The Final

((Tifas POV))

Last night had been horrible for me, every single word I heard from him stabs my heart. It finally happened, the day i'm trying to avoid. A day where Cloud change not only his mindset but also his heart. However, that isn't the main reason why I kept feeling this pain, it is the fact that Cloud fell in love with Y/n even with her new name or new life, even with her flaws or weaknesses. He still fell in love with her! Without even knowing Sun is Y/n, the girl he was trying to forget for all these past years. Why can't it be me? Why can't he notice me? I was the one who kept staying by his side. Yet why am I not good enough for him?

My head throbs after drinking three whole bottle of beer. I closed the bar today cause I'm not feeling well. I rest my head on top of the bar counter forcing myself to forget everything including my feelings. However, my heart is telling me to confess. Maybe after confession a possible acceptance or rejection would happen but at least my doubts would be clarify.

I heard the door creaked open before the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the bar. Even how heavy my head is nor how daze I was, I still knew it was Cloud.

"It's not like you to Close on weekdays" I heard Clouds voice coming from behind.

"I need a day off. "

"Just a day off? You're drunk. What happened?" Cloud occupied the wooden chair next to me and to be honest I was feeling a little better knowing that he looks worried about me.

Y/n's drawings are located at the bottom shelf under the counter hidden completely, reminding me of what bothers me since last night , it attracted me a couple of times till I finally have the courage to ask him.

"Cloud, I know this might be a little sudden. Can you hear me out?"

"Unusual but alright. "

"Cloud. You've been grieving about Y/n for as long as I can remember and we're all here for you. . We've been friends for years and so you can trust us while making new memories. I'm here to help you recover."

"I know and I am thankful "

"Well there is something else I wanted to tell you , just to get it out of my chest"

"Go on"

"Cloud it might not be obvious but I held some feelings towards you"

"What do you mean?"

"I hope you won't push me away.. I like you Cloud as something more than just friendship" My eyes wandered of to the wooden floor, playing with my fingers while the fear had taken over my heart, afraid of what he might answer.

"Hmm" He hummed as a response. Without his answer, I still get the impression of rejection yet he's probably thinking of not ruining my heart.

"Can we still be friends though?" With a smile I leaned towards him giving him a hint of how I am going to be okay whatever answer he gave me.

"Tifa, I may sound a bit harsh but I need to be as straight as possible since you've been a great friend. In this life I have and the path I took , Y/n never left my memories. She's been occupying my mind. I thought destiny would betray me as it does after letting Aerith die but then Sun appeared. Within the days I'm with her everything changed. Yet now that I let her go to strive for her dreams.. I might feel a little betrayed by fate but I don't. For some reason I have a feeling Sun will be the last and I'm not planning to move on."

"Cloud this is the first time I ever heard you make a long speech like that. She really is something, isn't she?"

"Yeah "

"So you're keeping her in your thoughts? Even if you knew it would hurt?"

"Yes even if she's looking for a guy from the past"

"Who is this guy again?"

"I don't know, Sun can't remember him either yet she always mention about a guy drawn in her sketchbooks"

Cloud helped me countless of times either. I've been through a lot but I can not make it alive without Clouds help. I'm not really there for him at times like this one. Maybe it is time for me to act as a true honest friend.

"Hey Cloud. I hope you won't hate me for keeping a secret but I thought I have a chance ... I guess what you said proves the fact that you and Sun really is destined for each other.. I'm sorry for ruining everything.. Here..." With my shaky hands the paper that holds all of the answers were placed on Clouds hand. I can't keep them away forever.

"A picture of me when I was a child?" Cloud is looking into the sketch seriously.

"Yes. I found it in Suns bag. It's filled with your childhood portraits"

Cloud did not replied yet his eyes were filled with hope .. I can see a mixture of sadness and joy in his face as he lift his head again..

"Thanks" For once Cloud smiled in front of me. The very first smile I've seen of him and it's not cause of me... but her..

"Thank you for everything Tifa"

Last thing I knew, Cloud was hugging me in a tight manner. I never seen him act this way. I guess meeting Sun or should I say Y/n ? Can let me encounter another side of him.

