like an acrobat. Way to brag Master Hwoarang.. Way to brag.

"Well then.. Can you do this?" I spinned the same way as him but then I have another trick on hand, I sat on the air like there is an invisible chair, crossed legs before I bring out a cup of coffee taking a sip with my pinky pointing upwards as an etiquette. After all of it I giggled seeing Hwoarangs surprised reaction. He probably never expected something impossible to happen, well there are no impossibles in my account.

Now is the time to open our parachute

"Hey Master Hwoa-hwoa time to land"

"Oh right"

Upon pulling the rope connected to our parachute , the wind grew stronger like a wave pushing our parachute bringing us apart and further till we've been carried away into the unknown.. The strong wind is deafening, my eyes started closing, my breathe felt like it was about to stop. I knew for the fact that a few tree trunks caught me before completely crashing to the ground, for that I'm thankful yet it still hurts to the point where I can't stand it.


Is this the end? It hurts so much ..

This is what I get for joining Hwoarangs whereabouts .

After that . It all went blank.. I lost consciousness


(3rd Person POV)

Yuffie, A girl with a dark short hair leaps her way around Midgar for fun, she leaps wherever places her feet leads her, till the temple , where she halts into a stop upon seeing a girl laying on a wonderful flower bed with a parachute located on the floor above her head.

"EEK! " she sprinted towards the unconscious girl tapping it's cheeks rapidly waiting for a reaction towards the fainted girl.

"Oh no what to do?! What to do?!" Yuffie kept stomping her feet in a fast manner while biting her finger nails out of fear that she may have found a dead body. Thinking she might be blamed.

"Aha" A light bulb formed above her head as she took her phone, dialing her friends number one by one but in her dismay none of them answered. She scrolled through the list more further till the last contact name appeared 'Vincent'. She immediately click the call button. Luckily this time he answered

"Vincent! I need your help!" She shouted with an energetic yet nervous tone.

"You're too loud. Calm yourself first. What do you need my help with?"

"It's an emergency!! There is an unconscious girl here . Come here immediately!!!"

"Ok" Vincent answered . Yuffie continued nipping into her finger nails upon waiting for more response at the other side of the line. Then a person tapped Yuffie on her shoulder and it made her freakout seeing Vincent standing behind her already.

"Let's bring her to Tifas place" Vincent is already inspecting the unconscious girl.

"You surprised me. I thought you we're miles away and on the other side of the phone!"

"I was but this seems to be a serious matter. Lets go to Tifas" Vincent said while carrying the girl in his arms and in one blink of an eye they disappeared.

"EEK! They're gone !" Yuffie squealed but as soon as she maintain her composure, she started following them to Tifas place..


(Vincents POV)

This girl .. I've seen her before, yes.. That fighter, the one who defeated everyone in the ironfist tournament, including one of the cursed blood, the devil Jin. She defeated the devil yet saved Jins mortal life. I can't believe a human defeated three devils in one day.

I stared at her unconscious face while floating through places , after a minute we arrived at Tifas Bar slamming the door open.

Luckily no customers is around to see this .

"Vincent? Who is that, she seem awful! What happened to her?!" Tifa asked out of concern or worry. As I see it, her body is covered with fresh wounds and blood. Somehow I saved a few health potion to heal her wounds but only her wounds.Gladly her mouth is a bit open so I poured some of the potion in her mouth.

"Just let her sleep till she wakes up, let her build up her strength. " With that I vanished. I don't want to stay around that girl.. It frightens me.


(3rd Person POV)

Yuffie arrived bursting the door open again as she inhaled the air filling her lungs.

"Is she here?" Yuffie ask the other red haired guy named Reno.

"I think she's in spikys room" Reno said in an annoyed expression as he continue to gulp in the liquor in the bottle.

"Thanks Reno" Yuffie sprinted to the location Reno told her. The moment her eyes met the door to Spikys room she bust it open.

"Is she alright?!"

"Shhh" Tifa shushes the cute girl

"Don't worry Yuffie. All she needs is rest" Tifa answered while looking at the unconscious girl.

"I've met her in the temple laying on the floor with a parachute near her. She's lucky enough to fall in a safe spot but she looks hurt.. Wait her legs !" Yuffie pointed at the girls leg upon seeing how bruised it is.

"Yuffie go get the first aid kit downstairs" The cute girl hurried out of the room without looking back on her friend Tifa.

"The pain is visible in her expression" Tifa mumbled to herself. Her hand went into the unconscious girls forehead and started taking her temperature.

"It's not good, she also have a fever" Tifa tucked the poor girl in the blankets.

"Tifa, I've brought the first aid kit , towel and hot water"

"Thanks Yuffie. I'll handle it from here"

"Are you sure Tifa?"

"Yes I'm sure" Tifa gave the cute girl her reassuring smile as the girl nodded in return.

