
((Y/N POV))

"What troubles you then?" He asked as we stopped walking. We didn't even realized how we ended up standing in one of the abandoned alley way where no one have the courage to pass through except for us.

"Well you kind of spent a lot for me. I was wondering what you said back there. You bought me a lot of stuffs.. Why is that?"

"It's for a promise I made."

"A promise with Tifa?" I asked to make things clearer.

"No.. A promise with the girl I first kissed. She seems bothered by the kiss. I knew she was joking around saying I need to buy her food cause of that accidental kiss but voluntarily I am obliged to fullfil her needs."

"So I reminded you of her?"

"No.. You are her"

The last three words left me dumbfounded and that hit me straight in the heart. Some scenes appeared in my thoughts, exactly the night at the party when I met a stranger. I can't seem to see his face yet now I remember what we talked about. We talk about promises and dreams. I remember myself talking about searching for a person to fulfill something. Who is this person I was referring to? Yet we both seem to have things in common, we even joke around and right when things get a little nicer I ended up slipping and falling right on top of that person, not just that, our lips collided upon falling.. I remember most of it but after the kiss I can't remember.

"You are her" Cloud repeated as he brought my thoughts back.

"So you feel responsible for that accident. Is it the reason why you treated me today and help me with the tournament? Is it cause of that obligation you felt? Cause of the accidental kiss you want me to forget?"Somehow I felt a bit down cause of this topic. I might be a little glad Cloud was my first kiss yet he might always been thinking it's all an obligation. Who am I to think further anyways? We just met a couple of days now. To be honest I don't know why I felt the most happiness when I'm with him, nor why I feel sad for him either.. Without knowing the reasons why.. This uneasy feeling makes me realize something I don't wanna feel just yet, not when I still have missing memories.. I think I love him.. I love him but I need to know my past first.

"Well your obligation ends now Cloud. I'm very thankful for all your help, I promise I'll pay for the expenses. Forget about the kiss, it's just an accident .." I said trying not to be lonely. I can't look at Cloud right now, I don't think I can plus he might notice my one sided feelings towards him, through my eyes . I gave the boring ground the most of my attention but a shadow slowly consume it, not realizing Cloud is standing in front of me, as near as ever. I look up to see his face and I could tell how his eyes doesn't have the same glow into it, a strong expression replaced his usual stoic face.. His worried expression appeared.

"Sun tell me.. Can you forget about it?" He asked with his gazed locked in my orbs as if any minute now, i'll start to melt from his seriousness. I felt like my knees are about to collapsed with my energy slowly draining out.

"I don't know Cloud.." Somehow I can't stare back into his eyes any longer and I let myself look away from him but something made me look back. A force stronger than my energy right now. Seeing Cloud fight against the opponents a while ago made me believe he's strong but right now, i'm experiencing his strength myself as he pulled me towards him..

I was feeling dazed but I can see how his eyes are closed, soon enough my eyes got more dazed to the point were it closed by itself either..

Time stopped at that exact moment, everything is silent. Clouds minty fragrance filled the air, all I can feel is my own breathe stopping and.... Clouds lips on top of mine. His arms may be strong but his lips were completely gentle. He's kissing me?! Why is he kissing me?!

After what seem to be minutes Cloud parted and that's when my knees collapsed by its own but before I could even fall on the ground Cloud caught me and carried me into his arms .

"Cloud , y-you" I'm completely dumbfounded by what just happened yet Cloud gave me a smile.

" From now on you're not allowed to say your first kiss is just an accident.." Cloud said as he carried me in his arms like I was a bride.. My face became so warm, i am certain how red my cheeks are .

"Y-you're r-responsible for this. MORE OBLIGATION!" I stuttered upon saying the words with hand gestures.

"I know.. That's why I did it." he answered which made me think that he just wanna be close with me for longer, using this stronger obligation.. Or he just love helping people and I'm the person with the most problems right now so yeah that's probably it. I like to think that way to avoid disappointments.

I heard his soothing laughter again and it made me smile to myself either but Cloud seen my reaction so he smirked at me.. HE SMIRKED AT ME! Is he mocking me?!

"Cloud you can put me down now. I can walk by myself." I tried to act normally even if the scene kept repeating in my head like a broken cassette player.

He did put me down and we end up walking together towards the boutique where we bought our costumes. The lady greeted us again and she allowed us to use two separated dressing rooms. I took my clothes from the brown bag Cloud is holding. Trying to act normally and unaffected.

"Miss are you alright? Your face looks red. Are you having a fever?" The sales lady asked noticing my reaction. I c-can't believe it's obvious.

"Just the weather's too hot!" I immediately run inside one of the dressing room, I closed the door yet I can still hear Clouds soft chuckle at the other side of the door. I pouted upon hearing him.

I removed all my disguise and changed into my normal clothing. Cloud done the same thing. After everything, we return to Clouds cool fenrir and drove home.

As we arrived into Clouds room I headed straight to the sofa. Facing in the other direction where I can't see him. Well I'm a bit exhausted, today was fun and tiring at the same time. Plus the k-kiss.. It won't stop playing in my mind. Not to mention I'm bound to sleep in his room .. I felt like my heart is gonna explode..

"For now i'll use this sofa and you use your bed" I said with bravery in my voice before pretending to sleep on the sofa but he's not impressed by it since he carried me towards the bed and gently puts me down on the right side.