After a short hug he left the bar.. Watching his back form afar.. This time my tears flooded my eyes for sure. At least he is not around to see me like this...

But I never knew encouraging him to move on would be this way, a way where things switched between us and I'll be the one trying to move on.. From him..


((Hwoarang's POV))

After arriving in America we have our own separate hotel rooms prepared by the Tekken crew and as I see it Y/n never left her room. A few people brought her the things she needs such as food, towels and some utensils yet she never walked even a few steps away from her door. I kept wandering what the heck is she doing inside. Is there some kind of circus where I wasn't invited?

Now feeling restless , I sneaked towards Y/n's room leaning my ear on the wooden door expecting a conversation at the other side.

"I can't believe you forgotten about us Sun, it's me Xiayou! One of the tutor slash friend you have!" I heard a girls voice talking to Sun. Sounds like a highschool student I might say.

"And this is Jin Kazama. He used to be your enemy but then he became one of your team mates after being defeated by you and Hwoarang"

"Oh so both of you are my friends?"

"Yes if only you could remember" I can hear that Xiayou sighed before the door slams on my face, i ended up falling on my butt , more embarrassing is that Y/n seen how idiotic I look.

"Hwoarang oh gosh! Are you alright?" Xiayou screamed

"Jin why would you open the door so carelessly?!" Xiayou complained at the man I despised in the past. Jin made a deep sigh before apologizing. Can't believe I'll hear his apologies someday.

"Hwoarang come inside. Great timing, the hotel staff handed me some ice cubes a while ago. Why don't you use it on your forehead. It looks awful" Y/n said dragging me inside.

"Well Sun we need to get going. Jin promised me a date today sooooo. See you later!" Xiayou clinged onto Jins arm as they left the scene. When did those two started dating? Never heard it from Jin before.

"Those two look rather close?" I murmured to myself as I shifted my gaze towards Y/n.

"Can you remember who they are?" I asked while Y/n prepares an ice pack and some tea.

"Well a bit. They seem a bit familiar"

"By the way, aren't you bored staying here?" I asked her before she started placing the items on top of the mini table in front of me.

"Well.. I don't know"

"Y/n , is it Cloud again?" she nodded as a response. There is an obvious sadness written in her orbs as if she haven't been sleeping these past days.

"Hwoarang is this tournament too important to you?" that came unexpected but we used to know the answer for that question.

"Y/n, Tekken had been our dreams. We kept winning for that unchanging goal"

"Hwoarang don't you ever feel like aside from winning there is something more? Something better than winning. Something worth losing for?"

"I do.. But I can't gain that unusual goal, cause winning is the only path i can take to be with that specific dream"

"Hwoarang.. Can you tell me what is the dream you're trying to fulfill?"

"You really wanna know?" She nodded as an answer.

"Promise me not to freak out after hearing it"

"Okay Hwoarang , I promise"


"Huh? Me?"

"Yes Y/n you..I've always been scared of telling you my hidden feeling cause I knew what you might answer in return.. But right now I'm alright , I think rejection would do me good or probably free me from this uneasy feelings" I was looking on the floor as she continue to observe my figure.

"You know Hwoarang, you've been the most awesome friend I have since the day I was born. I can't live a wonderful life without you. You are my best friend after all"

"Didn't you said Cloud was your best friend?"

"Well about that. "

"I know, I know. There is a best friend and a boyfriend. Right Y/n? Still poor Cloud, having a tomboy girlfriend"

"We're not.. WHAT?! I ain't a tomboy!!" She punched my arm. Painful but not strong enough to leave bruises, unlike when she fights in the tournament. None of her opponents safely leaves with a normal state. She's the most peculiar girl I have ever met yet no matter how much I love this girl.. No matter how many times I confessed. Friendship will be friendship. I already accepted the fact that she can never be mine..

"Uhmm.. Hwoarang?" She asked. I just noticed her puzzled face before realizing what I'm doing. I was holding her wrist leaning closer towards her.. What the hell am I doing?! Am I about to kiss her?!

"Im sorry!! My mind just flew off into space that time. S-sorry about it" I forced myself to laugh but it ended up awkwardly..

