Whatever God does there is a purpose for it and IF we can understand the mind of God for us, we will know truly that all things work together for our good.

It is actually a great privilege to write on this subject, and this chapter is actually a continuation of the synopsis and I know, God will through this book guide you to discovering your purpose in life, because a purpose driven life is a life full of direction. You can never fathom the level of activities that is going on in the heart and mind of a man, the dynamics of operation is beyond hyper supersonic system. There is a clear indication that there exists Divine intelligent sequence in the manner in which our brain works with multiple precisions and from ordered precision it is clear that an intelligent Divine programmer must have programmed us and there must be a definite purpose for His individual program on earth.

My life is absolutely written and I also know yours was also, if you can find it the way I have found mine out. I have come to discover that I was born to fulfill Scripture in Him, though by an election of grace, I know for sure that I don't even deserve it all. The reason why God has been calling me is because He wants to point my attention to what is written concerning me and wants me to check them out in order to align my life perfectly, because that is the only thing that will activate my faith in Him to do His ordinance as written concerning me in His Divine program.

I had written something on recurring time, but with a limited knowledge which stops at something calling my attention deeper, leaving me with the quest to search deeper. This was because at that time, that was the only depth I could reach based on the level of my understanding. I have always shared my experiences with some of my friends, but they have no single idea what I was experiencing inside of me, coupled with the pattern of time, that was always flashing me. There was this period, between 2009 or 2010 or there about when I had a complicated fracture on my left leg from playing football. I went along side with my ex-fiancée to treat the fractured leg, but on our way returning back, she was assisting me, because I could not walk on my own. We have the same kind of blue Nokia phone. The pains became severe, so severe that I had to suggest to her, that we should rest a while before continuing. The moment we stopped, looking at my time, it was 07:07 and right in front of us was an identical twin babies. Before we could even get close, they were already smiling and tending toward us to carry them as if they had been use to us for long. Twin time (t: t), twin babies and twin phones. Hmmm! I got much more concerned why all these recurrences. I have always loved to have twin and with strong optimism that I will have one, I just have this strong believe that I will have. So, everything about my life just seems to be recurring and was never letting me be, but always calling my attention deeper. Recurring time became the chord that connects me to my spiritual music that enhances my physical dynamics to blend through life's situations and circumstances, no matter how terrible they tend to oppose, even with an irresistible pressure, my only resistance was to key into the sound waves of my divine chords and sing through, and as I sing through, that is how I will go through and breakthrough and come out strong and better than what I used to be before. This is the reality of my life in I AM. It has always been sweeter for me when I am dead to my thought and deliberately decides to just think Him alone and get lost of His thought of love for me. Nothing exist in God outside His thought and all of His marvelous characters, so I am just imagining, getting lost in God's thought for eternity where by you seizes to exist in your own thoughts, but in God's, I mean vehemently nothing will be able to stand against you. I know what I am saying, because I have come to understand perfectly my Divine program. I am not typing from one book, I am typing directly outside my manuscript, directing from the incidence thoughts from eternity to time, because this was what He is releasing at this moment of my typing. This is how I and My Father do it. He understands me and I am learning to understand more of Him because, His depth is eternally beyond my understanding.

I was actually then struggling to know exactly where this call was calling me into, but now I know. It had been calling me for years, if not for the grace of God, I would have gone nut, but, in my entire life, I had never felt nut. Smiles! This is God's grace, not my power.

I was born in accordance to the declaration of age I have on this date 15-11-1985, I was the number 11 of my symbolic family of 12 with the name EGAH which is interpreted as "The more they are been oppressed, the more they increase and wax stronger." (Exodus 1:12). Looking at the Scripture, you will know it is a symbolic Divine code, 1 meaning VINE which reveals where I am connected to, pointing to the fact that I am connected to Jesus Christ, while 12 represents the total number of my family which stands for the chosen tribes of God symbolic as the children of Israelites. This simply explains that my family has a divine seal, having been led by a Vine's code 1 wherein I in I AM reflect the Vine's code to become a Divine seed occupying the position of witness 11.

I suffered convulsion for 11 years

I was born on the 15- 11-1985

You can see that 11 plays a very crucial role in everything that has to do with my life and this cannot happen by chance, it is simply an intelligent design, not just intelligent, but super intelligence beyond the confines of any scientific knowledge or any philosophy, it can only be God.

I left for my NYSC service 2011 after been delayed as a result of omission of my departmental list from NYSC which I could not understand why, but I never knew God has a purpose for that.

I was separated from the congregation by election of grace to pastor a branch of one of the church I served under as an Evangelist 2011/ 2012 in the course of my NYSC, and worked with their camp (THE LIVING WORD CAMP LTD) 2012 after my NYSC service as a Public Relations Officer, before my separations that led me to become the first resident pastor of the Living Word Revival Assembly Inc. Ikorodu branch, Lagos state. I left the church precisely November 2013, because of my heaven's mandate to resist the new age movement in the entertainment industries and this came as a result of an impulse from God, prompting me to leave my comfort zone and return back to my root where He will be able to do His mind and no man takes the glory, but Him.

If you observe, you will discover a pattern of the number 11 recurring in a unique form, but that does not delete the reality of its appearances. This implies if the recurring time is my Divine Call Code (DCC), then 11 is my Symbolic Position Code (SPC) which could be either spiritual or physical, the nature is actually immaterial, and it is just a pointer to reveal my point of witnesses which explains my message or my assignment here on earth. Don't worry, you will understand soon the point I am trying to make to key you into Divine reality to know that your life is absolutely programmed and there is nothing, vehemently nothing that happens in your life that has not been written in His Word (The Divine Programming Manual).

Journey with me further!

Call Code (CC) for what? This implies I need to find the very code to know exactly where the call is coming from.

After I had had a relationship that lasted from 2008 to 2016, I had to let go because the relationship was sapping out my life and making me lose focus. It was a hard nut for me to chew, letting go my relationship, because, I love my ex-fiancée so much, beyond what words could express, I sincerely do. Even after God has used my Divine Call Code in Deuteronomy 28: 28 to alert me, I was still stubborn, not letting go and if you observe that code, converting it to time, what you will have 10: 10 that is by adding up each number from each side, and this points to John 10: 10. You can check it and you will know how perfect God's Word is. This simply implies because I was selfish not to let go my ex-fiancee, I will be left in utter confusion and all these is the plan of the devil to steal from me, kill my joy and destroy my destiny, but God having been a perfect programmer has actually designed a perfect program to convert the devil's plan to work for my good to teach me the basic principle of life and from that experience, I was able to write four books titled, "The reality of the forbidden fruit", "Marriage; watch it!", "Understanding the purpose of marriage before entering" and "The dynamics of marriage". You could imagine if God had not helped me to know His mind during this period. Truly, it is very, very true that all things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.