Luna, the Female Alpha


I know something was up the moment she said she'll mourn for our child. I let everything get the better of me but I didn't force her to stay inside 'cause I'll only suffocate her more. I bend down and picked up the ring she returned to me. And as I stare at the diamond, my heart feels heavy and excruciatingly painful. I succumb to my own decision and now I ruined everything.

"I think we should follow her." Prim whispered. We all looked at each other but I immediately stare away, Matt and Art wanted to punch me so bad but they restrained themselves. Matt clenched his jaw. "She wants to be alone. I think it's better than seeing Jack." He muttered nonchalantly. I ignored his remarks and examine the ring on the palm of my right hand. She wore this for two months almost and in between those days I cheated. I was so stupid, I was tempted and what's worse is I gave in. I smiled bitterly before wiping my tears.


A designed voice and prototype in voice prompted and broken screen of the laptop came to life with a screeching sound. Prim immediately stood up and grabbed the laptop. She tapped the screen for a moment and tried to punch in some keys.


"Shit." Prim cursed. She navigated on the laptop and the keys on the keyboard are about to break. Pearls of sweat formed on her forehead but she didn't stop. Prim tried another combination.


"Try Roni's email password." Art suggested. Prim typed in Roni's only password. She uses the same password to her other accounts 'cause she tends to forget them every time.


"Damn." Prim cussed under her breath." The code only consists of six numbers. It may be her birth date." Art muttered. He then took over and punched in the numbers 01-22-94. But….



"Fuck." Prim screamed in frustration. I surveyed the laptop and saw how broken it was. I can't clearly see what's written on the upper right because of the crack. "Why are we even trying to get access? What's even approaching?" Matt asked. Prim immediately shot him the look before biting her nails. My forehead creased as I watch her like a hawk. She's nervous.

"Do you know what's approaching?" Art asked her this time. She then shrugged before turning her head to my direction. She gulped when she saw how I badly needed her answer. It's Roni's laptop and god knows what's in there. "It's uhm. I—" She stuttered after realizing how we all want to know why she's panicking and being scared. "We need to know which direction it is coming from." She whispered.

"It?" Matt asked, confused. Prim navigated the laptop again without blinking for a second. "Primrose." I called or warned. "I'm guessing it's the map. This is where she tracked down those werewolves." She uttered with a shaky voice.

"Werewolves are approaching?" Art asked with a puzzled expression. "I don't know. I'm not sure. I need to open this thing for us to know where exactly it is heading to. Werewolves are on the move and if we figured out where they're heading, we can escape without being confronted by a single werewolf. All we need is a code. A code that Roni uses, digits she can never forget.

"2-8-00-37." I casually muttered. Prim glanced at me and I nodded at her. "2-8-00-37. Her ID number." I explained. "Are you sure? We only have one attempt." Prim asked. I took a deep breath before finally nodding my head as an assurance. She faced the screen again and typed the numbers.


The black screen changed and several of windows were opened by the monitor itself. There are also a lot of tabs that Prim have to minimize or close them one by one until there's only one window left.

"Antigen Corpus Achilles Project: Alternative Universe (Creation) – MANA ONE." Matt read the name above. Prim clicked it to maximize and when a link appeared, the screen navigated by it.




Then one image appears on the screen. It has coordinates on one side and clock hands on the other. There are also small dots that are simultaneously moving from different direction.


"Pressing start in 3,2,1." Roni's voice echoed in unison with how the screen navigates itself and opened another file. "Lead the pack to my coordinates." Roni added with much authority. I immediately turn my heel and run fast. I have to stop her, I need to get to where she is now. She's leading the werewolves to her. Why?

Matt, Art and Prim tailed me from behind but they caught up to me in a second. I can't run properly with all my injuries but I tried so hard not to fall behind. "Where is she?" Prim asked while panting. "She should head for the exit. We must hurry." Art answered. I am, we are already in a hurry. We're running without taking a single break and we almost hit the wall of the cave because of the absence of the flashlight. I forgot to bring my phone in a hurry and I'm guessing the three of them left theirs too.

"Roni!" Art called when we bank left. Roni is fifty meters away and her back is facing us. She's holding her phone with such ease. "Roni!" I shouted. This time she turns around. Her ash blonde hair flows with her as the room came to light. We all stopped running and I immediately panted while holding unto my knees. That was a long run and since we're inside the cave, the oxygen is thinner.

When I straightened up and that's when I noticed the cave's entrance are open and the wood that Art and I made to cover it as a door is gone. I can clearly see the outside, the dark sky and how the trees sway against the strong howl of the wind. I shook my head when Roni smiled weakly at me.

"What are you doing? Get back here!" I shouted before walking towards her. She shook her head and signaled for me to stop.


