How does the reality of all these connects me?

Hannah was actually groaning in the spirit with deep pains like that of a woman in labor. Even before she got pregnant, she was already in labor. Did you catch that? She was in labor to deliver what? So Hannah labor started even when she had not gotten pregnant, revealing that it was much more spiritual than physical.

In the verse 15 of the same 1 Samuel chapter 1, she made it known to Eli the Priest that she was a woman of sorrowful spirit. This simply means brokenness (a true heart of worship). So her conception became twin, one, and the physical for the time she was in, to introduce and usher the second for the fullness of the time. And because her symbolic double portion, it implies, if the first delivery came as a prophet with one dimension of anointing, the symbolic revelation of the second delivery of her spiritual twin baby will only sets in, in the fullness of time when the mystery of God will be finished and because of her desperate heart, her delivery of the pair which took longer period in the space of time will lead to deep groaning and labor to usher in the NEW DIMENSION ANOINTED PROPHET SAMUEL who will now come through the womb of the faithful church in the time we are in. All I am discussing here is spiritual, not just physical, despite we will have a physical manifestation, so do not try to access the reality, from the physical perspective. Catch the revelation and you will see the life!

So Hannah had to start her groaning and labor from then which points to her desire that was conceived even as she petitioned God in her prayers to have a male child, and in her prayers she said, "A male child", but I saw in the revelation of her heart, she said "Twin" and because she spoke out one, the one came in the space of time, but the second was spoken in her thought, which is the body of her spirit, which implies, if the first came in the space of time, the second, having being a spiritual seed, will come in the space of life and what is the space of life? The space of life is simply what is happening in the Divine container, which has S-T as the first and the last of the spirit, which is a clear indication that we are in the time of life and light, such that the reflection of the life (character of God), becomes the light of the world through, the remnant of the sons of God.

To cut the long story short, Hannah's spiritual birth through the end time faithful church, would now become the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation, in the symbol of the two lampstands and the two olive trees. No record about Melchizedek, no record about the man who found Joseph wandering in the wilderness and gave him direction to his brethren, who conspired against him and sold him out to fulfill his destiny as divinely ordained and also there is no record as connected to the lineage of the two witnesses, but we have a clue and the clue is, if the woman who gave birth to a male child is the church, look at the number of days that the two witnesses prophesied and also the number of days that the woman was fed in the wilderness in Revelation 11: 3 and 12: 6. We just have to see from God's thought program to be able to align scriptures to see clearly the picture of what God is trying to paint which He had already painted from the foundation of the earth, but our myopic mind and that is why we keep missing it by attaching literally meaning to what is symbolically pointing toward the revelation of God's thought.

A lot will be revealed to us in the time we are in, and if you think you have known God too much and you need not to accept any other truth other than the one you have known, you will miss it, because you are proud. The Lord is revealing Himself in dimensions and until you also try to align into what God is revealing through other people, even as it is written, you be left behind thinking, you are the only one that God is revealing things to. We seriously need to be very careful; else even in our high level of revelation knowledge, we will still miss it. That brother you think you don't need his knowledge because he is like a boy to you, you need his knowledge more, because God could have in him, the very secret that will help change your life till eternity, by destroying any oata of self-righteousness. Our major problems as believers are simply Self-righteousness and you cannot be too righteous to approach God, because all of your righteousness is only but a filthy rag. Be humble and be teachable and always ready to learn. If you are not teachable as a teacher, your followers will be rebellious, because, if the truth is not from you to them, from them, it can never be true. Guide yourself against pride!