"Anyways Y/n. Since you've been locked up here in your room for days. I should inform you about something.." I'm certain she never heard of any announcements cause she didn't attend the seminar last night.

"Like what?" Y/n asked out of curiosity.

"Tekken contestants shall pick their tag team partners tomorrow for the finals BUT each player should choose while being in a masquerade ball so basically everyone's wearing a mask"

"Including you Hwoarang?"

"Yes and including you mademoiselle"

"Wow . I have a bit of problem there mate"

"What is it ?" I asked. Is it about the dress she suppose to wear?. Oh hell I forgot all about that. I only have tuxedos for the ball tomorrow.


"Yes Y/n?"

"Can I borrow one of your suits?"

What the hell is she saying? Is she planning to cross dress for tomorrows event? I never knew she would practically actualize what I presumed a while ago. Never mind, I should comply with her request and see if she could pull it off.

"Alright you may borrow some. Let me get some for you.."

"Thank you Hwoarang" She grins happily, showing her teeth.. And so I left her room with a strong sense of foreboding, that the conversation may be my only chance but I have lost it..


((Y/n POV))

"The window is open, so's that door, I didn't know they did that anymore. Who knew we owned a thousand salad plates? For years I've roamed these empty halls. Why have a ballroom with no balls? Finally they're opening up the gateeeeeeeeeeees!" Ok enough with my morning routine songs. Let's cut the chase and change my outfit for this wonderful day.

This Masquerade thingy sounded like another disguise scene from days ago.. With Cloud, in that lovely dress. I can't use that dress for this ball though. Mostly everybody recognize my outfit and I'm too lazy to buy some formal clothes so I have no choice plus this may be somewhat fun..

The time finally arrived! Everyone's gathered up in a huge room, with golden walls , golden chandeliers, delicious looking food prepared in one long table covered with a red cloth. I was walking in a long red carpet with Hwoarang to enter the room and I could say, even with a mask girl are still staring.

"Damn Y/n, I can see how you have more fans than me" I heard Hwoarang muttered but loud enough for me to hear every word.

"Attention everyone! I will gladly start this event but let me explain the rules first. At exactly 5:00 pm the lights would turn off. So the first instruction is to find your partner through the darkness . Only one should be applicable. You need to be by twos before the lights went back! Only a few seconds before the event starts so prepare yourselves!"

The crowd went wild as the host announced the details but me and Hwoarang are not impressed. I can only get along with a few people here, Hwoarang is the same. We're both hoping we could find each other in the middle of the darkness.

I can see a lot of girls looking in my direction as if they are prepared to start a race but that's what I'm avoiding, no matter what happens I don't wanna be tagged up with them. Even without knowing their background I can still feel the devastating aura they emit.

"Hwoarang do you want to be my tag team partner?"

"Actually it's all up to you Y/n"

"After the lights went out, I want you to run at the right side. I'll be at the corner. Need to avoid those girls from approaching me" I whispered towards his ear for clarification. Hwoarang nodded as an agreement.

Finally the room turn dark. The sound of footsteps and other noises filled out the area but from what I heard, the girls really are running after me. I can't see anything and headed to the right corner where my heart tells me to go but before I could sprint further my foot betrayed me..

I tripped over some sort of vase, I was expecting myself to hit the ground but I didn't . I fell on someone and it seems like a girl cause I can feel a dress beneath me.. Yet even at this state and with a blind sight. My heart kept explaining how this person is way too familiar. She's probably a friend.

The lights soon turn on . Now I can see the girls face more clearly although not clear enough since she's wearing a mask to cover half of her face, only her lips were exposed.. Pink hair, white skin, seems like blue eyes, purple dress and surprisingly she's taller than me. She's adorable. I'll be one of her suitors if I was born a boy but I am girl after all, we may share the same thoughts or interests.

Not knowing the game was already over. She is in fact my new partner and I found myself confused about what happened, as if the scenarios were written by fate itself.

I know this should be the time when I ask her name but honestly I can't do that yet. Unfortunately she's been glaring at me for at least five minutes

"Stand up" I heard her voice at last. To be honest it doesn't sound cute at all.. More on boyish and short tempered.