Roni's phone blinked and she momentarily looked at it before turning to me again. I shook my head as I continued walking to the trail. She raised her other hand in the air and motioned for a sign. She formed the sign 'I love you' to me before taking a step backwards. I ran with an attempt to reach her but the ground suddenly rumbles and the plants on the right parted. God, please let me make it in time. I've done a lot of things in the past and if I could save Roni from disaster, I would make things right.

I extended my right hand and aimed to hold her elbow but the creature came running so swiftly that it was able to snatch her away and I was a second late. The creature took her to the opposite direction and it was followed by a lot of others. I was about to run outside when Matt grabbed me by the arm. I tried to push him away but Art held me too.

"Let me go. I have to save her. Roni!" I screamed. Primrose fell on the ground and she wept on the spot while her head's back down. Art convinced me to stop and return inside but I don't want to. I need to save Roni, I have to save her. "Jack, stop. She's gone." Matt uttered with a strained voice. I gritted my teeth and held his collar. "She isn't." I murmured, convincing myself that Roni isn't gone and is still alive.

"Jack, I know this isn't okay but you have to come to your senses. Roni sacrificed herself for us." Art shouted at me. I bowed down and knelt on the ground while crying my heart out. This is my entire fault. Everything's messed up and she's dead because of me. I killed Roni.

"We just have to make sure that Roni's sacrifice won't be in vain. Let's pull ourselves together and get out of this place." Art's voice cracked a little and I know that he's crying, everyone's crying but he's standing up for us to survive. "Jack, let's go." Prim whispered before helping me stood up.

The blood moon shines so big and it was supposed to be a beautiful sight yet it turns out to be a horrible sign. We came here with twenty-five of us and now only four are going to make it back alive. Prim navigated the laptop and when a video played my heart automatically sank to despair. And the tears that fell were covered with a sob. I may sound like a girl right now but I've always been such an ass for betraying Roni and my tears aren't enough.

"Art and Matt packed the only things that are essential for our trip back to avoid having to carry heavy things and in order to run if we encounter one." I was spacing out but I managed to put all of Roni's things on my bag. I don't want to leave any of her belongings behind. Prim leads the way, she held on to the broken laptop for the map while Art turned the big flashlight on for us to see the pathway. Matt and I are behind them, not talking to each other to avoid conflict. I know he's beyond mad and he's blaming me. I think all of them think I'm the one to blame and it isn't wrong.

We walked around the mountain and we hen we're already on the foot, the hanging bridge came to view. The way it sways sent me pain in my chest. This is where it all started. This is where Roni crosses first before us out of bravery and this is where she fought a werewolf after trying to get to us.

"Miss?" Prim suddenly called. My forehead creased as I try to stare in front and find the person that Prim called. "What is it?" Art asked. She pointed in front, on the other side of the bridge. "I think there's someone there." She muttered. I walked near the bridge and tried to look at the other side. The moonlit isn't that clear on the other side but I saw a silhouette. It is a girl with a black silky hair and short white dress. She is facing the other side so I can't make clear if I know her or if she's one of the scientists.

"Miss?" Matt called but she didn't flinched. I was sure his voice was loud enough that echoed but she seems deaf. "Let's go check it out." Prim said as she begins to take a step on the bridge. Art and I immediately followed her and as she calls her again, the girl's figure became clearer. When we were halfway to the other side, Prim halted and her forehead is creased.

"What is it?" Art asked her. She shrugged before looking at the laptop again. "Something's wrong, Prim?" I asked this time. She looks confused and for a second, her mouth opened and was about to say anything but stopped when she realize what's going on.

"Are you lost?" The girl suddenly talked. Her voice is a little low. "We are going to the other side of the island. Are you lost?" Prim mirrored the girl's question after. Prim let Art hold on to the laptop while she slowly walk forward. She wants to approach the girl but I have a strange feeling about it.

"I. Am. Lost?" The girl uttered monotonously. She looked up and the dark clouds disperses and the blood moonlit hit her. That's when I noticed the red stains on her dress and her arm is bleeding while she's barefoot. Prim stopped and didn't move until the girl slowly look our way. Her innocent face looks pained and her lips tremble. Art and Matt walked towards her but they stop when she talks again.

"Are you Dr. Veronica?" She asked when she stare at Prim. "How did you know her?" I asked. The girl chuckled a little before brushing her hair with her fingers. She turned towards the cliff where the river is below and stares at the moon again. "Are you Dr. Veronica?" She asked in a deadpan tone. She examined our faces one by one before returning her gaze to the moon.

"Who are you?" Matt asked with a puzzled expression. "I. Am. Lost." She murmured before laughing. She held on her stomach before she laughed hysterically. Art and I exchange glances. This girl isn't stable, she's beyond crazy. But why does she know Roni?

