You cannot be completely lost in God and be found in the world lusting after flesh, sights and dancing to the music of pride of life, because your pride is the life of Christ Jesus fully revealed in you and through you to enlighten the world out of darkness.

I had to copy this subject from one of my anticipated published book title "The Reality of His Grace" because it perfectly connects with my Divine program, introducing my wife's call which employs the Divine task description to contact call center and as you read carefully you will see clearly the perfect alignment.

I am not referring to a literal music; I mean anything your heart tends toward and you desire to enjoy its dynamics is likened to music.

The worst the Devil can do to you is to keep you from knowing God's Word, because if you know God's Word, you will be free from the world and its lust, The Lord cannot dwell in your heart if your life is driven by lusts. This explains desiring something outside the Word of God.

A man under God's grace operates beyond the confines of sins' dominion.

James 4: 6

But He gives more grace.

Therefore, He says: "God resist the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

The good thing about the grace of God is, it reveals the time and seasons and give you the understanding on how to operate in time, in season and out of season.

Some thing happened on the 2nd of August, 2017. It was around 12:00 am, when my wife and I heard an outcry of dogs barking, with a cry underneath that I sensed not to be that of the dogs. The dogs were actually barking against what they saw making that sound, mimicking them, but sounds much more like the voice of human being mimicking the barking of the dogs. Immediately, I alerted my wife, and all I could hear from her was what I had wanted calling her attention to. She said, "They have come to sow tares and they will not succeed." We were perfectly in tune in the spirit, so we started praying based on the impulse of the Holy Spirit, just the way we were led to resist the witchcraft operations around our vicinity in Gwarandok Jos, Plateau State and God was just leading us specifically into the target points, and we praying even as we were led by the Holy Spirit. Instantly the sound seized, the dogs stopped barking and the environment became very dead silence. When I looked at the time before we continued, it was 12:37 am, which implies we actually sensed the evil presence between the hour of 12: 00 am and since I have the gift of knowledge to interpret enigmas, since time communicates spiritual realities to me by pointing me to the Scriptures that will reveal exactly what God is saying or what is happening at that particular point in time. So we prayed through to 2: 00 am and I had to follow the pattern of my Divine program, using the time to find out the Scriptures and it will amaze you that's the Scriptures reveals clearly, the reality of what was happening, giving me leverage to scan through the Scriptures from Chapter twelve which reveals the twelfth hour when all is at rest with people sleeping and that was why the witches and wizards could come out to sow tares and immediately I opened the Scripture to check after we have finished praying, I went straight to type on my computer system, because it is in my culture to write down any of my spiritual encounter. I was actually typing one of my books title "The reality of His grace" so I had to continue from where I stopped and God kept talking to me. While I opened Matthew 13: 25 this was what I found "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way". I was not surprise that this aligns perfectly with what my wife sensed and this was what stirred up our spirit to pray for over two hours.

The grace of God gives you the understanding of the time to connect perfectly to the frequency of heaven, so that when you pray, you don't pray amiss.