I stood up after hearing her grumpy voice and apologize.

"Again I'm sorry for bumping onto you milady" I tried making my voice as manly as ever and it end up well since I heard it myself. I could even fall in love with my own voice! Lets forget about it! I lend her a hand .

"Tell me what's your name?" She asked me while standing up without taking my hand. I can see how she dust her dress first as maintaining composure.

"I guess I am tagged with you from now on." She said.

She's right! Hwoarang is a few steps away from me and she's the one standing closer. So right now it isn't Hwoarang my tag team partner but it is her!

"My name is Star.. May I know your name?" She asked.

"Name is Cloud" That leaves me speechless, why would I answer that way?! For all the names I could use. Why his name? I guess I miss him that much.

"Cloud huh?" I can see her laughing for a while. She really sounded so boyish however the sudden changes became more obvious. A while ago the feeling of fear resides in my structure but now she completely occupied my thoughts with curiosity after showing me her wonderful smile.

Who is this girl?

"Let me know when you need to practice for a battle" She lift her hand like she's waiting for me to shake it. So I did.

"Alright Star"

"Woah seems like you found your partner. And it's not me" I heard Hwoarangs voice coming from behind but before I could turn to face him I noticed something odd.. Star her face turn into a frown and stared into the floor . What makes her act this way? Does she have feelings for Hwoarang? Do they know each other secretly?

"Oh hey Hwoarang.. Omg look at how beautiful you partner is" I have a huge smirk on my face shipping them both in my mind.. That girl next to him kinda like a sexy girl with black long hair, same length as her toes. She's wearing a red dress , more importantly it seems like her lips were as red as her outfit. Such an elegant looking woman. She sure looks identical to someone I knew back in Midgar but I have a hunch it's not her.

"Anyway .." Hwoarang almost said my name but I covered his mouth completely. I don't want my new partner to hear how I lied to her back then..

"Hwoarang form now on call me by the name Cloud" I whispered into his ear to clarify his thoughts.

Hwoarang made a really weirded out look as if he's telling how idiotic I am. But he soon agreed to my request.

"Anyhow Cloud. Me and my new partner should start practicing in the gym. I'll teach her to fight better. See you later guys" Hwoarang informed us before actually leaving the room.

"Hey Cloud" Star called for me. I swear I'm not used to being called by that.

"Yes Star?" I responded and she started to drag me somewhere and into what seem to be an empty balcony with an amazing scenery right in front of it.

"I see you wanna have some alone time together" I said smirking. Forcing myself to pretend better.

"Cloud.. Have you ever think about losing the title?"

"Star? What are you talking about"

"What I mean is. What if we lose?. Is it going to harm your honor?" She's sounding more and more intense. Yet those words sounded as if she's planning on losing.

"To be honest. It doesn't matter. I knew what my dream is all along and it's not here. Yet fighting with me is someone else's dream that I wanna fulfill" I answered her honestly while thinking about Cloud.. My childhood friend who soon became a savior then a friend of mine.. And Hwoarang the best friend I have. I owe him a lot knowing he became my only family after I was separated from Cloud.

"What if you won Cloud? Are you still going to continue your path through Tekken?"

"Not exactly.. I'll probably leave."I answered again and she nodded in return.

"Hey Cloud.. Do you already love someone?" She asked me with the same cold boyish voice she has without even looking at me.. Don't tell me she's into me?! Oh girl don't please! I'm not a lesbian please don't ask me that question YET I need to continue pretending to be a guy so I can't avoid anything.

"Yes.. Yes I do"

"Then there isn't any problem since we're the same" She said before...

Before.... She leaned down to my level and kissed me!! Gaaaah I felt like my soul is about to leave my body. A girl ! I kissed a girl!! I can't believe there are girls who chooses to kiss a boy first. I know I'm not a boy but she must be thinking how handsome I was.. Argh dang..

To be honest ... This is kinda weird.. Cause my heart skipped a beat.. It made the BADUM sound!! What the hell is happening with me?!!

Finally she parted .. I can't see her whole face cause of the mask but in some way there is sadness in her for sure..