"I like sleeping on the sofa" Cloud informed me so I have no other choice but to sleep on his bed. He lay down the sofa facing the opposite direction.. I can't literally sleep though cause I am still bothered about something. About my missing memories, the red haired guy in the past and the guy I wanna find.. I don't know their names. Can't even remember the face of that person I was searching for but I'm sure they were both special to me. I'm not sure about my past . Am I really allowed to fall in love, with this kind of situation? What if my memories came back what will happen between me and Cloud? Can we still be able to talk to each other?... Will I still have the same feeling as right now? Will I still have the same one sided feeling towards Cloud?.. But what I'm sure of, I don't wanna hurt anyone. I better remember the past first .

There is something about that Iron fist tournament maybe it holds a clue about the past. Fighting there might trigger a part of my memory but I can't do it if Cloud kept stopping me.

"Cloud?.. Are you still awake?"

"Hmm yes"

"I have a request"

"What kind of request? " Cloud turn to face me.

"You see if a person can't handle the fight they can simply forfeit by announcing themselves losing, right?"I started. Cloud eyes flinched as if he knows what I'm about to say.

"Can you let me fight with you?" I asked softly. Cloud sat up after hearing my request.

"Sun.. Most of the contestants have a visible rage in their eyes. Most of them entered the tournament for satisfaction purposes. I doubt they will stop upon hearing their opponents forfeit the battle"

"But what if I'm actually a fighter?"

Cloud looked downwards while holding his own hand.

"I don't want you to have the same fate as Aerith" Cloud look so down. I don't know what he's thinking but he did mention how me and Aerith are identical to each other..

"Cloud.. I'm not Aerith. We might be alike at some point but I'm sure we're not completely the same.. Also I have something I wanted to remember but It won't happen till I tried fighting there. There is something about this Ironfist Tournament, I can feel it.. " I was placing my hand on top of his hand. Cloud released one deep sigh

"Okay just run whenever you think you can't handle the situation"his worried gaze pierced into my heart but I shook it off

"Who knows? Maybe I'll be the one to protect you next time" I said with a smirk

"Yeah I hope so" He answered with the same old lazy tone before laying down the sofa turning his back on me.

"Sun.. After your memories returned I wan't you to answer my question honestly"

"What question?"

"Again I'll tell you after regaining your memory"

The next day felt normal, the breeze feels refreshing and the sunlight woke me up from my slumber, the bird flies in tune , the room felt relaxing but then a familiar stoic face can be seen on the sofa breaking all the relaxation. I ended up sweat dropping. Again with the slight nervousness or for short the beating of my heart. It feels restless. I shall dispose of this lovesick feeling till my memories comes back in my head.

"Do you really have to stare at me whenever I wake up?"

"I'm not staring at you. Normally the eyes can be easily attracted by sudden movements. And you happen to be moving, a reason why my eyes landed on you" His explanation left me dumbfounded again. What a peculiar way to make fun of me.

"Have your breakfast and we'll be visiting the temple."

"Oh right the flowers!"

After eating our breakfast which I don't wanna talk about since Cloud completely ignored me at an entire hour so basically nothing to talk about. Let's not brag about taking a bath or riding on his fenrir either since it is completely the same.

We arrived safely in our destination. The temple is the same as ever except for the huge bucket I brought, which is the specific reason why Cloud had been complaining to me the whole fenrir ride. At least now he went back at being the silent person he is.

I sprinted to the nearest faucet which is outside the temple so I filled the bucket with water and here comes the hardest part, carrying a huge bucket filled with water.

I can't lift it up at first try , second try I came out walking wobbly then third try I became used to carrying it so I walked normally till there is a rock on the ground, didn't see it at first. I just realized it was there when I stumbled upon it. I let out a sigh of annoyance

Lastly fourth try. This time I'll make sure not to stumble. I took a few steps before the bucket became as light as a feather. I had a huge smile on my face knowing I got stronger but into my dismay it wasn't me who's stronger.. It was Clouds fault I can lift it... Since He's carrying it for me!.. He took the bucket in my hands and placed it near the small garden.. I pouted at what happened. There must be something he can't do?!

Oh right there must be. The flowers attracted my attention and so I have this crazy idea. First I finished planting all the flower seeds in different places , watering the plants one by one and ALAS I'm finished but before that I took a deep breathe

"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine" I sang to my hearts content. After the song I checked Clouds reaction. He was a bit impressed. Well he still have the same stoic face but I think he's impressed.

"What are you doing?" Cloud asked while his arms are crossed again.

"Cloud..Cloud.. Cloud.. Didn't your friends told you that singing can help a flower grow healthier! Why don't you sing for them. Come on" I giggled after.

"Come on please! The flowers won't be happy when you don't sing for them. Right flowers?" I pleaded with sparkle in my eyes.

"Alright just to make you happy" He sighed.

"Remember the lyrics. Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine" I reminded him of the lyrics . Surprisingly he can remember things fast.. He started singing.

"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what.." before he could finish his song I started rubbing his hair. Who knows maybe there is magic in it.. Sadly nope there isn't.

"What are you doing again?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows and I just end up laughing.

"Nothing really. Pfft. But you know Cloud.. You're a great singer. Your voice sound soothing" Well I'm not lying when I said he's a great singer.

"Pathetic" He said while I returned his glare with a happy smile.

"Oh come on Cloud" I placed a yellow flower on Clouds ear. That's when my eyes grew wider after seeing how cute Cloud was. He looks like a girl while wearing a flower.

"Cloud. You're beau.."

"Not ..a...word.." Cloud cut me off

"But you really are so beaut.." I tried repeating but Cloud shuts my mouth with his lips... I became speechless.

"Let's roam around the market before the tournamnet starts" He said after that.. That , that .. He do that again. Third time.

"Hey why did you ki.."

"I win" He cuts me off again