It is better not to pray at all than for you to pray, but amiss. I started searching through the Scriptures using the time as a pointer from the time we sensed the unusual aura which we had previously experienced when I went out to ease myself and came in with a foul odor which was the spell casted by the evil forces and immediately my wife could not stand the smell, so she had to turned away from me (mean sleep against me) and immediately she did that, she saw a figure like smoke completing a circle joining point like ring. Immediately she told me, I was amazed, because that was what I saw, which mean, it was not her imagination. We started praying and prayed fervently. This happened previously before we had this particular encounter on 2nd August, 2017. I started reading the Scripture searched out scan from Matthew 12: 39 which states, "But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." and it will amaze you that she had a previous encounter seeing a flash 333 and woke me up to ask me what the meaning is, and by the help of God, I was able to defile the code 333 as contact call center which talks about praying to God, enquiring from God and petitioning heaven to lodge your case to get clarification over something you don t know or to solve a problem that has to do with you service to the Divine network. And based on the code 333, I had to check 1 Samuel 3: 33 which I converted 33 to 3+3 to have the verse as 6 which read "Then the LORD called yet again, "Samuel!" So Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am, for you called me." He answered, I did not call, my son; lie down again." And to prove the call code that God suddenly flashed in my wife's consciousness while we were sleeping and she woke me up to enquire to find out what that mean, Matthew 12: 40 nailed it with "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Three days and three nights (33) caught my attention and our encounter that led her to enquire from me to find out to know what 333 means was now actually three days and three nights and looking at Matthew 12: 39, the verse 39 reflects the code 333 i.e. 3, 3^2 = 3, 33 where 33 is the verse pointing the reality of her call in 1 Samuel 3: 6, while Matthew 12: 39 pointing the reality of her assignment that she must fulfill. So like Jonah, God is sending my wife with a spiritual assignment to help reveal things that will help the church, using Shepherd House Assembly as the first place of fulfilling her mandate, because charity they said "Begins at home". So like Samuel, my wife brought me into the equation in the revelation picture of Eli and as she woke me up, I sensed that it was God calling her and pointing her to her mandate, because my answered call also came with a flash of light and my response was "Here I am" (Details of this encounter is contained in my anticipated published book title "Building a Giant Divine System" specifically the chapter three titled "Jennifer's code" where the picture of how God told me she was my wife was revealed (You can request for this information if you wish for clearer understanding), and this was the revelation that led me to marrying her, because God told me the secret to my heart desire is in my response then, and when I asked "How?", He asked me to spell the word from back to the front i.e from right to left and when I did, I had "MA I EREH", which is pronounced marry her. I was forced to ask, "Who do I marry?" and since the instruction to get the revelation is in my response, the name came as Mariah. Wow! And today Mariah is my wife, pregnant with my baby, and I got to discover Mariah simply means, Divine answered call "Here I am". Back to the reality of God's grace; it reveals every deep and hidden secrets and exposes the agenda of the enemy because light dwells with God (Daniel 2: 22). This period was the period when my wife's former church, Shepherd House Assembly experienced a terrible loss of their members that went for their women's convention in Abuja, 14 in numbers, 6 died a very painful death and one among the dead was my boss' daughter. So I was privilege to meet brief face to face with the General overseer, Apostle Joshua Talena who was in Jos on the 1st of August, 2017 to extend his condolence to his bereaved members and also pray with them. We went to the church on this day late, 1st of August, 2017 when he was already rounding up and this was the very first day, I saw him face to face despite I had always long to meet with him and we had a hand shake and he just jokingly said, "Look at this hubby that refuse to see me and took away my daughter", he was happy and friendly and I saw His meek spirit in the covering of a lion with the seal of God's mark. While his hand was on my back, I connected his heart and saw, even while he was still saying, "The enemy has failed" and I was just saying Amen! But what I felt from what I saw was, he is a man with an undying passion to ignite true revival, but standing alone with much people, with few who are ready to step into the lion's den to possess their heritage as connected to glory. Why is God bringing this to me and my wife? Because my wife is a true daughter to him, but a question in me was birthed, "Does he really know this?", "Does he know that my wife stepped out to bring in the seer into the heart of the church to tackle the very source of the problem and up root it out rightly? So I decided to sets in, having been a son in law to the church, to reveal what God is impressing to us that even my wife did not understand. My wife is the carrier of God's grace to provoke God's glory, but did the church really recognize this while she was there? I heard, no! But it was all for God's glory for me to come swift in a flash and bring her to the limelight where she will truly answer her call to contact call center (333) and looking at my time right now, it is 2: 59 am which spiritually explains that, it is just a minute to 3:00 am and 3 has the alphabetic code C which typifies CALL meaning my wife who experience 333 before now, which is interpreted Contact Call Center (petition heaven on behalf of the brethren of Shepherd House Assembly and the church at large) has just a moment to answer her true call to say "Here I am" to God in order to do His will and I, her husband will guide to help point her to who is calling her just the way Eli did to little Samuel, having understood that it was God that was calling him.

Sometimes the grace of God delays you to wait to connect to God's very best where your strength can't take you beyond the limit you are, but God sets in and have your strength renewed even in your weakness, so that you will not boast in yourself but in Him. There is no delay in God; what we see as delay is only preparing to announce you at the perfect time when He will make all things beautiful for you.