"That's the fourth .." She said which I was so clueless about. What fourth?!

"Tell me are you gay ? You like that Hwoarang fella.. Aren't you?" She asked .. I don't know why but I felt like I'm blushing right now. She sounded so cool .. BUT I am Straight! Why is my heart beating?! Am I turning into a half gendered person?!

But more importantly why is she asking me about Hwoarang ? I don't think I treated Hwoarang as more than friends. I always treat him as a brother. What did she see that I can't see?

"Don't worry that kiss might be a bid of farewell" she sighed upon saying the words.

"Look milady.. I am not gay. I am certainly straight. Me and the red haired pal are brothers"

"You don't have to explain Cloud"

"I don't know why but it feels like I am obliged to inform you about that" I sounded like im the real Cloud right now. Oh God. Next thing I knew. I hugged her .. Imagine a handsome guy hugging a tall girl.. Does it look pathetic? Maybe it ain't but I'm feeling pretty pathetic right now.

"See you tomorrow" I said as I stopped hugging her. Something is off though.. She surely is flat like most of the girls I knew.. Pft..

One thing made my heart beat again is her current expression. Red face as if any minute now she'll turn into a tomato.. Why is she flustered ? What she did a while ago is more flustering though. Will she be annoyed after knowing what my true gender is?

Probably.. I walked out of the balcony to end they day by sleeping in my comfy room. Last night I'm not inspired enough to win but right now I felt inspired to protect her.. Oh dang it .. Nope nah-uh . I am straight! Lord please tell me I'm straight! Next thing I knew, I'm already snoring..


((Tifa's POV))

I feel responsible for not telling him earlier about Y/n, hoping I could make him forget about my mistake, Cloud forgiven me yet as I see it he remain downhearted. Luckily we have friends that can help us get over this complication so I have a plan on hand

Days ago I asked Reno to help us travel through America using a helicopter, he complained countless of times at first and so I ended up making a deal with him, a deal involves letting him drink liquors a week for free.. Cloud insisted either but somehow I forced him to come along. Why must we leave him behind? He is the reason why we're going to America in the first place. No matter what the consequences I wanna see Cloud smile again. Even if it means I have to let him go.

After arriving in America and headed straight to the hotel where the contestants resides we were blocked by the guards asking us for Tekken Passes which we don't have for sure. But somehow Cloud have a sudden idea after seeing two drunk girls who just came out of the hotel.

"Are you sure you're going to buy a dress in that state of yours?!" One girl with pink hair and purple dress said.. One thing drag my eyes into her direction though, the Tekken card they have ! It's our chance !

"I don't wanna trouble my father, he forced me to enter this tournament anyways *hiccups* just to teach me a lesson *hiccups*. How can you be so calm? We have the same backstory *hiccups*" The drunk girl wearing a red dress whined.. This is going better than expected.

"Hey I overheard your conversation a while ago and as I see it you two hated Tekken right?" I approached and asked the two girls in the process.

"Yes. Are you planning to help us *hiccups*" The drunk girl asked

"Ofcourse! We can fight for you"

"Then here is our passes! Do our work for us. By the way our room is located at the 15th floor, room Ore and Opal.. There will be a masquerade ball so make sure to act like us" The girl in a purple dress informed.

I don't know why but I guess Fate already planned this out for Cloud and Y/n.. This coincidences ain't really a coincidence anymore..

"Cloud let's go and find some wigs to wear"

"Oh about that" Cloud opened his sword bag , there is his usual sword inside but a three wigs caught my attention. I guess he's prepared for disguise purposes. Oh right he did disguised with Y/n before..

"Now what we need is a mask and clothes for the tournament" I said acting cutely

"You can borrow ours, it's already prepared in our rooms. Go and try them.. Wait meaning to say. This guy would wear a girls clothes" the pink haired girl in a purple dress said staring at Clouds figure. Soon her vicious eyes turn into heart upon looking at his face.

"He's dreamy but don't worry I'll make as beautiful as me. My purple dress would really suit you" The girl cling onto him..

"I'm sure you'll be the cutest in the masquerade ball" she giggled.

And that's how we got involved in this tournament.. By replacing these two strangers.