The Search is Over

Assorted things above her table are cluttering. Trying her best to hasten her steps in clearing such things. In her mind someone outside is already waiting. She's about to finish when a girl suddenly came. She had added an additional mess under her table.

The girl touched her other things and it fell scattering. She reached it below her to put it in place. When she heard a man from the outside calling. He's a bit impatient waiting for her. She saw his head peeking on the door as he called her name.

She ran to him unchanging her worn out clothes. He asked her why, what took her so long. He brought her towards his destination. As they arrived together, the earlier annoyed man turned merry. Yet she knew she had to change her clothes first to return home to take care some unfinished things. The man agreed, allowing her to go back home.

As she went on, he just sat back and watched her smiling. He knew she will be back and he's waiting.

5-28-2019 ~ by Anne @annescribble