After an hour of fixing Y/n's wounds Tifa fell asleep while sitting on a chair besides Y/n's bed but upon her slumber. The door cricked and a man walked in with a puzzled look on his face.

"Tifa?" The guy shakes Tifa awake, waiting for the questions in his mind to be answered by the raven haired girl in front of him

"Oh hey Cloud. You're early today. How's your work?"

"Fine.. Let's not talk about that and explain why there is an unconscious girl in my room" Cloud demanded answers cause for him this really is quite surprising.

"Well Cloud you see, this girl was found unconscious in... Remember Aeriths favorite spot?" Tifa had a visible worry in her eyes. She knows Cloud never actually moved on from Aeriths death and she knows for sure that Cloud stil have the same feeling towards Aerith even if she's no longer around. Tifa can't blame him, Aerith did comforted Cloud for as long as they can remember.

Clouds head leaned down as if he was thinking about something in the past.

"It's just temporary Cloud, don't worry and by the way. Uhmm I know this might sound selfish but can you watch over this girl. I can't leave the bar unattended for long. She's alright, just a bit of a guardian is all she needs right now" Tifa placed her hand on top of Clouds arm. He slightly nodded before Tifa got the message and left the room.

Being alone with a complete stranger Cloud was uncomfortable standing beside the bed but he did promise to watch over her. Pulling the chair towards him , he sat down while restinf his head on the covers, not caring whether or not a stranger is actually laying on his bed..

Sooner or later in the morning Y/n woke up trying her best to sit but end up failing in every attempt.

"You're awake" The yellow haired guy said while lifting his head up

"W-where am I?" Y/n asked, her blurry vision still adjusting to the brightness of the room.

"Cloud, is she awake already?" Tifa shouted from the bottom of the stairs before she started heading up

"Argh my head hurts" Y/n held her head as her brain throbs pretty badly

"What happened to you back there?" Tifa asked the stranger with curiosity and worry mixing up in her emotions but the unknown girl just give of a confused look as if she doesn't know what to answer.

"I don't actually know " she answered slowly with her forehead planted towards her palm.

"Whatever happened, it must be the worst, seems to me your head is quite damaged. Look at the blood on your pillow" Cloud took the first aid kit and started cleaning the wound on Y/n's head, wrapping it with bandages afterwards.

"Wow Cloud, I never knew you're that skilled" Tifa giggled

"Yeah yeah funny.." Cloud said with his stoic expression.

"Haha you two are so adorable. The pain in my head suddenly disappeared by it" Y/n smiled. Tifa cleared her throat before approaching Y/n.

"Anyway. Can you tell us your name? You happen to remember it right?" Tifa leaned down to Y/n's level.

"All I can recall was the name Sun.. And a red haired guy who seem to be a very good friend of mine. I'm not even sure if we're friends or more than that" Y/n answered as she sighed in disbelief.

"I see. Stay here for a while till you recover your memories Sun" Tifa smiled

"Cloud, please escort her till she remembered everything. Please? I've got some bar to manage you know."

"Let me think about it first" Cloud's eyes shifted from the floor board and into Y/n's face, her eyes are shimmering as she skim to Clouds features in return.. Believe it or not, Clouds plans change after seeing the girls eyes.

He literally looked away upon noticing how Y/n was staring at him with a serious manner.

"Cloud is it? Uhmm I'm not sure if I know you in the past Mr.Cloud but something tells me I'm quite happy to see you.. I don't know why but I felt so happy inside" Y/n announced and it made a strong impression towards Cloud , not only his eyes growing wider cause of surprise but also the fact that they have the same statements in mind.

It may not be obvious but Cloud's also having the feeling of happiness after meeting the girl in front of him, the girl named Sun..

"I..guess I'll have to agree with Tifas request" Cloud crossed his arms , looking away from the two girls.

"Yay thank you Cloud. Gotta go back to my duty. See you guys later" Tifa sprinted downstairs leaving the two alone in Clouds room.

"Thank you Mr.Cloud" Y/n said with a smile while holding onto her head.

"Don't mention it" he answered with a slight shade of red visible on both his cheeks

"Well Mr.Cloud . Are you two dating?"

"Cloud. Call me Cloud. And no we're not dating"

"Have you never thought she's pretty. Well because she is?" Y/n continued.

"She's pretty but I don't think I have a special feeling towards her aside friendship. Now go lay back down and I'll fix some food for you. Just wait here"

Cloud left the room, closing the door behind him

Y/n lay back down, placing her hand on top of her chest feeling every heartbeats.

"I'm sick right and it hurts?..But...Why do I feel relieved and happy?" Y/n may be confused in so many ways but the pain on her head made her so exhausted to the point where her eyes automatically close by itself as she drifted into a deep sleel.

//To Be continued//