I sense in the realm of the spirit that my wife is about to be announced to her rightful place of glory and this glory will deliver the church from recurrent evil to assume spiritual duty as a vow (Vessel of Worship) to intercede for the church with the backing of me who is her husband to expose every secrets that has kept the church limited, in my mandated office as a remnant and a vow connecting God to fish out the remnant of the sons of God who are taking root below to bear fruit above (Isaiah 37: 31) amongst the brethren, and expose those who are just doing eye service with truth which will make them uncomfortable and lead them into manifesting their true nature as connected to the serpent who is a deceiver. The church is full of deceivers! Who appears as if they are with the church, but are actually not…. I saw the man of God (Apostle Joshua Talena) standing alone, but with a burning zeal and passion to do the will of God and I felt pained in the heart of my heart and became spiritually concern, and what I saw was a man that needs true sons who can stand to defend the course of his vision at any time t, even in good and in bad times, not sons who are sons alone when it is good and rosy, but sons who will stand when it is bad, stormy and thorny, but will still stand with, not against.

My wife has connected me to the spiritual blood of Shepherd House Assembly and I understand perfectly the implication of blood, so I could feel the dynamics of what the blood is feeling and it seem, majority of the supposed blood are already being corrupted and needs to be cleansed.

Let's get the revelation of our encounter on this day 2nd August, 2017 points to the reality that Shepherd House Assembly Jos, must wake up to….

God points me back to the Scripture to read Matthew 12: 37 which states, "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." And I understood, the reality of speaking God's word to resist evil seeds sown, so in that light, I and my wife prayed fervently and I went out to pour anointing oil outside at some strategic locations and prayed outside before coming in, but before I came in, I also poured part of the anointing oil into the water in our plastic container, because what we sensed, was the enemy coming to sow tares. We prayed for the brethren, the church at large and the man of God and also for her friend who is to be married soon before the evil wind blew and we saw clearly God working out things for good. While we were praying, God was leading me into the Scriptures and Matthew 15: 13 came to view and it reads "But He answered and said, "Every plant which My Heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted." Everything was just perfectly falling in place as connected to the revelation of the tares that was sown as a result of men sleeping instead of being awake. The message is clear, God is telling shepherd House Assembly that they are sleeping when they are supposed to be watching and praying and a church that does not pray becomes prey to the predator the devil whose agenda is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). I read other Scriptures and it all points to same reality of the message God is passing to the church and He is telling the church that He is not God of the dead but God of the living (Matthew 12: 27), therefore the members must rise to cancel the pattern of recurring death that the enemy is using to blackmail the church and make the church appear like an evil church when it is not. Sometimes the height of sacrifice entails death, but not on the ground of the enemy slapping the church, so therefore God is raising another kind of people with the right mindset. While I continue scanning through the Scripture as impressed me through the time of our prayers, I also got Luke 12: 37 and it reads, "Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them." I discovered this present day churches are not watching and praying, they are only talking and playing. They are not staying awake (alert and sensitive in the spirit), they are only sleeping (insensitive and lukewarm) in the spirit but actively alive in the flesh. We have people who comes to church to be noticed, play key roles to be seen as devoted members, but in reality are not, because their services is unto man and you need to know why it is unto men, not that it is unto God, so they end up doing what they do with condition, such that if there is not a call for prayers, brethren will not pray, this is an error. Where are the prayer warriors? A church that is not praying is the lion's den, because wolves will come in sheep clothing and snatch sheep whenever they are sleeping and that is exactly what is happening in our churches today, but God will stand Shepherd House Assembly (any true church) to point other churches to the place of overcoming the enemy and give him a technical knockout. I am using Shepherd House Assembly, because this revelation came as connected to them and this is simply the reality of grace. God told me in an accent loud and clear "And if he should come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. But know this that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into." (Luke 12: 37, 39), but the key message of all that is happening is pointing us to rapture, that it will happen in a flash, just like the experience of those who saw the people who were alive a minute before the accident, saw them dead the next minute. We must prepare the church to be rapture-able and God will not rapture a church with stains, wrinkle and blemish.

God is mandating Shepherd House Assembly to return back to the ordained, the drawing board to do His very agenda in the time we are in and until this is done, the church system can never be stable. This is because any system that has men who are double mindedness can never be stable (James 1: 8). Instability is as a result of double mindedness and double minded people are narrow minded and narrow minds deceives. So you can see that we have more of deceivers in the church that pretends to be for the church, but are not. It is high time the church got to know those who are for them and those who are against them to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff (Matthew 3: 12), but God will clean His threshing floor Himself.

From the scanned Scripture, I got to discover that they are people who possesses Peter kind of mouth when the real test has not come (John 12: 37), but will deny their master at the face of the heat of trials.