"Dr. Veronica Jane Heartfillia." She muttered after laughing. "The outstanding student of Stanford University who became a big shot at the Antigen group of companies." She then hummed.

"Who are you?" Prim asked with a hint of anger in her voice. The girl looked over her shoulder before smiling towards Prim. She extended her left hand and showed a red collar.

"I'm born with the name Luna but I think you can call me ANG-0087-CA." She whispered. Prim immediately took a step backwards as the girl turn around and walked to the edge of the bridge.

"You can also call me test subject 87 or better yet.." She said before her eyes changed to a yellow shade and the one that animals have when they have night vision, like the fishes.

"THE FEMALE ALPHA." She added before she smirked. Her nails became bigger and it turned into sharp claws. She crawled down as her body undergo some changes. She screamed in pain but when I saw how her face is suddenly filled with hair, I grabbed Prim away.

"This is not good." Art said after he muttered a curse. I dragged Prim and started running back to the other side of the bridge. She's a werewolf! "I didn't know they can change back to human form. I thought Roni said they weren't able to change back. Then what the hell is that thing?" Matt asked confusingly as she run past me.

"I should've known that she is the female alpha but I didn't believe what the map is showing me. The red dot that is labeled as ANG-0087-CA is her." Prim said while panting.

"Let's get out of here first and hide before she catches us." Art said. Matt stared at him. He's sweating a lot and I knew then he is scared. I am too. But one thing's for sure, the girl can shift back and forth and that's a dangerous foe.

"Do you think you can run away?" The growling voice of the werewolf echoed as she jumped and blocked us. Her sharp fangs made us shiver in fear. My arm hair rose when her saliva dripped. Prim held my arm tightly as Art and Matt stood there, frozen.

"Oh. Wait a second. You are Dr. Veronica's comrades, aren't you?" She asked. Her low voice changed into a deeper one after she transformed into a werewolf and it almost sound like a loud growl.

"Look at all of you, shaking to death. Are you scared of me?" She said out of mockery. Matt gulped as the werewolf moved closer to him until they are almost face to face. I didn't move and just stare at her, thinking so hard how to get out of here.

"Luna, is it?" Art asked amidst his fear. The female alpha stares away from Matt to Art. She crouched a little, as if preparing for some attack. "H-how did you end up as a test subject?" He added. Luna then growled at Art's face before answering. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what she will do to him. I can't bear to see it anymore, it is driving me crazy.

"I was an intern back then. I'm from Boston University and a graduating student of the Science department. I choose Antigen since it was a newly opened facility and I figured I could work there after I graduate but.."

She turned to Prim and examined our bodies before howling. It was a loud howl and it almost broke my ear drums but I stayed not moving while Prim's hand is shaking on my arm. I stare down, unable to meet the creature's gaze.

"But then Dr. Kim offered a suitable work that I could excel in Antigen, not knowing it would be the end of my ordinary life. I was brought to an underground lab where it can't be reached by the monthly inspection and sanitation. I thought I would become a valuable scientist but when I opened my eyes, Dr. Veronica had already injected the serum in my body." She muttered quietly. It's like she's revisiting that painful memory after.

"I was put in a room while she runs some various tests on me. One day I was able to transform into this monstrous being and by then I knew they were up to something. I initiated the escape route with my fellow test subjects and on full moon we broke out of the facility and headed to the mountains." See turned to me again and this time she looked straight into my eyes.

"Then we found this secluded place for us to live but then Antigen keeps on chasing us and now, he brought Dr. Veronica for us. She was told to capture us but the truth is, Antigen wants me to hand them my baby in exchange for that scientist who did this to me."

My eyes widened in disbelief and I know how surprising this was. Prim gasped as Art turned to me for assurance but I shook my head. I didn't know about this and I'm guessing Roni doesn't know she's been manipulated by her bosses.

"I tried to abduct Dr. Veronica one night but she seems quite brave. There's something in her that may help us and that's also the reason why I agreed." She then turned back to a human again but her white dress is gone and is naked in front of us. I stare at her foot, thinking why Antigen is handing Roni who is their most valuable asset in the company.

"You are willing to give your own child for her?" Art blurted out. She immediately faces him and chokes his neck with her left hand.

"I don't give a damn about this cub inside of me. All I want is revenge." Her eyes were so intense and it is full of anger, pain and sadness. After a few seconds, she lets go of Art and walked a few steps away from us. Art coughed while Prim is helping him to stand. Then a howl was heard in unison with how the wind whistles. She looked over her shoulder and smirk after. She faced us again before transforming into a werewolf once more.

"It seems like Dr. Veronica was already captured. I should head back but first, let me eat."