In accessing the source code, you need to understand the reality of every code as connected to the source even as they are perfectly linked into just one code (LOVE) to access the secret (mind) of the Programmer's thought. When you study carefully Genesis chapter one verse one to three not in the light of your understanding, but in the light of trusting His grace to reach the depth of true peace that passes understanding, you will have true direction into a depth of revelation that reveal your height of divine understanding and this height of divine understanding will bring you to the reality of true knowledge of what happened from the beginning and for sure if you catch the true revelation, you will see where electricity began from. Did you see the turbine rotating over the face of the waters that darkness was over the face of the DEEP? I pray the Lord give you the revelation to catch the true picture of the DEEP, and to help you catch it faster, you can read it from my book title "Divine Enlightenment." To take you further, let me still drive you a little bit deep in a path of digression just to garnish the meal I am to serve you straight from the Father's kitchen. I am His boy and He loves me so much, so I could snick into His mind and get some deep realities and as I present it to you, He will smile and say, "That is my son, He didn't steal it, if he had, he would have kept it to himself, but since He gave it for the benefit of all, He is doing My will."

If God does not give a person the gift of faith, such person will remain blind, even when he or she has the physical eyes opened. It will surprise you to hear that majority of we Christians are blind to the very truth of God's Word. This has vehemently nothing to do with your academic excellence and that is why comprehending, understanding and believing Divine revelation truth will confuse those who think they know and they will end up terming it self-delusion and calling it another gospel. Another gospel is simply the message that does not accept Jesus Christ as Lord, savior and God, projecting self instead of God. divine truth can only be released in God's timing and Daniel 12: 4 and Revelation 10: 4 has already given us a pointer to Revelation 22: 10, but for those of you who thinks you know all of the truth and anything outside what you have come to know is another gospel or heretic, my message to you is Revelation 22; 11 and 12. God deliberately block His truth from view as he may deem it appropriate, especially from those who are not pure in heart or have a genuine hunger for the real things of God. You can see why, the Bible is a coded Divine program and can only be accessed if you will not lean at all on your understanding.

You can never be in your right standing when on your understanding you are leaning.

Matthew 5: 8

Blessed are the pure in heart, for THEY shall see God

So the reason why we are not seeing God, despite our entire claim of faith is because we are not pure in the heart. It will amaze you, the content of the heart of some people who will read this, they will just hiss! And say, this brother is missing it. What a pity for a man to be missing it and thinking in his heart the one on track is missing it.

Matthew 5: 6

Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness, for THEY shall be filled.

"At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast HID these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes" (Matthew 11: 25). "Very I say unto you, except ye be CONVERTED, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18: 3)

God cannot [lace His new wine of truth into old wineskin. On reason that Divine revelation truth remains hidden from Christians and the academic world is that, it is very difficult for people to accept new truth who have already made up their mind about fundamental issues. I could still remember then, when I will tell my friends that "I was born a catholic and I will die a catholic", but today I have not died and I am longer a catholic. I just hope it won't also be in your case as a Christian? God deals with those who are the redeemed sons of His, not Christians, please if you don't know wake up to reality! There is nothing like a woman is partially pregnant, it is either God placed a secret code in the Bible and it saturate everything from top to bottom, or else the pursuit is a waste of time and contains no merit whatever. There is no any other truth than the Word of God, Jesus is God.

We can now continue!

It is the battle of the thoughts, coded in words that have divine propensity to cause change. Lets still consider briefly the Divine Programming manual.

Genesis 1: 1-3

In the beginning God created then heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was hovering over the force of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light" and there was light.

You will discover from the beginning before God spoke light, there was already darkness and the earth which He created was recorded to be formless and void.

Would God create something that is formless and void? The simple answer is NO!

Would God create the heaven and the earth outside His thought? The simple answer is still NO!!

So if God created everything from His thought, it then implies, a contrary thought program, affected the earth and that was why the Scripture recorded that the earth was formless and void, not the heavens. One will be forced to asked "why...?" and the answer would be because, the devil was stripped of his position as the light bearer and was casted down to the earth which is virgin platform that was design to reflect the glory of God's purpose, and an eye typifies the thought program of God's life while eyes typifies the manifestation of God's life called the Spirit which is simply the reflection of an eye, and His intention is to completely separate man from the knowledge of darkness where there is no vision, but the devil acted into the virgin thought of man and corrupt and stripped man of his eyes and gave man a false eye, called lusts (love of the world), and to keep himself alive, he had to put man under mind-control by creating what man desires using man's ignorance to deceive man to create and it will appear as if he is the one who is creating, while in reality he has not that God's capacity to create, but to only act on God's command, but man does have. Since man's desires has been awakened with the love of the things of this world which involve lust of eyes, lust of flesh and pride of life man could no longer effectively communicate with God because of his members warring against the things of the spirit.

Without the thought of men, the devil is absolutely powerlessly powerless. In short he cannot exist outside a man's thought, so he had to strategies and plan to mind-twist and control man, so as to live the life of ignorant men and converts their power to his negative and evil intention to steal, kill and destroy, but with true knowledge of the Word.

Therefore, if heaven and earth is the product of God's thought and He cannot create something that is formless and void, it then implies a contrary thought sets into the equation and that led to the formlessness and void, I still reiterate. This disorder which was not caused by God was what resulted to God speaking His thought and His spoken thought came out of the abundance of His heart which became a counter appearance that followed the void and formlessness of the earth. This is a crystal clear evidence of two contrary thought programs; God's spoken Word which gave birth to light and the contrary thought against God's thought called darkness. So this was where it all started. So immediately man sinned by disobeying God and also judged God and had Him sentence to death by accusing Him that "It was the woman He gave to be with him that gave him the fruit of the tree." God did not deny that fact, so He accepted the penalty and since the wages of sin is death, so man made God became a sin and executed God by shifting blame back to God. Abraham understood this and that was why he shifted the weight of the reality to the answer of the question that Isaac asked him back to God who is the Giver and the simple answer was, "God will provide for Himself the lamb for sacrifice". This implies God died from Genesis, but His death in Genesis was symbolically pointing toward the revelation reality of which He came as man in flesh and blood but full of grace and truth.