The brethren need to be groomed to depend on God's grace, not just what they think they can do for the church. You cannot do anything for God if He does not enable you to. One thing that the church lack is grace and where they is grace, it implies God is resisting the proud (James 4: 6). Grace cannot abound in a church where the set man is humble and the members are proud and envious of each other. One thing that the church need is true love and where there is no love, there will be lawlessness and where there is lawlessness the love of many will wax cold and that is exactly what is happening to our churches today. There is fear in the system, because love has not been made perfect (1 John 4: 18) and where there is no love, people are tormented with all kind of evil manifestations like bitterness, unforgiveness, gossips etc. and these are some of the little foxes that spoils the vine in our churches. We all need to return back to the drawing board; because it is better you have just a single member than having a million populations of people with the wrong mindsets. God does not have not population of people as His focus and that is why the Scripture records that "Many are called but few are chosen". What churches need to find out to ignite the great awakening is simply the remnant of the sons of God who understands what the perfect will of the Lord is and do it, even in the face of death; else the system is going down.

While I and my wife were about concluding the prayers, it came to her like a flash and she had to tell me in order to get a clearer interpretation. In her revelation, we were on the alter in Shepherd House Assembly Jos, and our hands were joined together, and we asked the couples to look for themselves and join hands with their partners and she was told by the spirit of God in this revelation that, if one can put a thousand to flight, two will put tens of thousands to flight and the aim of the prayer is to pray for the church, for our families and the country at large. So I interpreted the revelation as connected to her call code 333 which means contact call center (petition heaven) that the deliverance of the church is based on the agreement of couples and until this true awareness is created, the church will keep suffering lost.

This is the reality of God's grace and in order for the church not to experience disgrace, we must be humble, avoid all evil ways, seek the face of God and pray for God to heal our hearts and restore His glory in our alter. This is a clear indication that a lot of people who climbs the altar of God desecrate and defile the altar, so what comes down as God's glory is strange fire. No matter how clean the set man is, if people who are not clean keep coming to the altar in their filth to make godly pronouncement, they are incurring strange fire. So the entire system of the church needs total spiritual cleansing and this has nothing to do with the conventional ritual, but presenting the very truth of God's Word (John 8: 32), and not cajoling men for the fear of losing them.

Finally, God is telling the church to return back to the first love (Revelation 2; 4) to be able to activate the glory in Mount Zion (Obadiah 1: 17).

While we concluded in earnest, God started speaking to me and I wrote these down;

1. Fan up the flame

2. Wake the brethren up from their sleep and slumber (Ephesians 5: 14- 17) with the consciousness of doing the will of God, not to see miracles, signs and wonders as their focus.

3. Call forth the couples in their pairs and hold hands in agreement decreeing and declaring the mind of God for the church, uprooting anything that is not planted by God and planting things that our ignorance has removed from the church. Note! The deliverance of the church hinges on the agreement of couples who had been able to deal with unforgiveness and who had no grudges over anyone who had terribly, or unduly hurts them.

4. Silence the spirit of recurrent death in agreement and declare every members of Shepherd House Assembly worldwide (the vision I saw, because the Church is going Global, not with men of eye service, but men of passion who are true and are sold out for the truth of the Gospel).

5. Pray in agreement that God will expose any satanic agent in the church who disguise him/herself as a member, but a channel through which the enemy steps into the wreak havoc to the members.

6. Pray that God will restore the glory of the church by turning our mourning into dancing.

7. Pray that God will restore all that the devil has stolen, especially our dignity which will sure vindicate our image as a true church.

8. Pray that God will bring men with the right mindset and reset the mindset of those who are in, provided they are willing, but if not, let them go if they will tarnish the image of the church, whoever they are, being it pastors, deacons, church elders, church workers, choir members etc.

9. Pray that God deliver our ladies from prostitutions and disconnect the single ladies from following married men in order to stop installing the spirit of adultery to the entire church system.

10. Pray that God will expose every wolf in sheep clothing and also expose every married man that is defiling the young girls and installing the spirit of harlotry.

11. Pray that God takes the church to the heart of true worship and teach the church the truth, because the miracle we need is nothing, but the truth of God's Word.

This message came straight from eternity to time to the church from the ray field of the Father's mind through His three eyes witness Patrick Igoche Egah, Ikwue, a remnant of the sons of God who is taking root below to bear fruit above, a vow (vessel of worship) in the symbol of the Two Lampstands in the heart of Jesus' Operating System (Jos), to prepare the church for the return of the Bride Groom. All praise belongs to God! Hallelujah!