Extraordinary Event in School

I was in a class of more than 40 students. Our teacher is in front, tackling our lessons for the day. I was sitting at the back so that I could see everything. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and my hands are shaking. I thought I'm just hungry. I want to go out but I'm afraid I'll distract our teacher but out of nowhere she looked towards me and then our eyes met. I just made a sign that I need to go out, then she just nodded.

I hurriedly went downstairs to look for food. As I went down through the stairs, one of my classmates (Liz) in other subjects was there below near the canteen, she's studying. We just talked shortly then I hurried through the canteen.

I am shaking and I'm afraid I'll pass out anytime. I bought something warm and could be easily swallowed. I prayed wishing I'll be well soon. Thankfully, my condition went better.

I have to go back in class. I'm about to go upstairs when Liz called and told me that our teacher followed me earlier as I hurriedly went for food. She saw her going downstairs too after me. I'm surprised, I cannot believe it since she's in class.

I went back in class, and surprisingly our teacher was there. I am confused so I asked my seatmate if our teacher happened to go out while I'm gone. But, she said no. Our teacher never went out, the class never disrupted.

I'm confused. So, who was it that's following me earlier?

No one will believe so I just kept it to myself.

(Kosher 2015. Remembering the Past)