The fall of man led man's thought to become reprogrammed against God's and God regretted why He created man (Genesis 6:6) and this so much grieved His heart just like piercing a sword directly into His heart. So it was the bleeding of His heart that created a new course called Divine program which entails God to die to restore the initial program of His original thought. So the content of God's love for mankind now became the blood of Jesus Christ which became the Divine program seal to keep alive the program which is to run throughout humanity operating straight from eternity to perform a heart surgery to blot out every contrary thought program of the devil that is serving as the rival to God's original thought program (man). So God had to release the light from the glory of His field called THE HEART OF THE FATHER'S LOVE.

The devil is not the enemy of God because of God, but the enemy of God because of man, which implies the devil, is man's enemy.

Therefore, LIGHT becomes the source code of knowledge to drive the life of God's divine program and this light is simply the SPIRIT OF GOD, while the Word of God became the programming textbook containing all of the programmer's thought where His life is and all of the secrets of the contrary thoughts program exposed to be able to resist him with knowledge of the truth, not big grammar that is outside the programming manual.

John 1: 4, 5

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.

It became obvious that the light is a person and so likewise the darkness, because if we are to emphasize "comprehend it not", thought cannot be left out which implies there were two program running on earth; the first is darkness, and the counter program is called light, which is simply like an anti-virus to crush darkness, and correct the original program of God's thought that became corrupted with the counter thought against God's.

In order to access the source code, you need to first ACKNOWLEDGE (accept the knowledge) the source and this is only possible by first and foremost accepting the life of the source to kill the life against the source, in order to be able to access the light that will give true vision to have the knowledge of the true light, which implies there is also a light that looks true but not really true, but only an imitation of the very true light and this light is the Divine Access Code called Grace (finished work) and Truth (knowledge of the person that did it all for us and said it is finished), but before this could be possible, you need to receive Him, to have the right (access) to admit the light that will school you into believing in the all mighty power code breaker and the super power code that annuls the contrary thoughts program from the source original thought program sequence and this super power source code is called THE NAME OF GOD which is JESUS CHRIST.

John 1: 12

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.

So the testimony of Jesus and His blood that was shed on the cross of Calvary became our greatest shield from the deadly virus of Satan whose target is our mind through our thoughts. The devil has no power to do anything than to present a false impression, so that the moment we admit it, he magnifies the effect with fear and use that to gain access into our mind and start dwelling on that platform to school us in a high dimension of FEAR (false evidence appearing real) which is simply the very sign of idol worship and the moment we start the course of fear, he allows us to complete the course by replicating the virus with our thoughts, because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks and since whatever we speak becomes active in the negative sense, we end up creating what is far from the supposed. The reason why our words can create is because we are created in God's very image and likeness, the moment we speak out contrary thoughts birthed out of fear, we help the devil to create his world, where he dwells and operate as if he has power, but in reality, absolutely powerless, outside your thought. That is why the knowledge of the truth cannot be overemphasized. Our spiritual birth into the realm of light has nothing to do with flesh and blood, or of the will of man, but of God. And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace (John 1: 13, 16). With the law, the more the lawlessness and the more the love of many will wax cold, but grace and truth come through Jesus, and the more the grace, the more the understanding of the truth, the more liberty we have over the powerless, deceptive and rubbish Satan whose days are numbered to experience total damnation, but before that will happen, I am mandated to absolutely shipwreck him, for terrorizing me for 11 years with fear.

Like John the baptize, I am also a voice by election of grace crying out in the wilderness of this sin driven world, make room for the light, accept the light, for the light has come to give you knowledge of the truth, the very Divine truth kept secret from what seem to appear like truth that majority of us has come to subscribe to and has perpetually refused to make progress even as God is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh, I want you to know that if God overlooks the days of ignorance, He will not overlook these days of knowledge when His Word is revealed in the face of light. Noting can sets a man free like the Divine Truth He is revealing at the time we are in. The two noted deceptive code of the devil is RELIGIONS and SECULARISM.

Accessing the Divine Source Code is simply accessing the life of God (Jesus Christ) and once you have His life, you have His light and it is His light that will birth the true knowledge of God in you that will produce the character of Divinity and this will live Satan mad, scattering his head, tracking all of his secrets. All the programs of God are absolutely perfect and correct, fitting into every body's life, once you discover your program code. I found mine and I extracted God's mind and buried the devil alive with his deceptive tricks, very powerless and helpless in the light of the glory of our Father's love.

The Word of God in the person of Jesus Christ is the devil's counter code and if we can operate with the counter code (Faith), the devil can never track us down to manipulate and make us look stupid, the way majority of us are today, putting on nice coats and appearing good, when deep down inside we are just empty of spiritual contents and lack the right vitality for positive growth. When you know God as you are being known, you will ever keep tracking and making him miserable, much more miserable, before he will be finally and miserably doomed in hell. I hate the devil, because he caused my loving Father so much hurt to the point that He had to give up His life, for me to live life through Him and in Him, because in me there is no life since in me outside God is Satan's seed called self.

16-06-16 ushered me into the dimension of light to start calculating the spiritual realities that are coded, through the help of I AM in my life, I got to discover, everything about life and the Word of God is covertly coded.