The Other Worlds

The Other Worlds


She was lying on her bed when suddenly she heard many voices, as if they're talking about something. It was dark outside her window and she saw no one, then the voices went on, they're laughing at something , they thought no one could hear nor see them, since they belonged from the other world. They just happened to pass by on her place and chose to stood there for a moment.

But she continued listening, as she's trying to see who were in the outside, her vision slowly became clearer and clearer, the vision of four people standing side by side leaning on the wall appeared in front of her eyes. But those four people continued talking at the same time, trusting that no ordinary person could hear or see them, they're laughing at something when the lady suddenly interrupted them, she replied to them. Those people acted differently, the way each spoke was different to their appearance. The supposedly man, spoke as a woman and the supposedly woman, spoke as a man instead.

They were shocked, they didn't realized she could hear and see them. Then, they chose to disappear at an instant she saw them. They, all together went away and went back to their own world.

Time passed by, when she heard many footsteps again, another group came. The sound of their voices were different this time compared to the first group who came earlier. The other spoke with a howling sound and the rest were roaring like animals with such strange sounds. One by one, she saw each of them, slowly appearing, they were visibly shown to her naked eyes from their first invisible appearance. Then they noticed, that she was staring at them intently. She also responded to them, then shortly they went back, disappeared all together back to their own world.

Then she woke up. It's just a dream.

By Anne Scribble.